What's wrong with firing squad?

I would prefer firing squad. And I am pretty sure there are some out there that would not mind at all being behind the rifle.
I think that would depend on the condemned subject's crime and/or his social history.

I personally harbor more compassion toward a mouse in a spring trap than I would toward some human offenders. And I think publicly administered guillotine execution should be considered as punishment for some crimes, such as child molestation, sadistic premeditated murder, and some examples of forcible rape. I'm sure it would serve as a significant deterrent for such offenses.

You can't make child molestation a capital offense. As terrible as the crime is, it is still not the same as killing someone. Even the Old Testament vengeance laws of a sinister god didn't go beyond an eye for an eye justice. Death for an eye so to speak is not justice. And this is coming from someone who was molested as a child.

Aside from general principles of morality based justice, there are two other points to consider as well.

First, most child molesters are suffering what could be considered to be mental illness. Most offenses are non-violent as well. These people are sick. Most don't want to be sick. There are even many pedophiles who do NOT actually offend or act on their impulses. Putting more stigma on it, and calling for a death penalty will make it less likely these people will seek treatment, and therefore makes them more likely to offend.

Second, if they do offend, if there is a death penalty they have no reason to leave a living witness. You will see a sharp increase in the number of sex offense victims being murdered, with fewer perpetrators being brought to justice.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Hanging, electrocution, gas chamber and firing squad were once not considered cruel and unusual, not in the context of what the founding fathers and others after them considered cruel and unusual. Heck, electrocution and the gas chamber were developed as humane methods of execution, for their time.
The problem that arose with firing squads were the people doing the actual shooting, many had difficulty dealing with it before, during and after the fact.
Properly done hanging is probably still one of the fastest, least cruel ways to carry out an execution.

Yes and New Hampshire and Washington are the only two states where one can be hanged.
personally, I believe that if you murdered another person you should be put to death in the exact same manner, and the victim's family should be given the opportunity to mete out justice if they wish.

In the case of multiple victims,family members can fraggle for it.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

I don't agree with the death penalty, but if it's going to be done, I don't see a problem with firing squad at all.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to include other crimes like child molestation (I know you don't agree) but also that it should be used ONLY if there is absolutely no doubt the perpetrator is guilty.
My reason for including child molesters is indeed they are "miswired" and there is no cure plus they do a lot more psychological damage to many of their victims than some are willing to admit.
As for those creatures who are serial killers it should be an automatic death sentence to be carried out immediately after sentencing, they may have human form but there is nothing human about their predatory view, treatment of others.
I would prefer firing squad. And I am pretty sure there are some out there that would not mind at all being behind the rifle.

I always have preferred hanging or the electric chair as a method of execution. Firing squads and beheading (especially with a sword) imply to me a level of honor that most criminals don't deserve.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

That would be my preference. Swift and over with.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

That would be my preference. Swift and over with.

Two men accused of spying are facing the firing squad. When the prison commandant finishes blindfolding the two of them, he asks, "Do either of you have any last requests? Would you care for cigarettes?"

The first prisoner spits in the direction of the commandant's voice and growls, "Keep your damned cigarettes, you son of a bitch! I'll take nothing from a dog the likes of you!"

Hearing that, the second prisoner nudges the first and whispers, "Psst! Bill, don't make trouble."
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Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

I don't agree with the death penalty, but if it's going to be done, I don't see a problem with firing squad at all.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to include other crimes like child molestation (I know you don't agree) but also that it should be used ONLY if there is absolutely no doubt the perpetrator is guilty.
My reason for including child molesters is indeed they are "miswired" and there is no cure plus they do a lot more psychological damage to many of their victims than some are willing to admit.
As for those creatures who are serial killers it should be an automatic death sentence to be carried out immediately after sentencing, they may have human form but there is nothing human about their predatory view, treatment of others.
I'm pretty much convinced that judges in capitol cases should be issued a .357. The condemned should leave the courtroom in a bag.
It's too messy. You need people to clean up after each one.

Now Jodi Arius should be thrown in the shower and stabbed to death but she's the exception.
I'm for the death penalty in 100% certain cases. I would add child rape to it too, not in a 18 yo and 16 yo, but a child and adult. I don't think they can be cured and many pedophiles do rationalize it and see nothing wrong with it.

I don't agree with the deterrent argument, the death penalty is a penalty, not the death deterrent. Old sparky does have a romantic appeal going for it but with all the talk of green energy hanging is the way to go. Mankind had it down to a fine science by the middle ages, the neck can be broken with the right height/weigh ratio and the deal is done.

Recycled hemp rope is sure to win over some objection, especially when you throw in the food, energy, space, personnel and CO2 savings.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Where do I sign up to save the country some money?? Dang......I'll bring my own shit too!!!:2up: Firing squad is very humane!!! Six head shots = instant kharma.
I'm for the death penalty in 100% certain cases. I would add child rape to it too, not in a 18 yo and 16 yo, but a child and adult. I don't think they can be cured and many pedophiles do rationalize it and see nothing wrong with it.

The problem there is how to you define child and adult? You have to draw a line somewhere.

But even in the most blatantly obvious cases of child abuse by a vicious predator, I still don't agree with the death penalty. Mostly because it won't deter the offender, instead it will be a powerful reason for the offender to kill the victim and dispose of the remains in a way so as to never be found.

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