What's wrong with firing squad?

Have you been to Chicago? We are not a civilized nation.
Do you mean Texas? Chicago is very civilized.
How many Liberals shot each other there so far in 2014 compared to say, Dallas?

Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides
Dallas data similar to Chicago is harder to find, but as of 11/11, it had 101 homicides, We can extrapolate the year will end with 117 homicides and if we use the same death to shooting rates and the same gun death to total homicide rates, we can estimate
Dallas will end the year with 800 shootings, 100 shot and killed and 117 total homicides
Dallas population is 1.25 million Chicago's is 2.72 million or 2.176 times Dallas' population. Let's recap:
Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides.
Extrapolated for the year 2764 total shootings 440 shot and killed and 516 total homicides
If we multiply Dallas' numbers by 2.176 we get
Dallas for the entire year, 1741 shootings 218 shot and killed and 255 total homicides.

Yeah Chicago is VERY civilized. Come now, Sarah.


You equate every murder in the statistic with Liberals? Really?
The vast majority of shootings in Chicago are black on black. Damned few of the perps are Conservatives.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
Don't take my word, Sarah, but do do your due diligence before you tell me you know better.

I posted a graph showing killers and victims by race in Chicago. THAT is not yammering. Yammering is arguing against statistics that say the vast majority of shooting victims and their assailants in Chicago are black.
Crime doesn't discriminate...
Neither to statistics.
like cons do....
Do you have statistics that prove Conservatives discriminate more than Liberals?

Yammering again?
you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime...

Of course not. View the graph. Blacks, that vote overwhelmingly for Liberals do most of the crime.
I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
In other words, you don't want to chance finding the truth, but would much rather live in your ivory tower world where white Conservatives are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I can explain it to you, Sarah, but I can't understand it for you.
And what about the poor Mexicans that you deem illegals? They drop like flies down there just as the poor Blacks used to.

We don't "deem" them illegals...we have laws and rules on how to become American Citizens and how to legally enter the country....just like Mexico does.....and those who broke those laws entered our country "illegally" hence the term...illegal alien.......
Can you tell they're illegals just by looking at them? I believe Az wanted them to start carrying papers and to allow Sherrif Joe to stop them. Comon, you all hate Hyspanics down there.

That's what SB1070 was all about - basically, Driving While Brown.

A national law enforcement org showed that Pima county sheriff, Clarence Dupnik was #1 in the country for actually catching and deporting illegals while Arpaio is #13. Arpaio doesn't actually do much except brag about what he'll do in the future. Just re-elect the old fart, that's all he cares about.

Not all of AZ is racist and stupid though. There are Christian groups who put out water for them and I never hesitated to help those who came to my door.

Mexicans are just like everyone else - there's good and bad and they're mostly good.
Well...democrats are the ones who hung innocent blacks because of their race.....I believe in the death penalty for convicted killers, regardless of race, and hanging is cheaper than 2,000 dollar ar-15s and the bullets to shoot the convicted killer...

So....was that shining the light on democrat cockroaches....did that help?
And what about the poor Mexicans that you deem illegals? They drop like flies down there just as the poor Blacks used to.

We don't "deem" them illegals...we have laws and rules on how to become American Citizens and how to legally enter the country....just like Mexico does.....and those who broke those laws entered our country "illegally" hence the term...illegal alien.......
Can you tell they're illegals just by looking at them? I believe Az wanted them to start carrying papers and to allow Sherrif Joe to stop them. Comon, you all hate Hyspanics down there.

No....we have illegals from around the world....but if they have no legal identification then when they are arrested we can determine their legal status.....
And what about the poor Mexicans that you deem illegals? They drop like flies down there just as the poor Blacks used to.

We don't "deem" them illegals...we have laws and rules on how to become American Citizens and how to legally enter the country....just like Mexico does.....and those who broke those laws entered our country "illegally" hence the term...illegal alien.......
Can you tell they're illegals just by looking at them? I believe Az wanted them to start carrying papers and to allow Sherrif Joe to stop them. Comon, you all hate Hyspanics down there.

That's what SB1070 was all about - basically, Driving While Brown.

A national law enforcement org showed that Pima county sheriff, Clarence Dupnik was #1 in the country for actually catching and deporting illegals while Arpaio is #13. Arpaio doesn't actually do much except brag about what he'll do in the future. Just re-elect the old fart, that's all he cares about.

