What's wrong with firing squad?

I think the death penalty should be expanded to cover more crimes, but reserved for those convicted via DNA/video evidence or multiple reliable witnesses. But yes, firing squad would be so much more efficient. A couple of bullets doesn't cost anything compared to what they need to do for electrocution or lethal injection.

Civilized nations have done away with the death penalty. Just saying
Have you been to Chicago? We are not a civilized nation.
Do you mean Texas? Chicago is very civilized.
The guillotine is the most consistantly effective form of execution invented by man. The only problem is that its really messy.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to cover more crimes, but reserved for those convicted via DNA/video evidence or multiple reliable witnesses. But yes, firing squad would be so much more efficient. A couple of bullets doesn't cost anything compared to what they need to do for electrocution or lethal injection.

Civilized nations have done away with the death penalty. Just saying

That being said, there are cases where I think that the death penalty is indeed appropriate, and that has nothing to do with being civilized, but rather, from protecting civilization.

I would be ok with a firing squad.
Give me the exact example you're thinking of. I can't understand every scenario for you. Justice is in the eye of the beholder, if death is the penalty for the sentence then it is just.

I am not thinking of an example. Aren't you the one who said there should be the death penalty for child molesters, but not like someone who is 17? So the onus is on you to give an example. I don't support the death penalty at all, much less for anyone besides murderers.
I said it's up to the states, there are variations. I also made it clear I wasn't talking about "statutory" examples. I mean forceable rape on a child by an adult. States can determine what adult and child means. You can't fix those types, they need to be dispatched, not cared for.
You're a liar. We are a civilized nation and have the death penalty here.
We are a barbaric, imperialist nation. Hardly the hallmarks of being civilized. There are more people living in American prisons than in any other nation on the planet, including Communist China, and they have something like 4 times as many people as we do overall.
China probably harvests their organs and people are too afraid to go against the law. And in general, a more polite people. If you think we are barbaric and imperialistic, please just get the fuck out. We don't need scumbags like you tearing us down. Go ruin some other place.
Death by firing squad can be completely automated. Mount a machinegun on a fixed pintle mount with a solenoid and a belt of ammo. It is pre-sighted with a belt of 10 rounds and when the time comes you press a button. No muss, no fuss. That being said, I am still not in favor of the death penalty in the majority of cases. There are some where it is warranted, but they are few and far between.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Why not bring back the guillotine? Or seppuku?

There are plenty of ways to kill someone. Why not regress back to primitive barbarism? It appeals to the conservative in us after all.

Seppuku is ritual suicide. I find it difficult to imagine a criminal willingly cutting his belly open.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Why not bring back the guillotine? Or seppuku?

There are plenty of ways to kill someone. Why not regress back to primitive barbarism? It appeals to the conservative in us after all.

Seppuku is ritual suicide. I find it difficult to imagine a criminal willingly cutting his belly open.

I know. Force him to do it! It would be pretty badass right?
I said it's up to the states, there are variations. I also made it clear I wasn't talking about "statutory" examples. I mean forceable rape on a child by an adult. States can determine what adult and child means. You can't fix those types, they need to be dispatched, not cared for.

The states have already determined what adult and child means. And in NY that means that at 16 you can go to prison if you go fuck yourself lol. Well, maybe not that, but serious enough, if two 16 year olds have sex its mutual statutory rape. The age of consent in NY is 17. So you tell me what you think a more reasonable standard would be, which would justify killing a human being.
China probably harvests their organs and people are too afraid to go against the law. And in general, a more polite people. If you think we are barbaric and imperialistic, please just get the fuck out. We don't need scumbags like you tearing us down. Go ruin some other place.

Um, I was here first. YOU get the fuck out. I have native blood in my veins pal. My documented family history goes back to the 1600's when my ancestors from the old and the new worlds intermarried.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Why not bring back the guillotine? Or seppuku?

There are plenty of ways to kill someone. Why not regress back to primitive barbarism? It appeals to the conservative in us after all.

Seppuku is ritual suicide. I find it difficult to imagine a criminal willingly cutting his belly open.

I know. Force him to do it! It would be pretty badass right?

I think you just didn't know what seppuku was. Most westerners don't.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Why not bring back the guillotine? Or seppuku?

There are plenty of ways to kill someone. Why not regress back to primitive barbarism? It appeals to the conservative in us after all.

Seppuku is ritual suicide. I find it difficult to imagine a criminal willingly cutting his belly open.

