What's wrong with Christianity

After he got out of prison Cyrus Scofield
You are repeating unproven rumor spread by Scofield enemies

there is no evidence of that

and even if true it would not take away from Scofields later work
I was born into Christianity in the form of the Catholic faith. I quit Catholicism due, in part, to its misogyny and the fact that its leadership in the form of a monarchy. Having seen other "Christians" adopt these same mistakes and even identify political views with Christianity, I am ready to quit. None of this, NONE OF THIS, has anything to do with any belief in Jesus. So much of Christianity has been made false by identifying a belief in Jesus with some sort of authoritarian politics, not only in the present day but over centuries, that I wonder what is left to believe in. It appears that "Christianity" is a false religion. It appears that what I believed in was false.
Catholicism has turned many people away from Christianity. There are many sexual deviants and misfits that hide out in the Catholic church. It's very tragic. However, that's not Christianity. Some people are misled because they look at the deviants as a reflection of God instead of keeping their focus on Jesus. Jesus warned us of false prophets and false teachers. There are many true Christian churches teaching the truth. It's your job to seek the truth. Otherwise, saying Christianity is the problem is just a cop out, and you're only harming yourself for eternity. It's your responsibility to find the truth. Seek, and you shall find.
This is truly odd. A church in the US that is 53% women and has over 720,000 women in consecrated positions (as opposed to about 100,000 men) is guilty of hating women?

Further, each parish is in charge of its own affairs, with the pastor at its head. Yes, to keep everyone in sync with the Catholic faith we have bishops (in charge of diocese); archbishops (in charge of archdiocese) cardinals (coordinators between archdiocese and Rome) and the Pope, who has nothing to do with parish affairs.

Parish affairs may take up one homily per year; diocese affairs perhaps another homily. Meanwhile the Mass and all other homilies all center around the Bible and the life of Jesus and/or other Biblical readings.

How did your parish keep you focused on hating women and apparently on the Pope's schedule instead of Jesus and Biblical teachings?
And most Catholic women ignore the church's position on birth control.

But guess what the Catholics won't excommunicate them for it because they need more new little Catholics to bolster their flagging membership
It's my experience that religion has nothing to do with gods and everything to do with control.
You are repeating unproven rumor spread by Scofield enemies

there is no evidence of that

and even if true it would not take away from Scofields later work

LOLOL Cyrus Scofield was a defrocked lawyer who abandoned his family and went to prison for criminal forgery.

He was hired by Untermyer to write a Bible that would promote Christian Zionism. He went of to found Dallas Theological Seminary to spread his heresy.

The Shocking Truth About C.I. Scofield
In fact, as documented in Joseph Canfield’s stunning exposé book, The Incredible Scofield and His Book (available through the ministry for $25, plus shipping), Mr. Scofield was a crooked, adulterous lawyer who abandoned his wife and was paid handsomely by New York Jewish plotters to betray the Christian faith. Scofield planted "Judaizer seeds" in his Bible commentaries denying Christ’s heavenly kingdom,

Cyrus I. Scofield -- A "Christian" Disgrace!
He was one of the most famous ministers of the turn of the century in the USA -- Cyrus I. Scofield. We will see how he defrauded his mother-in-law out her life savings and how he was convicted of forgery. In another case, he was sent off to prison. You will learn how he openly carried on with other women, and abandoned his wife and family.

C. I. Scofield | Military Wiki | Fandom
Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (August 19, 1843 - July 24, 1921) was an American theologian, minister, and writer whose best-selling annotated Bible popularized futurism and dispensationalism among fundamentalist Christians. 1 Biography 2 Religious significance 3 Notes 4 References 5 External links Cyrus Scofield was born in Clinton Township, Lenawee County, Michigan, the seventh and last child of ...

Heresy in the Heartland: C. I. Scofield: Scoundrel ...
Jan 13, 2014 · Throughout his life, Cyrus I. Scofield proved a resilient and adaptive man who not lack for ambition. His temperament allowed him to always keep moving forward, undeterred by and unchained to past errors. Whatever else, he was, Scofield was a self-made, and frequently re-made, man.
Catholicism has turned many people away from Christianity. There are many sexual deviants and misfits that hide out in the Catholic church. It's very tragic. However, that's not Christianity. Some people are misled because they look at the deviants as a reflection of God instead of keeping their focus on Jesus. Jesus warned us of false prophets and false teachers. There are many true Christian churches teaching the truth. It's your job to seek the truth. Otherwise, saying Christianity is the problem is just a cop out, and you're only harming yourself for eternity. It's your responsibility to find the truth. Seek, and you shall find.

