What's Wrong With Being "Angry" ?

Yep, a favorite chew toy on line is back. He is a far right reactionary and a homophobe as well.

He will get angry; it is what he does.
There is no such thing as a "homophobe", and you are highly improper and offensive to those of us who suffer from REAL phobias.

he is just offensive :)

though his overreaction, is quite telling
Probably explains why he likes Spartacus


here boy
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So now you have the government approving religions. Nice.
I said nothing pertaining to that. But the govt DOES approve and disapprove of all things, depending on if they are harmless or harmful to the American people. If they are harmful (including religions), they should be banned, of course. Nothing trumps national security. Do liberals not understand that ?
It is anything but rational, hence the problem.
That is the liberal programming. I know that. But I've provided substance here. You haven't . All you've provided is a deranged (and dangerous) misinterpretation of Islam as not supremacist, not seditious, and harmless. All are wrong (and immensely dangerous).

It is incredible to see the level of danger that liberals are willing to impose on the American people just to accomplish what ?? Get some votes ? They won't help much when you're dead.
It is anything but rational, hence the problem.
That is the liberal programming. I know that. But I've provided substance here. You haven't . All you've provided is a deranged (and dangerous) misinterpretation of Islam as not supremacist, not seditious, and harmless. All are wrong (and immensely dangerous).

It is incredible to see the level of danger that liberals are willing to impose on the American people just to accomplish what ?? Get some votes ? They won't help much when you're dead.
Islam is what it is, it just isn't what you think it is because, as you admit to, you suffer from irrational fear.
We must resist temptation to follow those who are angry ? Why would we need to "follow" anybody to have anger ? Why would every American not be purely FURIOUS at what they see going on over the past 15 years, and growing worse, year by year. HOW could they NOT have anger to its highest degree ?

Because you don't make good decisions when you are angry. That's like common fucking sense, dude.

As far as "things growing worse", every one in every period of history has believed that.
So now you have the government approving religions. Nice.
I said nothing pertaining to that. But the govt DOES approve and disapprove of all things, depending on if they are harmless or harmful to the American people. If they are harmful (including religions), they should be banned, of course. Nothing trumps national security. Do liberals not understand that ?

Government passes laws. You stay within the law, you have no problem from the government. People such as your self full of hate and bigotry cause problems for others. We should ban losers like yourself. The nation would be a much better place if we did.
Our forefathers, with all of their faults, still recognized that a republican government could provide for national security and civil liberties. protectionist's views, though, disagree with that. He needs to be watched as a threat to both.
Your irrational view of Islam is equal to your irrational view of the world, Hand in glove, you are afraid to leave the house...
I not only leave the house, I perform on stage with a variety of musical instruments, every 2 weeks. I don't drive over large bridges though, and I tend to avoid highways which have large overpasses. I've learned to control my agoraphobia. Haven't has a panic attack in years. :biggrin:

My view of Islam is not the slightest bit irrational. You non-fear of it, is what is irrational. For most people, that irrational non-fear comes from IGNORANCE of Islam, due in large part to IGNORANCE of Islamization. This is especially true among liberals, who are generally clueless on Islamization, due to the stark OMISSION of it in liberal media.

Wow! Someone really got under your skin, didn't they?

In her State of the Union rebuttal (which at times, sounded more like an approval) Nikki Haley said >> “during anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation,” I don't know what she could be thinking to say that, but in my whole life, I have found there to be few times, when I see more legitimate reason for the American people to be ANGRY.

3. After Hillary Clinton endangered the American people by putting her emails on a private, unsecured server, allow enemies the world over to pick through them.

It is all part of a right-wing conspiracy !
Hillary loves the American people!

Besides, even if she goes to jail for these crimes,
our great Progressive Founding Fathers, like Eugene Debs
have shown us the way on how to run for President while in jail !!

So there is nothing to fear
If she goes to jail, she will be stronger than ever!

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It is all part of a right-wing conspiracy !
Hillary loves the American people!

Besides, even if she goes to jail for these crimes,
our great Progressive Founding Fathers, like Eugene Debs
have shown us the way on how to run for President while in jail !!

So there is nothing to fear
If she goes to jail, she will be stronger than ever!

Wow, you guys are going to feel so stupid when she wins in November.
It is all part of a right-wing conspiracy !
Hillary loves the American people!

Besides, even if she goes to jail for these crimes,
our great Progressive Founding Fathers, like Eugene Debs
have shown us the way on how to run for President while in jail !!

So there is nothing to fear
If she goes to jail, she will be stronger than ever!

Wow, you guys are going to feel so stupid when she wins in November.

Yes, assuming she gets past the old weak socialist "Bern"
that she is having trouble with....

even from Prison she will be great :)

stupid no...
stupid would be someone claiming Roman Polanski is not a pedophile

We would just feel sorry for America,

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Yes, assuming she gets past the old weak socialist "Bern"
that she is having trouble with....

even from Prison she will be great

Well, probably not. Bern only has legs because we put too much emphasis on IA and NH, and we've given those people outsized influence. Bern doesn't have the resources or support to go the long haul.

For which your side SHOULD be grateful. Bern would be a LOT worse for you people than Hillary.

stupid no...
stupid would be someone claiming Roman Polanski is not a pedophile

No, stupid is not understanding there's a legal difference between "child molestation" and "statutory rape". The latter just isn't that big of a deal.
Well if the Left can enable this guy
anything is possible

at least you stopped blaming the child victim

Your side has insisted on trying 13 year olds as adults and executing them, so you really don't get to call them children, as the law certainly doesn't.

If find it funny that the same people who defended the killing of 12 year old Tamir Rice because an untrained, emotionally unstable police officer shot first and asked questions later, are the ones who insist that this sexually active 13 year old was a "victim" and we need to be punishing this guy 40 years later. .
Our forefathers, with all of their faults, still recognized that a republican government could provide for national security and civil liberties. protectionist's views, though, disagree with that. He needs to be watched as a threat to both.
No, protectionist's views DO NOT disagree with that. YOUR views DO disagree with providing national security. Like all liberals, you are detached from that # 1 mission, entirely. I could give you a quiz on national security, and watch you get every question wrong. :laugh:

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