What's Wrong with Drones?

Joe Steel

Class Warrior
Dec 11, 2009
I've seen a number of articles and comments opposing the use of drones to kill terrorists. I can't imagine why anyone would object to that practice. Killing terrorists without risk to American service personnel seems a pretty good idea to me.

What's the problem?
And if dozens of innocent bystanders get killed to get 1 terrorist, oh well, that's life.

That happens with manned aircraft, too. Why should we put Americans in danger if the risk to civilians is not substantially different?
Shoudl be harder to kill people than it is. Maybe by at least putting people in harm's way we'll think about whether it's really necessary.
Shoudl be harder to kill people than it is. Maybe by at least putting people in harm's way we'll think about whether it's really necessary.

Fair enough. The flip-side of that coin, though, is passing-up opportunities to get the bad guys because we might threaten civilians. That can lead to a far greater level of violence and death than that which we impose on the civilian population.

Secondly, are the civilians really innocent bystanders? They're tolerate the terrorists among them. Do they deserve to bear no risk at all?

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