I know. Force him to do it! It would be pretty badass right?

I think you just didn't know what seppuku was. Most westerners don't.

Well you'd be wrong. You think I would know the word, spelling and all, and not know what it means?
Death by firing squad can be completely automated. Mount a machinegun on a fixed pintle mount with a solenoid and a belt of ammo. It is pre-sighted with a belt of 10 rounds and when the time comes you press a button. No muss, no fuss. That being said, I am still not in favor of the death penalty in the majority of cases. There are some where it is warranted, but they are few and far between.

And those are the ones that usually wind up in a plea arrangement anyway.

Or ones that are too politically charged, like McVeigh. He never should have option for the death penalty. I would have loved to hear what he had to say maybe another 20 years from now, 30 years from now, at some point when he was an old man, about what REALLY happened in OKC. Way too expedient for the government to put his lights out.
I said it's up to the states, there are variations. I also made it clear I wasn't talking about "statutory" examples. I mean forceable rape on a child by an adult. States can determine what adult and child means. You can't fix those types, they need to be dispatched, not cared for.

The states have already determined what adult and child means. And in NY that means that at 16 you can go to prison if you go fuck yourself lol. Well, maybe not that, but serious enough, if two 16 year olds have sex its mutual statutory rape. The age of consent in NY is 17. So you tell me what you think a more reasonable standard would be, which would justify killing a human being.
You can't read. Have some kid walk you through it.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Why not bring back the guillotine? Or seppuku?

There are plenty of ways to kill someone. Why not regress back to primitive barbarism? It appeals to the conservative in us after all.

Seppuku is ritual suicide. I find it difficult to imagine a criminal willingly cutting his belly open.

I know. Force him to do it! It would be pretty badass right?

I think you just didn't know what seppuku was. Most westerners don't.

Well you'd be wrong. You think I would know the word, spelling and all, and not know what it means?

Then logically, how do you force someone to slit their belly open? Further, to do so would require handing a sharp edged instrument to a person who is condemned. I don't know about you, but somehow I think that anyone involved in the corrections field would have a major issue with doing that. Don't you?:eusa_think:
Why not bring back the guillotine? Or seppuku?

There are plenty of ways to kill someone. Why not regress back to primitive barbarism? It appeals to the conservative in us after all.

Seppuku is ritual suicide. I find it difficult to imagine a criminal willingly cutting his belly open.

I know. Force him to do it! It would be pretty badass right?

I think you just didn't know what seppuku was. Most westerners don't.

Well you'd be wrong. You think I would know the word, spelling and all, and not know what it means?

Then logically, how do you force someone to slit their belly open? Further, to do so would require handing a sharp edged instrument to a person who is condemned. I don't know about you, but somehow I think that anyone involved in the corrections field would have a major issue with doing that. Don't you?:eusa_think:

That entire post of mine was satirical. You'll see later I suggested shoving a burning iron up someone's ass. My point is that we have to draw a line somewhere.
You know............there IS a painless, humane way to put people to death.

It's called helium. Helium gas is VERY dangerous, because you can suffocate if you breathe in too much of it. Best way to do the execution? Put the person under with nitrous oxide, and when they go to sleep, replace the nitrous with helium, and they'll be dead within 5 minutes.

Matter of fact, you could even put a small chamber around a chair and pump it in via the floor.

They don't need to use injections that don't work.

Besides.............there are suicide kits that you can buy on the 'net that is nothing more than a bag with a tube that connects to a helium bottle, you have to provide your own helium.

As far as seppuku like someone else mentioned farther up the thread? Nope, that is a ritual suicide that bestows the person doing it with much honor. In the days of the Samurai, when they had done something to bring dishonor to themselves, they were allowed the chance to do seppuku as a way to regain their honor and die like a Samurai. If they didn't want to kill themselves, there was another Samurai behind them, ready to chop off their head if they hesitated.
China probably harvests their organs and people are too afraid to go against the law. And in general, a more polite people. If you think we are barbaric and imperialistic, please just get the fuck out. We don't need scumbags like you tearing us down. Go ruin some other place.

Um, I was here first. YOU get the fuck out. I have native blood in my veins pal. My documented family history goes back to the 1600's when my ancestors from the old and the new worlds intermarried.
You stupid idiot. Your ancestors have nothing to do with you. You didn't herd buffalo or fight any Europeans. Even so, they were immigrants too. You're the one that hates America.

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