Not all of AZ is racist and stupid though. There are Christian groups who put out water for them and I never hesitated to help those who came to my door.

Mexicans are just like everyone else - there's good and bad and they're mostly good.

Except when they break the law...regardless of why they did it.....just as the people of South and Central America are arrested, jailed and deported when they break the immigration laws of Mexico....
Do you mean Texas? Chicago is very civilized.
How many Liberals shot each other there so far in 2014 compared to say, Dallas?

Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides
Dallas data similar to Chicago is harder to find, but as of 11/11, it had 101 homicides, We can extrapolate the year will end with 117 homicides and if we use the same death to shooting rates and the same gun death to total homicide rates, we can estimate
Dallas will end the year with 800 shootings, 100 shot and killed and 117 total homicides
Dallas population is 1.25 million Chicago's is 2.72 million or 2.176 times Dallas' population. Let's recap:
Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides.
Extrapolated for the year 2764 total shootings 440 shot and killed and 516 total homicides
If we multiply Dallas' numbers by 2.176 we get
Dallas for the entire year, 1741 shootings 218 shot and killed and 255 total homicides.

Yeah Chicago is VERY civilized. Come now, Sarah.


You equate every murder in the statistic with Liberals? Really?
The vast majority of shootings in Chicago are black on black. Damned few of the perps are Conservatives.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
Don't take my word, Sarah, but do do your due diligence before you tell me you know better.

I posted a graph showing killers and victims by race in Chicago. THAT is not yammering. Yammering is arguing against statistics that say the vast majority of shooting victims and their assailants in Chicago are black.
Crime doesn't discriminate...
Neither to statistics.
like cons do....
Do you have statistics that prove Conservatives discriminate more than Liberals?

Yammering again?
you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime...

Of course not. View the graph. Blacks, that vote overwhelmingly for Liberals do most of the crime.
I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
In other words, you don't want to chance finding the truth, but would much rather live in your ivory tower world where white Conservatives are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I can explain it to you, Sarah, but I can't understand it for you.
In this country only a small part of the eligible voters bother to vote. You really think that thugs and criminals bother to vote?
Isn't it ironic that Conservatives so concerned with a powerful government doing wrong all the time, according to them, and consistently inept, again according to them, have no problem with that same wrong and inept government meting out the death penalty?

Isn't it ironic that Conservatives living in contempt of an intrusive state, a state that, according to them, seeks to control every aspect of their lives, support the state in delivering the ultimate punishment? And the state does this in their names, as well as mine.

Where Justice is concerned, the Conservatives see no problem in withholding that justice to those who may have been wrongly accused.

I guess the government is seen as noble when meting out cruelty to those who have been captured and then " interrogated". And that same state that threatens the Conservatives insatiable need to avoid taxation is competent enough to execute.

Isn't it ironic?

Unless you consider just how uncivilized the Conservative outlook truly is where justice and truth are concerned.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
That's a fine argument in favor of the firing squad.

Do tell.
Bullet to the heart, death is immediate. No suffering.

So, the reason that the states no longer use it is because why?

Too many bleeding hearts find it cruel and unusual. I say go back to hanging.

Again. If you could be right 100 percent of the time, I could agree with that. But, you can't.
How many Liberals shot each other there so far in 2014 compared to say, Dallas?

Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides
Dallas data similar to Chicago is harder to find, but as of 11/11, it had 101 homicides, We can extrapolate the year will end with 117 homicides and if we use the same death to shooting rates and the same gun death to total homicide rates, we can estimate
Dallas will end the year with 800 shootings, 100 shot and killed and 117 total homicides
Dallas population is 1.25 million Chicago's is 2.72 million or 2.176 times Dallas' population. Let's recap:
Chicago to date 2385 shootings 380 shot and killed 445 total homicides.
Extrapolated for the year 2764 total shootings 440 shot and killed and 516 total homicides
If we multiply Dallas' numbers by 2.176 we get
Dallas for the entire year, 1741 shootings 218 shot and killed and 255 total homicides.

Yeah Chicago is VERY civilized. Come now, Sarah.


You equate every murder in the statistic with Liberals? Really?
The vast majority of shootings in Chicago are black on black. Damned few of the perps are Conservatives.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
Don't take my word, Sarah, but do do your due diligence before you tell me you know better.

