What's wrong with Christianity

Sounds more like things Americans did. Yes there are many Christians in America, but America is much more than that.
Christian values and principles informed American values and principles.
The Bible defines and describes Christianity to a tee. Nothing is not to like about it.

There is plenty not to like about evangelical and dispensationalist churches, though. What they teach is off-the-charts wacky and makes a mockery of the faith.
I'll ask the same thing surada asked. Do you have a verse for that?
John 14:3
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
I think too much Bible, not enough Jesus Christ.
I see way more emphasis on mysticism than morality. Jesus said a lot of inconvenient things people still do not want to hear but Christ the god can be manipulated to support any kind of terrible thing.
Christian values and principles informed American values and principles.
And here I thought our ideas came from the pagan Greeks. How could I be so foolish not to know they came from an non-inclusive tribal religion.
I see way more emphasis on mysticism than morality. Jesus said a lot of inconvenient things people still do not want to hear but Christ the god can be manipulated to support any kind of terrible thing.
The mere fact that terrible things can be done in Christ's name means he is just another religious god; which is so very sad because his philosophy of peace and unity was so badly muddied when they made him a god.
Christian values and principles informed American values and principles.
The same Christian values that would allow the colonies to get along at all until they had a common enemy. The British force them to work together.
I said I would not come back to this forum. I decided I will...at times. But I also slapped a few on iggie.
What I find wrong is not so much the religion, but rather those who take advantage of it. Joel Olsteen and Kenneth Colemann, etc. They do their dancin' and a proclaimin' and a healin' but it's all for show and money.
Osteens car. Yep. The one he drives daily to and from "work".

People are so gullible. And stupid.

Look into the history of the Catholic Church in Europe
I have. The good along with the bad. You appear to be blaming the Church for your leaving the Church. The Church is imperfect, and where it excels is that throughout the Mass and the Sacraments, it is directing and focusing all eyes on Christ--the life, the teachings, The Way of Jesus.

What do you expect to happen when one takes his/her eyes off Jesus and The Way to focus instead on the Church?

What happened to you when you took your eyes off the Body of Christ to focus instead on who was holding up that Body?

Another point as to what is wrong with Christianity: My grandfather was a lifelong atheist. He never could believe and made no excuse for it. Why do so many former Christians or Christians moving from one sect to another feel that great need to offer up excuses/reasons that place blame?

I know a former Catholic who barely mentions his former faith because his focus is on offering insights to how Pentecostals brought him closer to both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I pray that more can be like him and/or my grandfather. Each chose another path without badmouthing the way they left behind.

What's wrong with Christianity​

Not all of them, just like any other groups most are good with a few bad apples to stir things up otherwise life is pretty boring.
I have. The good along with the bad. You appear to be blaming the Church for your leaving the Church. The Church is imperfect, and where it excels is that throughout the Mass and the Sacraments, it is directing and focusing all eyes on Christ--the life, the teachings, The Way of Jesus.

What do you expect to happen when one takes his/her eyes off Jesus and The Way to focus instead on the Church?

What happened to you when you took your eyes off the Body of Christ to focus instead on who was holding up that Body?

Another point as to what is wrong with Christianity: My grandfather was a lifelong atheist. He never could believe and made no excuse for it. Why do so many former Christians or Christians moving from one sect to another feel that great need to offer up excuses/reasons that place blame?

I know a former Catholic who barely mentions his former faith because his focus is on offering insights to how Pentecostals brought him closer to both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I pray that more can be like him and/or my grandfather. Each chose another path without badmouthing the way they left behind.
My father worked his whole life, but he was an ignorant mean drunk who never went to church. My mother was a saint. On his deathbed, mother had the priest give him last rites. She believes that would save him. To me that was grasping at straws. Meaningless.
Not another belief, just another way of expressing it, alone and in the company of others. Remember when the tsunami hit Japan. My roommate set up an altar to convey our prayers for the people of Japan. She went on a vacation, but left a candle, which I tried without success to light because I didn't know that it was battery operated although it looked like a candle, so I added my own. I hope that our prayers reached the Supreme Being and the People of Japan.
The replies were not quite what the godbotherers expected. Not everyone follows the silly ghost story.
Both threads proved very interesting to me. Some answers were very telling of the person doing the telling. Some answers are out right illuminated, inspiring both negative and positive posts had something to offer, not all, of course, but most offered the reader something to ponder.
Not all of them, just like any other groups most are good with a few bad apples to stir things up otherwise life is pretty boring.
You asked. I responded. If you didn't want a particular answer, you shouldn't have started the thread.

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