What's Wrong With Being "Angry" ?

Being angry is fine being angry all the time about everything is waste of time that accomplishes nothing. It can also lead to high blood pressure and an increased chance of heart attack or stroke just saying.
I don't want an angry President driven by an angry electorate.

Very little constructive or positive comes from anger. This isn't a surprise.

This is particularly true in politics. Anger creates demagogues, and there is a long list of political failure with demagogues as leaders. This is the type of leadership you see in ruined banana republics.

I want my leader to be rational, intelligent, positive, strong and offer solutions, not rail against others and divide the nation even further.

Obama sucks, but this populist demagoguery in the Republican Party is just as bad.

Anger toward a group of minorities is probably as American as apple pie. It doesn't make it right.

Policies based on that xenophobic anger is only supported by the idiotic and the stupid.
I don't want an angry President driven by an angry electorate.

Very little constructive or positive comes from anger. This isn't a surprise.

This is particularly true in politics. Anger creates demagogues, and there is a long list of political failure with demagogues as leaders. This is the type of leadership you see in ruined banana republics.

I want my leader to be rational, intelligent, positive, strong and offer solutions, not rail against others and divide the nation even further.

Obama sucks, but this populist demagoguery in the Republican Party is just as bad.
BULLSHIT!! A whole lot of good will come from an angry President driven by an angry electorate. That is exactly what we need right now. Constructive and positive changes don't come directly from the anger, but they come from fixing the problems that generated the anger.

I want my leader to be rational, intelligent, positive, strong and offer solutions, and not be afraid to condemn what is wrong, or face up to the divisions of the nation, as they truly are, just to appease somebody's half-ass concept of PC.
A president can do that without being angry and out of control to just to please the far right and libertarian weirdos.
If you think you're passing yourself off as intellectual, you're sadly mistaken. Fact is you're wrong in just about every thing you post here, particularly anything you say about the so-called right wing.
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The far right reactionaries, the John Birch Society, the citizen councils, the KKK are hiding on the dark side already. Anger is appropriate at times but not in formulating policy.
KKK is from the Left. Democrats started it.
Why must you lie? It came from the south, it is still in the south only now they vote GOP. Congrats on that.
I don't want an angry President driven by an angry electorate.

Very little constructive or positive comes from anger. This isn't a surprise.

This is particularly true in politics. Anger creates demagogues, and there is a long list of political failure with demagogues as leaders. This is the type of leadership you see in ruined banana republics.

I want my leader to be rational, intelligent, positive, strong and offer solutions, not rail against others and divide the nation even further.

Obama sucks, but this populist demagoguery in the Republican Party is just as bad.
BULLSHIT!! A whole lot of good will come from an angry President driven by an angry electorate. That is exactly what we need right now. Constructive and positive changes don't come directly from the anger, but they come from fixing the problems that generated the anger.

I want my leader to be rational, intelligent, positive, strong and offer solutions, and not be afraid to condemn what is wrong, or face up to the divisions of the nation, as they truly are, just to appease somebody's half-ass concept of PC.
A president can do that without being angry and out of control to just to please the far right and libertarian weirdos.
If you think you're passing yourself off as intellectual, you're sadly mistaken. Fact is you're wrong in just about every thing you post here, particularly anything you say about the so-called right wing.
Those are your silly words. You are a far right reactionary conservative who cannot think clearly. You rarely have on the Board.
Being angry is fine being angry all the time about everything is waste of time that accomplishes nothing. It can also lead to high blood pressure and an increased chance of heart attack or stroke just saying.
You speak as if one chose to be angry. Anger is a result, not a cause.
Anger toward a group of minorities is probably as American as apple pie. It doesn't make it right.

Policies based on that xenophobic anger is only supported by the idiotic and the stupid.

Regarding race, there isn't any "xenophobic" anything.
The anger of conservatives is primarily toward white liberals, who are the most common perpetrators of affirmative aciton racism. Blacks are less to blame, if they can be blamed at all. They just take what comes along.

PS - liberals need to stop using all the convenient/phony "phobia" words. It is offensive to those of us who really suffer from true phobias.
The far right reactionaries, the John Birch Society, the citizen councils, the KKK are hiding on the dark side already. Anger is appropriate at times but not in formulating policy.
All the far right reactionaries combined (if they actually have any racism) don't even come close to the racism of the NAACP, and other looney, racist black orgs, in their support for affirmative action, which is, the largest malicious racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest group of people, for over 50 years now.
Being angry is fine being angry all the time about everything is waste of time that accomplishes nothing. It can also lead to high blood pressure and an increased chance of heart attack or stroke just saying.
You speak as if one chose to be angry. Anger is a result, not a cause.
One does have a choice I see lots of stuff I could get angry over I choose not to some stuff just isn't worth it.
A president can do that without being angry and out of control to just to please the far right and libertarian weirdos.
Being angry has no equivalence to being out of control. Anger is simply a reaction to injustices, and if one is angry, that indicates a realization of those injustices, thereby putting that president all the more IN CONTROL, to attend to the needed tasks. :biggrin:
Protectionist is the perfect example of the far right xenophobic fear and resentment in the US.
Anger toward a group of minorities is probably as American as apple pie. It doesn't make it right.

Policies based on that xenophobic anger is only supported by the idiotic and the stupid.

Regarding race, there isn't any "xenophobic" anything.
The anger of conservatives is primarily toward white liberals, who are the most common perpetrators of affirmative aciton racism. Blacks are less to blame, if they can be blamed at all. They just take what comes along.

