What's wrong with Christianity

Who is this natural God? No one has ever seen evidence of it. It you are referring to the natural wonders of the universe and calling it God, that's wrong.
I'll ask again, where's your evidence of a god?

As for living free, try being an atheist.
Not a single care in the world, no hangups about some susupernatural ghost watching 24/7, no silly laws to obey and no sins. That's freedom from religion.
Thank you for the offer. I have already found my way and am very pleased with. And again, I cannot prove things that are not of this physical world. This is only a four dimensional world at that.
What's wrong with Christianity? When it is used for the sake of getting gain and not caring about others. When it is a false Christianity!
Nothing at all wrong with 'Christianity', it's fine; it's people who are the cause of their own problems.
If you have negative feelings about something in Christianity feel free to post it here. I created an alternate thread called what is right about Christianity, for those who want to post the like. I'm hoping to avoid the constant bickering that often occurs between posters which ends up distracting from the conversation. Enjoy !

What's wrong in Christianity?

Agree with that. Overall, human beings aren't so bad after all.
"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."

Speaking of the days of Noah:

"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth,(L) and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.(M) 6 The Lord regretted(N) that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled."

So no. Man is not "pretty good"
So do you think that every person who belongs to a religion devoutly studies their scriptures and understands it perfectly? Would you say that about Christians?

Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Messianic prophecies, many of them to a tee. All one has to do is study the scriptures, it's there in black and white. No other person could even possibly be the Messiah because not only do they have to fulfill hundreds of Messianic prophecies but they also have to have the right lineage.

Even in their own scriptures, the Bible itself states that the Jewish people would miss their Messiah. Why, because they were only looking for a conquering king, in a worldly sense, but the Messiah is also described as a "suffering servant"... and then later as a conquering King.

And I know this is very controversial, but another interesting thing is that the scriptures say that the Jewish people have a veil over their eyes… that causes many of them to simply not be able to see the Good News. But another very interesting thing is that in their own writings it says that LATER that veil will be lifted, and they will see the truth, and they will mourn over what happened.
He doesnt have the right lineage. He didnt do any of the major prophecies. Like bringing about the messianic age.
Not to mention, many prophecies he was said to have fulfilled are mistranslations.
You posted a quote from the Bible. How ironic. Ask any judge or lawyer if our laws are based on Christian morals or ethics.
Maybe you should read up on natural law and it's influence on the founding of America.




They were opinions of some of the founding fathers. That's what you posted.

Our form of government is a republic, based on Democratic principles.
The founding statements of the universities in colonial times are FACTS, and the quotes of the founding fathers are representative of the beliefs of all founding fathers.

The philosophy of natural rights was championed by such Founding Fathers as Richard Bland, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, James Madison, George Mason, Robert Carter Nicholas, Peyton Randolph, George Washington, and George Wythe. Indeed, it would be amazing if any Revolutionary leader of the Commonwealth could be found who did not subscribe to the doctrines of natural law and right. Moreover, the doctrine was not limited to the select few who directed Virginia's destinies, but was widely held and continually expressed by the popular asse​
Who is this natural God? No one has ever seen evidence of it. It you are referring to the natural wonders of the universe and calling it God, that's wrong.
I'll ask again, where's your evidence of a god?

As for living free, try being an atheist.
Not a single care in the world, no hangups about some susupernatural ghost watching 24/7, no silly laws to obey and no sins. That's freedom from religion.
It's not a coincidence the universe popped into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence. There's your evidence.
Charles Darwin, Linnæus, Big Bang theory. Ashkenazi Jews and certain other groups have absolute veto and censorship power on science as well as the Catholic Church.

Oh sure. Gay celibate priests are educating fools for bachelorhood and slave ownership.
The word university itself is Latin, derived from universities magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means “community of teachers and scholars.” It is an institution which awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines. It has roots in the European medieval university, which was created in Italy and evolved from cathedral schools spanning back in the 6th century run by priests and nuns. All the system and it’s faculties were in fact invented by the Catholic Church.

