What's wrong with firing squad?

I'm for the death penalty in 100% certain cases. I would add child rape to it too, not in a 18 yo and 16 yo, but a child and adult. I don't think they can be cured and many pedophiles do rationalize it and see nothing wrong with it.

The problem there is how to you define child and adult? You have to draw a line somewhere.

But even in the most blatantly obvious cases of child abuse by a vicious predator, I still don't agree with the death penalty. Mostly because it won't deter the offender, instead it will be a powerful reason for the offender to kill the victim and dispose of the remains in a way so as to never be found.
The line is drawn in every state. That's why we have things like "child" rape. I also said it isn't about being a deterrent, I don't know why so many are focused on prison being a system put in place to act as a deterrent.
The line is drawn in every state. That's why we have things like "child" rape. I also said it isn't about being a deterrent, I don't know why so many are focused on prison being a system put in place to act as a deterrent.

Well, it's not justice either. Revenge is not justice, and two eyes for an eye is not justice.

But yes, the line is drawn in every state. In NY, the way the laws are written, if two 16 year olds have sex they can be tried as adults mutually for statutory rape. No soup for you! FIRING SQUAD! :Boom2:
I am against death penalty, because I know from personal experience that correction and rehabilitation and redemption is only impossible for those who have no hope.

Having said that, death is the only relief for the world and for the offender in certain cases.

Having outlived six pets, to whom we said good bye while they received the needle, I am sure that being put go death by injection of the proper life stopping agent in the body is the most correct and least painful way to administer the death penalty.

With or without the totally ridiculous practice of dabbing the spot of the needle with disinfectant.
The line is drawn in every state. That's why we have things like "child" rape. I also said it isn't about being a deterrent, I don't know why so many are focused on prison being a system put in place to act as a deterrent.
Well, it's not justice either. Revenge is not justice, and two eyes for an eye is not justice.

But yes, the line is drawn in every state. In NY, the way the laws are written, if two 16 year olds have sex they can be tried as adults mutually for statutory rape. No soup for you! FIRING SQUAD!
I mentioned something about the above type scenario, I don't know how to use smaller words for you.

You said revenge, not me. Play your games elsewhere. Punishment isn't revenge.
Beheading with a long sharp sword is both quick and humane.

One quick swing and the death row criminal has fulfilled his obligation to the state. ...... :cool:
Even the worst criminal deserves that his body is treated with decency and human dignity.

Severing the head is a vile practice used by regimes and religions totally devoid of decency and human dignity.
The line is drawn in every state. That's why we have things like "child" rape. I also said it isn't about being a deterrent, I don't know why so many are focused on prison being a system put in place to act as a deterrent.
Well, it's not justice either. Revenge is not justice, and two eyes for an eye is not justice.

But yes, the line is drawn in every state. In NY, the way the laws are written, if two 16 year olds have sex they can be tried as adults mutually for statutory rape. No soup for you! FIRING SQUAD!
I mentioned something about the above type scenario, I don't know how to use smaller words for you.

You said revenge, not me. Play your games elsewhere. Punishment isn't revenge.

Death is not a just punishment for anything other than someone elses death.

And I am not playing games. As I said, you have to draw the line somewhere. I asked where you would draw it, you refused to answer.
Beheading with a long sharp sword is both quick and humane.

One quick swing and the death row criminal has fulfilled his obligation to the state. ...... :cool:
Even the worst criminal deserves that his body is treated with decency and human dignity.

Severing the head is a vile practice used by regimes and religions totally devoid of decency and human dignity.

Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Besides the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional, nothing really. Just the highest court in the land.
Don't agree with firing squads. Public hangings get my vote though.
It would not be if you had ever attended one. Whether you liked it or not. Weather you sere old enough to witness one.
I was young enough to witness one in communist Hungary in 1949. There was no sudden snap of the neck. There was slow suffocation with the body slowly lifted off the ground with rope on the neck. The tongue popping out of the mouth purple beyond description. The gurgling sound you could hear in the utter silence of the crowd forced to witness it at the moment of death.

If that is your preference you are one sick puppy.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to cover more crimes, but reserved for those convicted via DNA/video evidence or multiple reliable witnesses. But yes, firing squad would be so much more efficient. A couple of bullets doesn't cost anything compared to what they need to do for electrocution or lethal injection.

Civilized nations have done away with the death penalty. Just saying
I'm pretty much convinced that judges in capitol cases should be issued a .357. The condemned should leave the courtroom in a bag.

So you're against due process, appeals, and want to see Nazi Peoples Court?
When you've been convicted, you've gotten due process. I'm OK with appeals within, say 90 days, but grounds must be stipulated at verdict. The trial judge could rule at that time if the appeal has merit.