What's wrong with Christianity​

However, that's not Christianity.
Otherwise, saying Christianity is the problem is just a cop out, and you're only harming yourself for eternity. It's your responsibility to find the truth. Seek, and you shall find.
are you correctly disavowing the 4th century christian bible - state church or the roman empire - otherwise, in your own words, you are - "harming yourself for eternity" - rather your chances for admission to the Everlasting.

simply as being a sinner, will be what is true - for all eternity. disqualified for admission.

What's wrong with Christianity​



are you correctly disavowing the 4th century christian bible - state church or the roman empire - otherwise, in your own words, you are - "harming yourself for eternity" - rather your chances for admission to the Everlasting.

simply as being a sinner, will be what is true - for all eternity. disqualified for admission.
Not disavowing the Bible. Catholicism.
You cant support that claim

and it would not change Scofield’s later service to God anyway

Every bio on Cyrus Scofield states he was in prison for criminal forgery. He wrote his new Bible in 90 days and had NO religious education.. He's the father of Christian Zionism and Futurism.


Who was Revelation written to? It was written to seven historical churches.

At least three audience factors in Revelation emphasize the original audience and their circumstances; these three factors move us toward the Preterist position. First of all, Revelation 1:4 clearly states that John wrote to particular historical individual churches that existed in his day:

John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, Revelation 1:4 NASB

In Revelation 1:11 he names those churches:

saying, "Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea." Revelation 1:11 NASB
John was not writing a panoramic perspective—he was writing to historical churches.
Chapters two and three contain letters to each of these churches and deal with their specific circumstances.

Secondly, John wrote to these churches in order to be understood. John fully intended that his work be a revelation (Greek: apakolopsis), which means: "to uncover or disclose." He didn't write to obscure the truth, but to reveal it.

Revelation 1:3 tells us that he expected his audience to hear with understanding so that they might apply the principles. He says to all seven of the churches, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Finally, in Revelation 1:9, John said:

I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

Revelation 1:9 NASB
John was a companion with his audience in the Tribulation. John and the seven churches are all in the Tribulation together as he writes.

Revelation's contemporary expectation together with the factors of audience relevance argue strongly for a Preterist view of Revelation.

In Revelation 1:1 John specifically states that the prophecies of Revelation would begin to take place in a very short time:

The Revelation of Jesus the Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, Revelation 1:1 NASB
A first-century letter written to seven first-century assemblies should be viewed with the same objectivity as any other historical document. Yet Christians will unmoor it from its historical contexts. They haven't a clue as to the events that were happening in Judea as the New Testament was being penned. No wonder all their theories and their inability to fully comprehend the truth. And so the same old tired messages keep emanating from the pulpit that no one ever remembers the next day.

The primitive Christians' correspondences were all addressed to each other, yet contemporary Christians believe they're the intended audience for those correspondences.

The church feeds right into this dismissal of audience relevance, and that's not just a hurdle for those who actually read the Scriptures to overcome; it's a mountain. That's the only thing wrong with Christianity; it seems unable to overcome the errors of the church.
A first-century letter written to seven first-century assemblies should be viewed with the same objectivity as any other historical document. Yet Christians will unmoor it from its historical contexts. They haven't a clue as to the events that were happening in Judea as the New Testament was being penned. No wonder all their theories and their inability to fully comprehend the truth. And so the same old tired messages keep emanating from the pulpit that no one ever remembers the next day.

The primitive Christians' correspondences were all addressed to each other, yet contemporary Christians believe they're the intended audience for those correspondences.

The church feeds right into this dismissal of audience relevance, and that's not just a hurdle for those who actually read the Scriptures to overcome; it's a mountain. That's the only thing wrong with Christianity; it seems unable to overcome the errors of the church.

Great post.. Christians do try to reinvent what the Revelation letter reveals.
the christian bible is - - > catholicism.

* there is no lite version - without born as sinners and messiah / servitude: someone is daywalking. bs filter.
Is a Christian a member of the Catholic church or someone who believes the Scriptures and has faith in Jesus Christ?
And most Catholic women ignore the church's position on birth control.

But guess what the Catholics won't excommunicate them for it because they need more new little Catholics to bolster their flagging membership
Church Law is not made by politicians. The political motto is, "There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader."

Church position on birth control is in variance from Church teaching on life--that it is God's greatest gift to us. Should the Church follow God, or should the Church follow the Political precept of, "There go the people...."

It is probably safe to say that every Catholic, somewhere along the way, has broken some Commandment, law or rule. Not once has the Church said, "Well, there go the people..." Instead, the Church's position has been the same as Christ when Jesus turned to his Apostles and asked, "Will you leave me, too?" Their response, "To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

Neither Jesus nor the Church said, "There go the people..." Instead, they remain with the people who are steadfast. And, emulating the father in the Prodigal Son, welcomes back sinners.

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