There is no salvation under works of the law, or in the deadness of the letter of the law of the church canon.

Nah. It's all gun-grabbing cártel communism with an abortion in a back alley on a suitable confession of a lady's "circumstances" to a celibate male priest. Old Testament medicine in the 21st century.
Ask someone today where Western Civilization originated, and he or she might say Greece or Rome. But what is the ultimate source of Western Civilization? Bestselling author and professor Thomas E. Woods, Jr. provides the long neglected answer: the Catholic Church. In the new paperback edition of his critically-acclaimed book, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Woods goes far beyond the familiar tale of monks copying manuscripts and preserving the wisdom of classical antiquity. Gifts such as modern science, free-market economics, art, music, and the idea of human rights come from the Catholic Church, explains Woods. In How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, you’ll learn:

  • Why modern science was born in the Catholic Church
  • How Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market economics five hundred years before Adam Smith
  • How the Catholic Church invented the university
  • Why what you know about the Galileo affair is wrong
  • How Western law grew out of Church canon law
  • How the Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life

No institution has done more to shape Western civilization than the two-thousand-year-old Catholic Church—and in ways that many of us have forgotten or never known. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization is essential reading for recovering this lost truth.


The founding statements of the universities in colonial times are FACTS, and the quotes of the founding fathers are representative of the beliefs of all founding fathers.

no, not even close - what matters is the written, legal document that is by deliberation strictly secular throughout its text and meaning. those you quote did not contribute to the final version and never were taken seriously.

It's not a coincidence the universe popped into existence being hardwired to produce life and intelligence. There's your evidence.
the cyclical universe transformed from energy back to matter in the most recent cycle - the metaphysical forces that maintains the process are eternal and logically reflective of the life form that naturally evolves, having nothing whatsoever to do with 4th century christianity.
Tempest in a teapot. Just call people what they want to be called. Why the obsession?
Name calling and bullying are not acceptable.
I wasn't aware that refusing (or not remembering) to use their preferred pronoun is considered harassment/discrimination. I think that's an erroneous claim.
Gossiping, slandering, and libeling people with sexual innuendos in the third person is not acceptable either.
Lucifer you stupid Kuuunt...
Dude ain't got no respect for the lady.
Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market economics five hundred years before Adam Smith.
Free markets existed long before the Catholic Church or Adam Smith wrote about them.
The word university itself is Latin, derived from universities magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means “community of teachers and scholars.”
Well, I don't like chancery court magistrate judges telling me what I can and cannot read, write, and speak.
Ask someone today where Western Civilization originated, and he or she might say Greece or Rome
Rome is Western only because Italy is to the West of Greece — Greek Civilization was considered Eastern, not Western — maybe you need a little geographic frame of reference before you ride roughshod over the common people with that Marxist Communist Roman Catholic dictatorship of the proletariat for whom there's a Pope on the throne but the existence of God in Holy Communion in both kinds is denied.
When Jesus returns the Church Age ends
Again, do you have a verse for that?

what is your point?
My point is that Christianity as biblically presented is absolutely right. It's historically accurate, it is arguably the crossroads of human history, and it's even prophetic. Nothing is wrong with it.

The problem is modern Christians who preach their own, extra-biblical brand of Christianity, distorting the message. The Bible does not say the church age ends, for example. In fact, quite the opposite; the church age is forever.

If anything is wrong with Christianity, it's that it seems overwhelmed by false teaching and sometimes seems powerless to combat it.

no, not even close - what matters is the written, legal document that is by deliberation strictly secular throughout its text and meaning. those you quote did not contribute to the final version and never were taken seriously.


the cyclical universe transformed from energy back to matter in the most recent cycle - the metaphysical forces that maintains the process are eternal and logically reflective of the life form that naturally evolves, having nothing whatsoever to do with 4th century christianity.
As far as I'm concerned you're on the right track, are you familiar with Stephen Hawking's eternal inflation theory, he was so close. U={Pi 1<_i <_i _i max} ( 1 ) .Formula is about there too. To be continued....

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