What's Wrong With Being "Angry" ?

Total rubbish. Conservative Messiah Donald Trump is wanting to ban Muslims (not white liberals) and you guys are goose-stepping behind Der Fuherer.

Any ideas on what the patch they will be required to sew onto their outermost garment will be, Adolph?
Banning Muslims is a good idea. Islam is the root cause of jihad, and that's isn't changed just because some Muslims ignore the nasty parts of the Koran and celebrate the good parts. When radical Muslims immigrate into the US, they generally don't announce they are radical and hell bent on killing thousands (or millions). Thus, there is no way to insure national security is being addressed on this subject other than to stop all immigration of Muslims. Common sense & national security. 2 things liberals don't excel at.

Not only should all Muslims be screened out from immigration (of course), but Islam itself should not exist in the USA at all. It is a supremacist ideology (masquerading as a religion), and as such is in violation of the US Constitution (Article 6, Section 2), the Supremacy Clause which bans all supremacisms (of which Islam is the largest one in the world) Trumo should nit only be calling for a ban on Muslim immigration, he should also be calling for the constitutional ban on Islam that already exists, to be enforced. This would entail elimination of everything Islamic >> mosques, Korans, footwashing basins, etc.
Ask any Jew, Christian, or Muslim to pick one, God or Country? There is only one answer, and it isn't country.
There are tons of homophobes, and other-phobes.
You are improper and offensive also. But then being inoffensive and proper isn't the strong suit of liberals. You guys just follow the marching orders of your masters' programming. Kind of like robots.

Yes, there are other phobes (agoraphobes, claustraphobes, acrophobes, etc)Those are the real phobes - unlike the ones phony liberals devise, for their political propagandizing.
Ask any Jew, Christian, or Muslim to pick one, God or Country? There is only one answer, and it isn't country.

What a dumb post an an open declaration of ignorance about Islam. Islam has nothing to do with "God". That is a 1400 year ruse, con job and you fall for it.

It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.

The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.

And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

Also, Islam is banned by the Constitution, Article 6, Section 2. (the Supremacy Clause)

And Muslims don't see any "Country". They see only the Umma.


Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! | CatchKevin.com

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
'What's Wrong With Being "Angry" ?'

Those who act in anger often act unwisely, absent facts or the truth, making matters worse – particularly when 'anger' is unwarranted.

For most on the right, of course, the 'anger' is solely about having lost the last two presidential elections.
Ask any Jew, Christian, or Muslim to pick one, God or Country? There is only one answer, and it isn't country.

What a dumb post an an open declaration of ignorance about Islam. Islam has nothing to do with "God". That is a 1400 year ruse, con job and you fall for it.

It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.

The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.

And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

Also, Islam is banned by the Constitution, Article 6, Section 2. (the Supremacy Clause)

And Muslims don't see any "Country". They see only the Umma.


Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! | CatchKevin.com

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
Muslims and Jews pray to the same God, the Christians have three. That doesn't change the God or Country choice, pick one and only one...
There are tons of homophobes, and other-phobes.
You are improper and offensive also. But then being inoffensive and proper isn't the strong suit of liberals. You guys just follow the marching orders of your masters' programming. Kind of like robots.

Yes, there are other phobes (agoraphobes, claustraphobes, acrophobes, etc)Those are the real phobes - unlike the ones phony liberals devise, for their political propagandizing.
You suffer from many phobias I suspect, homosexuals and Muslims being just two of them.
'What's Wrong With Being "Angry" ?'

Those who act in anger often act unwisely, absent facts or the truth, making matters worse – particularly when 'anger' is unwarranted.

For most on the right, of course, the 'anger' is solely about having lost the last two presidential elections.
FALSE! It is about these >> (and thanks fro giving me the opportunity to bring them up again) :biggrin:

1. After 3000 people are killed on 9-11 (in the name of Islam), and dozens more in repeated attacks, the president of the United States, and many misguided Americans follow him to give Islam a pass, and instead condemn those who rightfully report the guilt of this vile ideology (ma, querading as religion), thereby facilitating the work of the jihadist enemy.

