What's wrong with firing squad?

Civilized nations have done away with the death penalty. Just saying
Have you been to Chicago? We are not a civilized nation.
Do you mean Texas? Chicago is very civilized.
How many Liberals shot each other there so far in 2014 compared to say, Dallas?

Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides
Dallas data similar to Chicago is harder to find, but as of 11/11, it had 101 homicides, We can extrapolate the year will end with 117 homicides and if we use the same death to shooting rates and the same gun death to total homicide rates, we can estimate
Dallas will end the year with 800 shootings, 100 shot and killed and 117 total homicides
Dallas population is 1.25 million Chicago's is 2.72 million or 2.176 times Dallas' population. Let's recap:
Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides.
Extrapolated for the year 2764 total shootings 440 shot and killed and 516 total homicides
If we multiply Dallas' numbers by 2.176 we get
Dallas for the entire year, 1741 shootings 218 shot and killed and 255 total homicides.

Yeah Chicago is VERY civilized. Come now, Sarah.


You equate every murder in the statistic with Liberals? Really?
The vast majority of shootings in Chicago are black on black. Damned few of the perps are Conservatives.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
And what about the poor Mexicans that you deem illegals? They drop like flies down there just as the poor Blacks used to.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.
I'm generally opposed to the death penalty due to the possibility of executing an innocent person. That said, of all the various methods of execution, I think a firing squad would be the most swift and sure. So would the guillotine for that matter.
How does firing squad actually work? Is it a set group (number) of guys with rifles? Do they fire more than one shot? Do they all aim at the same place? Does it vary from state to state?
I heard even after beheading, you are STILL functioning for a short time. Able to see, hear, speak, AWARE. How awful would that be if true?
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Choot 'Em..................

Then one month later you realize the dirty profit driven lawyer put the wrong person behind bars......

Then "Oops"?
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
That's a fine argument in favor of the firing squad.

Do tell.
Bullet to the heart, death is immediate. No suffering.

So, the reason that the states no longer use it is because why?

Too many bleeding hearts find it cruel and unusual. I say go back to hanging.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

To someone that brutally murdered a victim or victims, there is no such thing as cruel and unusual.
I would prefer firing squad. And I am pretty sure there are some out there that would not mind at all being behind the rifle.
I think that would depend on the condemned subject's crime and/or his social history.

I personally harbor more compassion toward a mouse in a spring trap than I would toward some human offenders. And I think publicly administered guillotine execution should be considered as punishment for some crimes, such as child molestation, sadistic premeditated murder, and some examples of forcible rape. I'm sure it would serve as a significant deterrent for such offenses.

You can't make child molestation a capital offense. As terrible as the crime is, it is still not the same as killing someone. Even the Old Testament vengeance laws of a sinister god didn't go beyond an eye for an eye justice. Death for an eye so to speak is not justice. And this is coming from someone who was molested as a child.

Aside from general principles of morality based justice, there are two other points to consider as well.

First, most child molesters are suffering what could be considered to be mental illness. Most offenses are non-violent as well. These people are sick. Most don't want to be sick. There are even many pedophiles who do NOT actually offend or act on their impulses. Putting more stigma on it, and calling for a death penalty will make it less likely these people will seek treatment, and therefore makes them more likely to offend.

Second, if they do offend, if there is a death penalty they have no reason to leave a living witness. You will see a sharp increase in the number of sex offense victims being murdered, with fewer perpetrators being brought to justice.

Third, people have been convicted of child molestation, despite the fact that the crime never happened!
I am against death penalty, because I know from personal experience that correction and rehabilitation and redemption is only impossible for those who have no hope.

Having said that, death is the only relief for the world and for the offender in certain cases.

Having outlived six pets, to whom we said good bye while they received the needle, I am sure that being put go death by injection of the proper life stopping agent in the body is the most correct and least painful way to administer the death penalty.

With or without the totally ridiculous practice of dabbing the spot of the needle with disinfectant.

I know that the only way someone is going to be rehabilitated is if HE/SHE wants to. You nor I, despite what we do, can do that for them. Also, for some crimes so heinous, they need to be put away.
Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

I don't agree with the death penalty, but if it's going to be done, I don't see a problem with firing squad at all.
I think the death penalty should be expanded to include other crimes like child molestation (I know you don't agree) but also that it should be used ONLY if there is absolutely no doubt the perpetrator is guilty.
My reason for including child molesters is indeed they are "miswired" and there is no cure plus they do a lot more psychological damage to many of their victims than some are willing to admit.
As for those creatures who are serial killers it should be an automatic death sentence to be carried out immediately after sentencing, they may have human form but there is nothing human about their predatory view, treatment of others.
I'm pretty much convinced that judges in capitol cases should be issued a .357. The condemned should leave the courtroom in a bag.

Oklahoma death row inmates appeal injection ruling - AOL.com

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Besides the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional, nothing really. Just the highest court in the land.

Influenced by a bunch of no good bleeding hearts that have more compassion for the one that deserves to die than the innocent victims they killed.
Beheading with a long sharp sword is both quick and humane.

One quick swing and the death row criminal has fulfilled his obligation to the state. ...... :cool:
Even the worst criminal deserves that his body is treated with decency and human dignity.

Severing the head is a vile practice used by regimes and religions totally devoid of decency and human dignity.

You mean like France?

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