What's wrong with Christianity

Again, do you have a verse for that?

My point is that Christianity as biblically presented is absolutely right. It's historically accurate, it is arguably the crossroads of human history, and it's even prophetic. Nothing is wrong with it.

The problem is modern Christians who preach their own, extra-biblical brand of Christianity, distorting the message. The Bible does not say the church age ends, for example. In fact, quite the opposite; the church age is forever.

If anything is wrong with Christianity, it's that it seems overwhelmed by false teaching and sometimes seems powerless to combat it.
words of the hopeless. sinners.

The problem is modern Christians who preach their own, extra-biblical brand of Christianity, distorting the message.
would that be that everyone is a hopeless sinner - was the message of the 1st century ...

or the 1st was something else, liberation theology - till the 4th - - who's distorting who.
As far as I'm concerned you're on the right track, are you familiar with Stephen Hawking's eternal inflation theory, he was so close. U={Pi 1<_i <_i _i max} ( 1 ) .Formula is about there too. To be continued....
the boomerang theory - matter is traveling on a finite angle of trajectory from the initial moment of singularity explosion that will cause all matter to return to its origin at the same time as a mirror image without ever changing direction - as a boomerang to begin the recompaction and conversion back to pure energy. to complete the cycle.
the boomerang theory - matter is traveling on a finite angle of trajectory from the initial moment of singularity explosion that will cause all matter to return to its origin at the same time as a mirror image without ever changing direction - as a boomerang to begin the recompaction and conversion back to pure energy. to complete the cycle.
Yes, cycle, men at Tufts are addressing that as we speak.
If you have negative feelings about something in Christianity feel free to post it here. I created an alternate thread called what is right about Christianity, for those who want to post the like. I'm hoping to avoid the constant bickering that often occurs between posters which ends up distracting from the conversation. Enjoy !
The hardest things I face with Christianity
1. Forgiveness and really applying this consistently. All people have limits and biases toward forgiving some people or things but not others. But in Christianity, when people make the commitment to follow the Bible, this compels us to resolve issues of unforgiveness and biases or blame we hold for other people.

2. Dealing with secular gentiles under natural laws who don't follow, relate to or may even reject Biblical and Scriptural laws, approaches and culture. Trying to apply the Bible to people who never agreed to follow it can become futile or hostile. So translating the same concepts and message into secular explanations and experiences that any person can understand is a mutual challenge.
I find this level of understanding and outreach very productive and rewarding, but it can still be difficult and discourage people into blaming each other which is sad.

3. Applying the Golden Rule to Constitutional rights, protections and process. I find that trying to meet Christian standards of treating others as we want to be treated runs into a whole new level of contradictions when it comes to politics and Equal Justice Under Law.

Nobody is so perfect we can drop our biases and agree with each other to achieve Equal Justice that includes everyone. Not without higher grace from God whose Justice is that perfect and universal.

The level of forgiveness and healing this takes requires the same depth of spiritual maturity that Christianity teaches as the Kingdom of God on Earth.

I encourage this level of peace justice and understanding of higher truth in all relationships.

But this still brings up all the complications and conflicts between Christianity and how people think and operate in the real world.

Trying to reconcile man's world with God's plans and purpose IS THE WHOLE point and message in Christianity. It is the right ideal, but trying to achieve that is a mutual struggle and a universal challenge for all humanity.
The hardest things I face with Christianity
1. Forgiveness and really applying this consistently. All people have limits and biases toward forgiving some people or things but not others. But in Christianity, when people make the commitment to follow the Bible, this compels us to resolve issues of unforgiveness and biases or blame we hold for other people.

2. Dealing with secular gentiles under natural laws who don't follow, relate to or may even reject Biblical and Scriptural laws, approaches and culture. Trying to apply the Bible to people who never agreed to follow it can become futile or hostile. So translating the same concepts and message into secular explanations and experiences that any person can understand is a mutual challenge.
I find this level of understanding and outreach very productive and rewarding, but it can still be difficult and discourage people into blaming each other which is sad.

3. Applying the Golden Rule to Constitutional rights, protections and process. I find that trying to meet Christian standards of treating others as we want to be treated runs into a whole new level of contradictions when it comes to politics and Equal Justice Under Law.

Nobody is so perfect we can drop our biases and agree with each other to achieve Equal Justice that includes everyone. Not without higher grace from God whose Justice is that perfect and universal.