2. After Hillary Clinton, a despicable self-servicing opportunist, get 4 heroic Americans killed , by denying security improvements, and then giving stand down orders to CIA troops in Benghazi (who thankfully bucked the orders and fought, and saved lives).

3. After Hillary Clinton endangered the American people by putting her emails on a private, unsecured server, allow enemies the world over to pick through them.

4. When the president of the US sends a low-life criminal (Al Sharpton) to cities to foment unrest and hatred of police, and bludgeon local officials (ex. Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings) into order police to stand down against rioters, allowing them to riot, loot, and burn the city.

5. When Obama and his justice dept go after innocent citizens (George Zimmerman) and police (Darren Wilson) for the purpose of stirring up racial animosity, probably to increase the Democrat voting base.

6. When our military has been gutted, and weakened, and made to look weak as in the takeover of US Navy ships by Iranians, resulting in abusive and threatening talk from Iranian officials.

7. When "our" govt allows Iran to keep building nuclear weapon capability + billions of $$ in sanctions relief.

8. When the president of the US and congressional democrats support sanctuary cities, opposing the Kate's Law, even after the murder of Kate Steinle, and support the illegal presence of millions of illegal aliens, stealing American jobs, as wellas tehns of Billion$ from America's economy (remittances) and tax treasuries (for anchor baby welfare), only to have traitorous and looney liberals and RINOs tell us we shouldn't say "illegal alien" or "anchor baby".

9. When the president of the US removes US troops from Iraq (in 2011) resulting in the vacuum of power that allowed al Qaeda in Iraq (which has been sounded routed) to regroup and retake (as ISIS) large ares of the country, killing thousands of innocent people, and carrying on a genocide against Christians.

10. When Obama and Kerry call for the allowing of 185,000 unvettable Syrian refugees to immigrate into the US, bringing with them hundreds of ISIS killers, who are looking to kill millions of Americans with nuclear and biological bombs. endangering the American people worse than anyone has ever done.
You suffer from many phobias I suspect, homosexuals and Muslims being just two of them.
I do suffer from a REAL phobia (the most common one - agoraphobia) But the ones you mention are not phobias. They are contrived ones, that liberals devise, for their political propagandizing.
You suffer from many phobias I suspect, homosexuals and Muslims being just two of them.
I do suffer from a REAL phobia (the most common one - agoraphobia) But the ones you mention are not phobias. They are contrived ones, that liberals devise, for their political propagandizing.
Nope. An irrational fear, which you suffer from, tends to lead to other irrational fears. The fact that we gave them names changes nothing, the fears are real, very.

And, you are number 4: Top 10 Phobias of All Time – 2016 Update

Who is number 1...
Muslims and Jews pray to the same God, the Christians have three. That doesn't change the God or Country choice, pick one and only one...

are you yammering about now ?
Then again, I could do quite all right without an answer.to that.
Muslims and Jews pray to the same God, the Christians have three. That doesn't change the God or Country choice, pick one and only one...

are you yammering about now ?
Then again, I could do quite all right without an answer.to that.
Well, they have an answer, and the answer is God, Nations matter not a damn, in the end.
Nope. An irrational fear, which you suffer from, tends to lead to other irrational fears. The fact that we gave them names changes nothing, the fears are real, very.

And, you are number 4: Top 10 Phobias of All Time – 2016 Update

Who is number 1...
Yes a phobia is an irrational fear. That's why there is no such thing as Islamaphobia and homophobia, because they are NOT irrational fears. They are 100% VALID fears. And no, having a phobia has absolutely NOTHING to do with leading to other irrational fears. HA HA HA. That is so pathetically stupid, I couldn't keep from laughing. Another example of how ANYTHING can be expected to come from the keyboard of a liberal.
Well, they have an answer, and the answer is God, Nations matter not a damn, in the end.
Muslims (and anyone) can pray to God. But praying to God has nothing to do with Islam, which is nothing but insane ideology, created by a genocidal, pedophile maniac, written in the Koran, and codified in Sharia law.
Nope. An irrational fear, which you suffer from, tends to lead to other irrational fears. The fact that we gave them names changes nothing, the fears are real, very.