PS - liberals need to stop using all the convenient/phony "phobia" words. It is offensive to those of us who really suffer from true phobias.

Total rubbish.

Conservative Messiah Donald Trump is wanting to ban Muslims (not white liberals) and you guys are goose-stepping behind Der Fuherer.

Any ideas on what the patch they will be required to sew onto their outermost garment will be, Adolph?
In her State of the Union rebuttal (which at times, sounded more like an approval) Nikki Haley said >> “during anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation,” I don't know what she could be thinking to say that, but in my whole life, I have found there to be few times, when I see more legitimate reason for the American people to be ANGRY.

We must resist temptation to follow those who are angry ? Why would we need to "follow" anybody to have anger ? Why would every American not be purely FURIOUS at what they see going on over the past 15 years, and growing worse, year by year. HOW could they NOT have anger to its highest degree ?

1. After 3000 people are killed on 9-11 (in the name of Islam), and dozens more in repeated attacks, the president of the United States, and many misguided Americans follow him to give Islam a pass, and instead condemn those who rightfully report the guilt of this vile ideology (ma, querading as religion), thereby facilitating the work of the jihadist enemy.

2. After Hillary Clinton, a despicable self-servicing opportunist, get 4 heroic Americans killed , by denying security improvements, and then giving stand down orders to CIA troops in Benghazi (who thankfully bucked the orders and fought, and saved lives).

3. After Hillary Clinton endangered the American people by putting her emails on a private, unsecured server, allow enemies the world over to pick through them.

4. When the president of the US sends a low-life criminal (Al Sharpton) to cities to foment unrest and hatred of police, and bludgeon local officials (ex. Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings) into order police to stand down against rioters, allowing them to riot, loot, and burn the city.

5. When Obama and his justice dept go after innocent citizens (George Zimmerman) and police (Darren Wilson) for the purpose of stirring up racial animosity, probably to increase the Democrat voting base.

6. When our military has been gutted, and weakened, and made to look weak as in the takeover of US Navy ships by Iranians, resulting in abusive and threatening talk from Iranian officials.

7. When "our" govt allows Iran to keep building nuclear weapon capability + billions of $$ in sanctions relief.

8. When the president of the US and congressional democrats support sanctuary cities, opposing the Kate's Law, even after the murder of Kate Steinle, and support the illegal presence of millions of illegal aliens, stealing American jobs, as wellas tehns of Billion$ from America's economy (remittances) and tax treasuries (for anchor baby welfare), only to have traitorous and looney liberals and RINOs tell us we shouldn't say "illegal alien" or "anchor baby".

9. When the president of the US removes US troops from Iraq (in 2011) resulting in the vacuum of power that allowed al Qaeda in Iraq (which has been sounded routed) to regroup and retake (as ISIS) large ares of the country, killing thousands of innocent people, and carrying on a genocide against Christians.

10. When Obama and Kerry call for the allowing of 185,000 unvettable Syrian refugees to immigrate into the US, bringing with them hundreds of ISIS killers, who are looking to kill millions of Americans with nuclear and biological bombs. endangering the American people worse than anyone has ever done.

And with all this (and more things not mentioned) we are supposed to be content and happy ?

The real question is why are those who complain about Americans being angry, not angry themselves ? What's their EXCUSE for that ?

I did give up when he claimed George Zimmerman was an innocent citizen.

He is a pussy who shot a 17 year old unarmed boy...
Lets extrapolate on a point made by another poster in this thread--------> We are NOT angry with African Americans, nor Hispanics, nor anyone other ethnic group. Instead, we are angry with left wing loons, the DNC, and the whole Washington apparatus.

It is funny to watch lefties PROJECT and define our anger on to ethnic groups. Standing for laws in force today; that the left has never even attempted to change mind you, defines you as racist in the world according to the left. All the left is doing is attempting to get their people into a "lather," to show at the polls by projecting their narrative. It should be reversed actually, and the left should be seen as anti-American worker, anti-American sovereignty, anti-protection of the American citizenry.

The lefts propaganda is not working this election, and so they MUST try and bring us down to their level. To many people are pissed about what is going on in this country, and so the lefts tactic is to minimize and ridicule Americas anger. They need the angry people to stay home on election day, or they are going to get swamped! Polls on virtually every issue show this conclusively, and they know it. Blue collar workers are jumping ship not seen since the Reagan revolution, and they know this too. NOTICE: the only poll they can site is the one showing Hillary winning in the general. On every poll about the issues, they lose badly, and convincingly.

Once the two candidates from both sides are decided, and their positions on the issues are heralded, watch how fast the polls begin to change. Add to that the probability that the economy is going to slow at least somewhat this year, and no matter how hard the Democrats try to convince, all their bluster is no more than a "paper tiger" attempting to "suppress" the vote by political propaganda.

I seriously doubt it will work, and watching them get more shrill as each day passes, is almost as enjoyable as it will be watching the Republican nominee getting sworn in, in January of 17!
Trump and Cruz are Washington insiders, which make statements
like "Instead, we are angry with left wing loons, the DNC, and the whole Washington apparatus" partially stupid.
Protectionist is the perfect example of the far right xenophobic fear and resentment in the US.
The far left and the looney black lives movement (if there is one) exhibit constant fear and resentment about discrimination against blacks, and they are very vocal about it. But when the discrimination is against whites (and far more than the discrimination against blacks), suddenly it is called to be a bad thing. Just shows the phoniness and hypocrisy of the left, exemplified by JakeStarkey, leftist, phony, hypocrite, anti-white racist.

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