The level of forgiveness and healing this takes requires the same depth of spiritual maturity that Christianity teaches as the Kingdom of God on Earth.

I encourage this level of peace justice and understanding of higher truth in all relationships.

But this still brings up all the complications and conflicts between Christianity and how people think and operate in the real world.

Trying to reconcile man's world with God's plans and purpose IS THE WHOLE point and message in Christianity. It is the right ideal, but trying to achieve that is a mutual struggle and a universal challenge for all humanity.
Thank you again, you put a lot of thought into what you wrote.
Dealing with secular gentiles under natural laws who don't follow, relate to or may even reject Biblical and Scriptural laws
Those laws are not natural.

All we are left to do in this life, as long as we accept Democrat rule without our vote or consent, is to serve out our punishment under manmade laws and carnal ordinances which are against nature.

But natural law exists, as God's Law, because God created Nature, and natural law condemns and punishes those who impose artificial or societal systems of hideously unnatural punishments and eternal disgrace under mob rule and mental illness gun control and other abominations of law.

The establishment of that communist district which rules America through city hall and the local police station breaks a very high law, whereunder the Establishment falls to temporal and eternal perdition.
Christian or not, it must be admitted that a society that lived according to just the quotations from Jesus would be far better than average.
Christian or not, it must be admitted that a society that lived according to just the quotations from Jesus would be far better than average.
I suspect there are many ideologies that if universally implemented might make Earth "better". That has less to do with the superiority of a specific ideology, and more to do with eliminating conflicts.

Let's not idealize Christianity as a unifying force. If it were, why are there so many different kinds?
- Catholicism
- Protestant
- Baptist
- B'hai
- 7th Day Adventist
- Jehovah's Witness
- etc

If Christianity was a unifying theology / ideology, why does it splinter so?
No. I don't know that the Catholic faith has taken following the ways of Jesus seriously. Look into the history of the Catholic Church in Europe, violent and disgusting, and never following the instructions given in the Sermon on the Mount.Jesus did not declare "apostles." His mother Mary and his wife Mary stood by his side all the way through, yet paul, who never met him, is declared to be an apostle.

My complaint is NOT about "women being first." My "complaint" is about having a church in which all don't participate and one half are discriminated against. You are arguing that the eucharist may only be performed by someone with male genitalia. A person with female genitalia may also perform this supernatural act.
Actually they cant even follow simple bible milk. The bible-condemns the usage of statues, icons, graven images. Catholicism churches and homes are filled with all 3. The bible says--do not call any man-Father( in a spiritual teacher sense. Yet catholicism cant understand this simple bible milk. The Pope is called holy Father--The Pope is a sinner-not holy--God is the holy Father.
At wartime. The spiritual leaders of catholicism. Prayed on both sides to the same God, against their own brothers in Christ-standing on both sides.( the rev war-the civil war-ww1,ww2) The real brothers in Christ would never stand against one another for a mortal run govt. They put Jesus first= Love-Peace-unity.
Free markets existed long before the Catholic Church or Adam Smith wrote about them.
Well, I don't like chancery court magistrate judges telling me what I can and cannot read, write, and speak.
Which has nothing whatsoever to do with western law springing from cannon law.
Rome is Western only because Italy is to the West of Greece — Greek Civilization was considered Eastern, not Western — maybe you need a little geographic frame of reference before you ride roughshod over the common people with that Marxist Communist Roman Catholic dictatorship of the proletariat for whom there's a Pope on the throne but the existence of God in Holy Communion in both kinds is denied.
That's funny because Plato's Republic was describing a caste based socialism.
Those laws are not natural.

All we are left to do in this life, as long as we accept Democrat rule without our vote or consent, is to serve out our punishment under manmade laws and carnal ordinances which are against nature.

But natural law exists, as God's Law, because God created Nature, and natural law condemns and punishes those who impose artificial or societal systems of hideously unnatural punishments and eternal disgrace under mob rule and mental illness gun control and other abominations of law.

The establishment of that communist district which rules America through city hall and the local police station breaks a very high law, whereunder the Establishment falls to temporal and eternal perdition.
Yes justinacolmena
If I am reading your assessment accurately, we agree it is violating natural laws to impose relative bias in policies against the will and consent of others.