I posted a graph showing killers and victims by race in Chicago. THAT is not yammering. Yammering is arguing against statistics that say the vast majority of shooting victims and their assailants in Chicago are black.
Crime doesn't discriminate...
Neither to statistics.
like cons do....
Do you have statistics that prove Conservatives discriminate more than Liberals?

Yammering again?
you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime...

Of course not. View the graph. Blacks, that vote overwhelmingly for Liberals do most of the crime.
I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
In other words, you don't want to chance finding the truth, but would much rather live in your ivory tower world where white Conservatives are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I can explain it to you, Sarah, but I can't understand it for you.
In this country only a small part of the eligible voters bother to vote. You really think that thugs and criminals bother to vote?
Those that do, it's safe to say, vote Democrat.
Isn't it ironic that Conservatives so concerned with a powerful government doing wrong all the time, according to them, and consistently inept, again according to them, have no problem with that same wrong and inept government meting out the death penalty?

Isn't it ironic that Conservatives living in contempt of an intrusive state, a state that, according to them, seeks to control every aspect of their lives, support the state in delivering the ultimate punishment? And the state does this in their names, as well as mine.

Where Justice is concerned, the Conservatives see no problem in withholding that justice to those who may have been wrongly accused.

I guess the government is seen as noble when meting out cruelty to those who have been captured and then " interrogated". And that same state that threatens the Conservatives insatiable need to avoid taxation is competent enough to execute.

Isn't it ironic?

Unless you consider just how uncivilized the Conservative outlook truly is where justice and truth are concerned.
Isn't it ironic that Liberals want the right to kill innocent babies but cringe at the idea of killing violent criminals?
Isn't it ironic that Conservatives so concerned with a powerful government doing wrong all the time, according to them, and consistently inept, again according to them, have no problem with that same wrong and inept government meting out the death penalty?

Isn't it ironic that Conservatives living in contempt of an intrusive state, a state that, according to them, seeks to control every aspect of their lives, support the state in delivering the ultimate punishment? And the state does this in their names, as well as mine.

Where Justice is concerned, the Conservatives see no problem in withholding that justice to those who may have been wrongly accused.

I guess the government is seen as noble when meting out cruelty to those who have been captured and then " interrogated". And that same state that threatens the Conservatives insatiable need to avoid taxation is competent enough to execute.

Isn't it ironic?

Unless you consider just how uncivilized the Conservative outlook truly is where justice and truth are concerned.
Isn't it ironic that Liberals want the right to kill innocent babies but cringe at the idea of killing violent criminals?
Correction, we already have the right to choice. It is you all anti choicers attempting to take it away.

You equate every murder in the statistic with Liberals? Really?
The vast majority of shootings in Chicago are black on black. Damned few of the perps are Conservatives.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
Don't take my word, Sarah, but do do your due diligence before you tell me you know better.

I posted a graph showing killers and victims by race in Chicago. THAT is not yammering. Yammering is arguing against statistics that say the vast majority of shooting victims and their assailants in Chicago are black.
Crime doesn't discriminate...
Neither to statistics.
like cons do....
Do you have statistics that prove Conservatives discriminate more than Liberals?

Yammering again?
you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime...

Of course not. View the graph. Blacks, that vote overwhelmingly for Liberals do most of the crime.
I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
In other words, you don't want to chance finding the truth, but would much rather live in your ivory tower world where white Conservatives are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I can explain it to you, Sarah, but I can't understand it for you.
In this country only a small part of the eligible voters bother to vote. You really think that thugs and criminals bother to vote?
Those that do, it's safe to say, vote Democrat.
How do you know? What if they're sociopaths who think torture is OK? What if they are gun toting vigilantes out to right society's wrongs by killing blacks or homeless people? What if they're angry white men seeking 2nd amendment solutions to their low bank account and self esteem? Probably republican voters.
Isn't it ironic that Conservatives so concerned with a powerful government doing wrong all the time, according to them, and consistently inept, again according to them, have no problem with that same wrong and inept government meting out the death penalty?

Isn't it ironic that Conservatives living in contempt of an intrusive state, a state that, according to them, seeks to control every aspect of their lives, support the state in delivering the ultimate punishment? And the state does this in their names, as well as mine.

Where Justice is concerned, the Conservatives see no problem in withholding that justice to those who may have been wrongly accused.

I guess the government is seen as noble when meting out cruelty to those who have been captured and then " interrogated". And that same state that threatens the Conservatives insatiable need to avoid taxation is competent enough to execute.