And, you are number 4: Top 10 Phobias of All Time – 2016 Update

Who is number 1...
Yes a phobia is an irrational fear. That's why there is no such thing as Islamaphobia and homophobia, because they are NOT irrational fears. They are 100% VALID fears. And no, having a phobia has absolutely NOTHING to do with leading to other irrational fears. HA HA HA. That is so pathetically stupid, I couldn't keep from laughing. Another example of how ANYTHING can be expected to come from the keyboard of a liberal.
You have nothing to fear from either homosexuals or Muslims. Now, that being said, a homosexual Muslim Terrorist I would not fuck with, especially at a Weenie Roast and Draw the Prophet Muhammad contest...
Well, they have an answer, and the answer is God, Nations matter not a damn, in the end.
Muslims (and anyone) can pray to God. But praying to God has nothing to do with Islam, which is nothing but insane ideology, created by a genocidal, pedophile maniac, written in the Koran, and codified in Sharia law.
Your irrational view of Islam is equal to your irrational view of the world, Hand in glove, you are afraid to leave the house...
You have nothing to fear from either homosexuals or Muslims. Now, that being said, a homosexual Muslim Terrorist I would not fuck with, especially at a Weenie Roast and Draw the Prophet Muhammad contest...
1. So you DO fear. And you are either a denialist (very common among liberals - it's part of liberal programming), or a total idiot.

2. Would you tell the families of those killed in the Paris attacks, Charlie Hebdo, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino that they have nothing to fear from Muslims ? if you would, then YOU would have something to fear >> being committed to a mental institution by them.
Your irrational view of Islam is equal to your irrational view of the world, Hand in glove, you are afraid to leave the house...
I not only leave the house, I perform on stage with a variety of musical instruments, every 2 weeks. I don't drive over large bridges though, and I tend to avoid highways which have large overpasses. I've learned to control my agoraphobia. Haven't has a panic attack in years. :biggrin:

My view of Islam is not the slightest bit irrational. You non-fear of it, is what is irrational. For most people, that irrational non-fear comes from IGNORANCE of Islam, due in large part to IGNORANCE of Islamization. This is especially true among liberals, who are generally clueless on Islamization, due to the stark OMISSION of it in liberal media.
You have nothing to fear from either homosexuals or Muslims. Now, that being said, a homosexual Muslim Terrorist I would not fuck with, especially at a Weenie Roast and Draw the Prophet Muhammad contest...
1. So you DO fear. And you are either a denialist (very common among liberals - it's part of liberal programming), or a total idiot.

2. Would you tell the families of those killed in the Paris attacks, Charlie Hebdo, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino that they have nothing to fear from Muslims ? if you would, then YOU would have something to fear >> being committed to a mental institution by them.
They actually do have nothing the fear, the terrorists have already struck. The damage is done.

And I have no fear because I don't fear death. It allows me to be, unlike you, truly rational, about all things....
Total rubbish. Conservative Messiah Donald Trump is wanting to ban Muslims (not white liberals) and you guys are goose-stepping behind Der Fuherer.

Any ideas on what the patch they will be required to sew onto their outermost garment will be, Adolph?
Banning Muslims is a good idea. Islam is the root cause of jihad, and that isn't changed, just because some Muslims ignore the nasty parts of the Koran, and celebrate the good parts. When radical Muslims immigrate into the US, they generally don't announce they are radical and hell bent on killing thousands (or millions). Thus, there is no way to insure national security is being addressed on this subject other than to stop all immigration of Muslims. Common sense & national security. 2 things liberals don't excel at.

Not only should all Muslims be screened out from immigration (of course), but Islam itself should not exist in the USA at all. It is a supremacist ideology (masquerading as a religion), and as such is in violation of the US Constitution (Article 6, Section 2), the Supremacy Clause, which bans all supremacisms (of which Islam is the largest one in the world) Trump should not only be calling for a ban on Muslim immigration, he should also be calling for the constitutional ban on Islam that already exists, to be enforced. This would entail elimination of everything Islamic >> mosques, Korans, footwashing basins, etc.

So now you have the government approving religions. Nice.

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