I do not see Christians on the left and right uniting to correct this problem by establishing common truth through Christ.

Both abuse party to blame the other, which just fuels and incites more dependence on party and govt on the left side of the equation.

My approach is to recognize each political party and belief as its own Religious Denomination that has equal rights and respinsibilities to fund and follow their own agenda outside govt.

But to hold Democrats to pay for their own social programs, Republicans need to support this not fight and argue against Democrats doing this on their own.

I keep running into Conservatives who "don't believe Democrats can govern for themselves". So if they have no faith, how can we argue for Democrats to have faith in doing all this reform without relying on govt to raise taxes?

Last, I found Christian Anarchists don't have faith in either party, or even in Constitutional laws to check or reform Govt to get back on its correct track.

When Christians can unite, we will get there a lot faster and smoother.

Fighting to reject and bring down each other's groups in a three way free for all is what is making this fail.

We need to pull together on unifying solutions, and use our differences for good, instead of painting and attacking whole groups as bad.

Hoe can we expect Democrats to use their own party system and resources to solve social programs directly? If we keep preaching the liberals are failures, that is why they keep relying on govt to save them.

Real empowerment and equal representation comes from enforcing laws directly. The church does this by teaching Scriptural laws and the govt is Reformed by enforcing Natural laws as in the Constitution.

We get there by mutually correcting and collaborating with each other, not tearing each other down to destroy relations and our national integrity and economy.

I support any points plans or process that helps correct problems and get us all on the same page.

There are many angles and sides to this Rubik's Cube. If we can organize in teams, we can delegate solutions to diverse parties to cover more ground.

Not one side is going to dominate.
The Cube is not all Red or all Blue.

This is going to take some effort to revognize and allow room for different teams to lead different roles of service to different audiences.

Thank you and let's keep sorting this out!!
Actually they cant even follow simple bible milk. The bible-condemns the usage of statues, icons, graven images. Catholicism churches and homes are filled with all 3. The bible says--do not call any man-Father( in a spiritual teacher sense. Yet catholicism cant understand this simple bible milk. The Pope is called holy Father--The Pope is a sinner-not holy--God is the holy Father.
At wartime. The spiritual leaders of catholicism. Prayed on both sides to the same God, against their own brothers in Christ-standing on both sides.( the rev war-the civil war-ww1,ww2) The real brothers in Christ would never stand against one another for a mortal run govt. They put Jesus first= Love-Peace-unity.

Then there was the botched "reformation," and the world ended up with all sorts of idiocy, while still hanging on to violence. Now we have prancing, yelling, stomping "pastors," "biblical infallibility," discrimination against all sorts of people, any nonsense the Southern Baptist "theologians" can think up, guns, "endtimes" and "rapture," etc. The "confederates" of the Civil War certainly did not stand up for their enslaved "brothers in Christ." They fought to be able to continue to own and abuse them. Many of them have not stood up for their "sisters in Christ" of any color, either. These Catholics and these Protestants give the impression that Christianity, as a faith supposedly founded on the life and teachings of Jesus, has no substance and is circling the drain. It took quite a lot of time and effort to evolve a Christianity with no Jesus in it.
words of the hopeless. sinners.

would that be that everyone is a hopeless sinner - was the message of the 1st century ...

or the 1st was something else, liberation theology - till the 4th - - who's distorting who.

What? I don't understand what you're saying.
How long are you going to play 20 Questions?

if you have something to say lets hear it
One question. I've been asking one question. One that you haven't answered.

And so as I've been saying (apparently you want to hear it again), Christianity's weakness is that the modern church has been teaching a message contrary to the Scriptures.
One question. I've been asking one question. One that you haven't answered.

And so as I've been saying (apparently you want to hear it again), Christianity's weakness is that the modern church has been teaching a message contrary to the Scriptures.

Exactly.. Looks like clergy competing for wealth and power to me.
Exactly.. Looks like clergy competing for wealth and power to me.
Paul despaired of the faithful (especially the alarming number of gullible women) being fooled by an errant gospel, always learning but never fully comprehending the truth (3:1-7).

The Bible has a finite number of words and should be comprehendible (eventually). But when the message from the pulpit strays from the Bible, of course the clergy can make up pretty much any sermon they want. When an assembly is not getting the big picture, of course it will never fully comprehend the truth and remain loyal (and generous) to the clergy.

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