Isn't it ironic?

Unless you consider just how uncivilized the Conservative outlook truly is where justice and truth are concerned.
Isn't it ironic that Liberals want the right to kill innocent babies but cringe at the idea of killing violent criminals?
Correction, we already have the right to choice. It is you all anti choicers attempting to take it away.
You choose to kill innocent babies, I choose to kill violent criminals. AND you have the right choice? You don't see any irony there, do you?
The vast majority of shootings in Chicago are black on black. Damned few of the perps are Conservatives.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
Don't take my word, Sarah, but do do your due diligence before you tell me you know better.

I posted a graph showing killers and victims by race in Chicago. THAT is not yammering. Yammering is arguing against statistics that say the vast majority of shooting victims and their assailants in Chicago are black.
Crime doesn't discriminate...
Neither to statistics.
like cons do....
Do you have statistics that prove Conservatives discriminate more than Liberals?

Yammering again?
you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime...

Of course not. View the graph. Blacks, that vote overwhelmingly for Liberals do most of the crime.
I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
In other words, you don't want to chance finding the truth, but would much rather live in your ivory tower world where white Conservatives are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I can explain it to you, Sarah, but I can't understand it for you.
In this country only a small part of the eligible voters bother to vote. You really think that thugs and criminals bother to vote?
Those that do, it's safe to say, vote Democrat.
How do you know? What if they're sociopaths who think torture is OK? What if they are gun toting vigilantes out to right society's wrongs by killing blacks or homeless people? What if they're angry white men seeking 2nd amendment solutions to their low bank account and self esteem? Probably republican voters.
How do I know? I read and learn. I research crime statistics. I don't emote.
Now you're just yammering. Crime doesn't discriminate like Cons do, you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime. Your side is buying up all the weapons, remember?

I am not taking your word on anything Ernie, I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
Don't take my word, Sarah, but do do your due diligence before you tell me you know better.

I posted a graph showing killers and victims by race in Chicago. THAT is not yammering. Yammering is arguing against statistics that say the vast majority of shooting victims and their assailants in Chicago are black.
Crime doesn't discriminate...
Neither to statistics.
like cons do....
Do you have statistics that prove Conservatives discriminate more than Liberals?

Yammering again?
you get who you get and it isn't only Libs doing the crime...

Of course not. View the graph. Blacks, that vote overwhelmingly for Liberals do most of the crime.
I just haven't had the opportunity or motivation to look all that crap up.
In other words, you don't want to chance finding the truth, but would much rather live in your ivory tower world where white Conservatives are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I can explain it to you, Sarah, but I can't understand it for you.
In this country only a small part of the eligible voters bother to vote. You really think that thugs and criminals bother to vote?
Those that do, it's safe to say, vote Democrat.
How do you know? What if they're sociopaths who think torture is OK? What if they are gun toting vigilantes out to right society's wrongs by killing blacks or homeless people? What if they're angry white men seeking 2nd amendment solutions to their low bank account and self esteem? Probably republican voters.
How do I know? I read and learn. I research crime statistics. I don't emote.
Oh really? Is there some statistic that shows who criminals vote for or if they even vote at all? Or are you just being snarky and trying to push the meme that democrats are criminals?
Isn't it ironic that Conservatives so concerned with a powerful government doing wrong all the time, according to them, and consistently inept, again according to them, have no problem with that same wrong and inept government meting out the death penalty?

Isn't it ironic that Conservatives living in contempt of an intrusive state, a state that, according to them, seeks to control every aspect of their lives, support the state in delivering the ultimate punishment? And the state does this in their names, as well as mine.

Where Justice is concerned, the Conservatives see no problem in withholding that justice to those who may have been wrongly accused.

I guess the government is seen as noble when meting out cruelty to those who have been captured and then " interrogated". And that same state that threatens the Conservatives insatiable need to avoid taxation is competent enough to execute.

Isn't it ironic?

Unless you consider just how uncivilized the Conservative outlook truly is where justice and truth are concerned.
Isn't it ironic that Liberals want the right to kill innocent babies but cringe at the idea of killing violent criminals?
And for all the rights Conservatives claim they cherish, for all the contempt they have for 'intrusive government', the right of a woman to reproductive freedom is one they always harken back to. They would deny a woman her right to her own future and back up that denial by using an intrusive government.

And the irony piles up deeper and deeper.

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