What's wrong with firing squad?

All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Or we could just stop killing people for crimes, as it is too expensive to have any certainty that you aren't killing the wrong guy.
We should kill for more crimes. Any crime which would earn you more than 10 years in prison and/or over $100,000 in fines/restitution/etc, should get you 1 appeal, and upon confirmation you should face a firing squad within a month.

We should kill for more crimes. Any crime which would earn you more than 10 years in prison and/or over $100,000 in fines/restitution/etc, should get you 1 appeal, and upon confirmation you should face a firing squad within a month.

Wow, you guys really are nuts. I'm wondering what makes people like you so angry.
Corporate bailouts, banksters, bullshit riots like all this Furgeson nonsence, politicians in general, etc.
We don't "deem" them illegals...we have laws and rules on how to become American Citizens and how to legally enter the country....just like Mexico does.....and those who broke those laws entered our country "illegally" hence the term...illegal alien.......
Can you tell they're illegals just by looking at them? I believe Az wanted them to start carrying papers and to allow Sherrif Joe to stop them. Comon, you all hate Hyspanics down there.

That's what SB1070 was all about - basically, Driving While Brown.

A national law enforcement org showed that Pima county sheriff, Clarence Dupnik was #1 in the country for actually catching and deporting illegals while Arpaio is #13. Arpaio doesn't actually do much except brag about what he'll do in the future. Just re-elect the old fart, that's all he cares about.

Not all of AZ is racist and stupid though. There are Christian groups who put out water for them and I never hesitated to help those who came to my door.

Mexicans are just like everyone else - there's good and bad and they're mostly good.

Anyone who helps illegal aliens in any way should be locked up. Putting out water for them should be a felony punished with at least 20 years at hard labor (walling off Mexico).
Not the Christian approach. Don't say we are a 'Christian' nation with your crappy attitude.

The next time you see the Statue of Liberty, hang your head in shame.

I will give you one hundred billion dollars if you can point to where I said we are a "Christian nation". For that matter, I will give you one trillion dollars if you can point to where I claimed to be a Christian.
Post proof of your ability to pay.
All this hoopla. And I have to agree with the inmates with it being now experimental. Electrocution would suck and so would the gas chamber. Hanging can be drawn out unless done right..like someone pulling the legs to snap the neck. So that leaves firing squad. Chest and head....you is DAID. No fuss, no muss.

Or we could just stop killing people for crimes, as it is too expensive to have any certainty that you aren't killing the wrong guy.

It is less expensive than allowing them to live their entire life behind bars...filing appeals and attacking the justice system with nuisance law suits.....just because you don't kill them doesn't mean they stop trying to hurt people....
Isn't it ironic that Liberals want the right to kill innocent babies but cringe at the idea of killing violent criminals?
Correction, we already have the right to choice. It is you all anti choicers attempting to take it away.
You choose to kill innocent babies, I choose to kill violent criminals. AND you have the right choice? You don't see any irony there, do you?
Im not killing innocent babies, you choose to call it that. Im pro choice. If I choose to end a pregnancy, the law is on my side.
It is. The law sucks. I have no idea how many abortions you've had, or if you're having one tomorrow. I really don't much care, but if you're having abortions, you're killing innocent babies. Call a fetus a lump of cells, an inconvenience or a "pre-person" or anything else that will make you feel better about yourself.
I call a fetus a baby.
So at what point do we start treating it like a human being? A dependent? It is not a baby until it can breathe and live on it's own, Ernie. It's also nobody's business how many I or any woman intend to have. Especially some man who doesn't even know when life actually begins.

I'm not continuing this abortion topic anymore with you. Go talk to some other Christian righter who can agree with your mixed up emotions on this topic.

Wow....the denial of life....when it is convenient......how much energy from your brain does that take......?
It is less expensive than allowing them to live their entire life behind bars...filing appeals and attacking the justice system with nuisance law suits.....just because you don't kill them doesn't mean they stop trying to hurt people....
Don't forget that the tax payer is responsible to pay for every harm that befalls a prisoner. We pay to keep worthless people alive and we pay for everyone they keep hurting.

It's time to come down from our moral high-horse and exicute people who demonstrate an unwillingness to live in sociaty peaceably.
Correction, we already have the right to choice. It is you all anti choicers attempting to take it away.
You choose to kill innocent babies, I choose to kill violent criminals. AND you have the right choice? You don't see any irony there, do you?
Im not killing innocent babies, you choose to call it that. Im pro choice. If I choose to end a pregnancy, the law is on my side.
It is. The law sucks. I have no idea how many abortions you've had, or if you're having one tomorrow. I really don't much care, but if you're having abortions, you're killing innocent babies. Call a fetus a lump of cells, an inconvenience or a "pre-person" or anything else that will make you feel better about yourself.
I call a fetus a baby.
So at what point do we start treating it like a human being? A dependent? It is not a baby until it can breathe and live on it's own, Ernie. It's also nobody's business how many I or any woman intend to have. Especially some man who doesn't even know when life actually begins.