No. I'm not OK with Nazi peoples' Court. You lose! Godwin's law.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to cover more crimes, but reserved for those convicted via DNA/video evidence or multiple reliable witnesses. But yes, firing squad would be so much more efficient. A couple of bullets doesn't cost anything compared to what they need to do for electrocution or lethal injection.

Civilized nations have done away with the death penalty. Just saying
Have you been to Chicago? We are not a civilized nation.
I'm pretty much convinced that judges in capitol cases should be issued a .357. The condemned should leave the courtroom in a bag.

So you're against due process, appeals, and want to see Nazi Peoples Court?
When you've been convicted, you've gotten due process. I'm OK with appeals within, say 90 days, but grounds must be stipulated at verdict. The trial judge could rule at that time if the appeal has merit.

No. I'm not OK with Nazi peoples' Court. You lose! Godwin's law.

You are woefully ignorant of due process. Not meant to insult you. (We are all ignrant of things we don't know.)

You can't set an arbitrary time limit on appeals. Lengthy appeals are largely due to the caseload of courts clogged up with all sorts of cases based on all sorts of bullcrap laws. Same reason our prisons are so overcrowded that we have to parole child molesters and killers after a few years to make room (and more money) for new prisoners.

Secondly, if you agree with an appeals process, then that rules out the .357 int he courtroom.

Third, often an appeal is based on the LACK of judgement by a judge, which is precisely why the case must be heard in a higher court in the first place. This could be based on anything from incompetence, to outright corruption.

Fourth, appeals are often based on new evidence and new or overturned caselaw subsequent to a conviction, often many years later.
The line is drawn in every state. That's why we have things like "child" rape. I also said it isn't about being a deterrent, I don't know why so many are focused on prison being a system put in place to act as a deterrent.
Well, it's not justice either. Revenge is not justice, and two eyes for an eye is not justice.

But yes, the line is drawn in every state. In NY, the way the laws are written, if two 16 year olds have sex they can be tried as adults mutually for statutory rape. No soup for you! FIRING SQUAD!
I mentioned something about the above type scenario, I don't know how to use smaller words for you.

You said revenge, not me. Play your games elsewhere. Punishment isn't revenge.

Death is not a just punishment for anything other than someone elses death.

And I am not playing games. As I said, you have to draw the line somewhere. I asked where you would draw it, you refused to answer.
Give me the exact example you're thinking of. I can't understand every scenario for you. Justice is in the eye of the beholder, if death is the penalty for the sentence then it is just.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to cover more crimes, but reserved for those convicted via DNA/video evidence or multiple reliable witnesses. But yes, firing squad would be so much more efficient. A couple of bullets doesn't cost anything compared to what they need to do for electrocution or lethal injection.
Civilized nations have done away with the death penalty. Just saying
You're a liar. We are a civilized nation and have the death penalty here.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Having had a surgery I can attest that a needle is the most effective way to execute someone. When I had back surgery in 1991 the Doc came in at 8 am and gave me a shot to relax me; half an hour later I remember being taken on a gurney to the elevator when another Doc told the orderly, "take him back, there's been a serious accident on the Freeway". The next thing I knew it was 6 pm and the surgery had been completed.
Give me the exact example you're thinking of. I can't understand every scenario for you. Justice is in the eye of the beholder, if death is the penalty for the sentence then it is just.

I am not thinking of an example. Aren't you the one who said there should be the death penalty for child molesters, but not like someone who is 17? So the onus is on you to give an example. I don't support the death penalty at all, much less for anyone besides murderers.
You're a liar. We are a civilized nation and have the death penalty here.

We are a barbaric, imperialist nation. Hardly the hallmarks of being civilized. There are more people living in American prisons than in any other nation on the planet, including Communist China, and they have something like 4 times as many people as we do overall.
You're a liar. We are a civilized nation and have the death penalty here.

We are a barbaric, imperialist nation. Hardly the hallmarks of being civilized. There are more people living in American prisons than in any other nation on the planet, including Communist China, and they have something like 4 times as many people as we do overall.

Facts. The fact that we imprison more people than China with way less people should signify that we have a massive law and order problem in this country.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

That would be my preference. Swift and over with.

Two men accused of spying are facing the firing squad. When the prison commandant finishes blindfolding the two of them, he asks, "Do either of you have any last requests? Would you care for cigarettes?"

The first prisoner spits in the direction of the commandant's voice and growls, "Keep your damned cigarettes, you son of a bitch! I'll take nothing from a dog the likes of you!"

Hearing that, the second prisoner nudges the first and whispers, "Psst! Bill, don't make trouble."
Heh, must have been trying to appeal to the moderates.

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