I'm not continuing this abortion topic anymore with you. Go talk to some other Christian righter who can agree with your mixed up emotions on this topic.

Wow....the denial of life....when it is convenient......how much energy from your brain does that take......?
All of it.
Hmmm. No mistakes with a guillotine. Messy, but no mistakes.

The only debate here to me is "Is the person really guilty" because many in LAW are not.

Law, directed by the 2%, are the root problem of everything in this Country. (How is that lazy person getting welfare? A 2% Lawyer got him/her that welfare and is receiving a major portion of it as payment).

Almost all politicians are Lawyers. And many law firms are the top contributors to politicians.

If I didn't cover any Lawyer bases here..

What is the most funny about America is the people who hate big Gov. yet stand firm behind Law and not common sense.
Hmmm. No mistakes with a guillotine. Messy, but no mistakes.

The only debate here to me is "Is the person really guilty" because many in LAW are not.

Law, directed by the 2%, are the root problem of everything in this Country. (How is that lazy person getting welfare? A 2% Lawyer got him/her that welfare and is receiving a major portion of it as payment).

Almost all politicians are Lawyers. And many law firms are the top contributors to politicians.

If I didn't cover any Lawyer bases here..

What is the most funny about America is the people who hate big Gov. yet stand firm behind Law and not common sense.
You realize common sense doesn't actually exist, right?
Hmmm. No mistakes with a guillotine. Messy, but no mistakes.

The only debate here to me is "Is the person really guilty" because many in LAW are not.

Law, directed by the 2%, are the root problem of everything in this Country. (How is that lazy person getting welfare? A 2% Lawyer got him/her that welfare and is receiving a major portion of it as payment).

Almost all politicians are Lawyers. And many law firms are the top contributors to politicians.

If I didn't cover any Lawyer bases here..

What is the most funny about America is the people who hate big Gov. yet stand firm behind Law and not common sense.
You realize common sense doesn't actually exist, right?

You meant to say, "Common sense doesn't actually exist, (R)ight."
Hmmm. No mistakes with a guillotine. Messy, but no mistakes.

The only debate here to me is "Is the person really guilty" because many in LAW are not.

Law, directed by the 2%, are the root problem of everything in this Country. (How is that lazy person getting welfare? A 2% Lawyer got him/her that welfare and is receiving a major portion of it as payment).

Almost all politicians are Lawyers. And many law firms are the top contributors to politicians.

If I didn't cover any Lawyer bases here..

What is the most funny about America is the people who hate big Gov. yet stand firm behind Law and not common sense.
You realize common sense doesn't actually exist, right?

You meant to say, "Common sense doesn't actually exist, (R)ight."
It is less expensive than allowing them to live their entire life behind bars...filing appeals and attacking the justice system with nuisance law suits.....just because you don't kill them doesn't mean they stop trying to hurt people....

Well, no, actually it isn't. It costs millions to walk a capital case through the system. It's why the states are executing less people every year, because it just costs too damned much to give Bubba's like you a pound of flesh.
Well, no, actually it isn't. It costs millions to walk a capital case through the system.
Which is why there should be only one appeal to confirm the trial was proper, and then off to the firing squad.

Some punk shooting up da'hood or some nerd defrauding pensions isn't worth all those millions. Kill him, be don with it, life goes on.
Which is why there should be only one appeal to confirm the trial was proper, and then off to the firing squad.

Some punk shooting up da'hood or some nerd defrauding pensions isn't worth all those millions. Kill him, be don with it, life goes on.

Yes, we know you have some kind of blood lust, but there are pills for that now.
You've honestly never seen anyone use hyperbole to stress a point? Only a gullible person fails to recognise satire when they see it.

I wonder how many other people you don't like because you took them literaly. Are you by chance a Christian? Because that would explain it....

Anyway, there are many problems with our correctional systom, it's failure to rehabilitate criminals being amung them. The death penalty does nothing for it.
You've honestly never seen anyone use hyperbole to stress a point? Only a gullible person fails to recognise satire when they see it.

I wonder how many other people you don't like because you took them literaly. Are you by chance a Christian? Because that would explain it....

Anyway, there are many problems with our correctional systom, it's failure to rehabilitate criminals being amung them. The death penalty does nothing for it.

Oh, you were "only kidding". Got it.

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