What's wrong with intelligent design?

liberalogic said:
1) I read through that link that you posted and it gave me absolutely nothing to prove its validity. There is no scientific way to prove or even come close to proving "that certain biological information may be the product of an intelligent cause." There were no "facts" there, just bullshit coated in sophisticated language.

2) Now I have been extremely respectful to the beliefs of Christians. I have no desire to change their beliefs, even if I disagree with some of it. But how dare you tell me and others who believe in evolution the following:

"For them to give any creedence to God for anything might make them have to confront their own sins and pride. And they're soo full of themselves, that'd be impossible for their brains to do."

I resent your comment because YOU don't know what other people believe. You really think we're full of ourselves? That we don't have the "brains?" Actually, we do, we have more brains than you will ever have because we are seeking to find a truth that is not limited by religion.

I've never said that the idea of creationism is wrong because I've tried to be as respectful as possible to all Christians here, but your remarks really get to me because it is that blind faith, that idea that there is NO room for thought beyond Christ and God, that hinders any argument that you can post.

And I've even gone out of my way to say that since evolution interferes with the basis of many religions, I do not think it should be required for students who truly object to it. On the other hand, ID, a method that is based on bullshit "evidence" (and yes, I did read that link thoroughly) with RELIGIOUS implications (yes, that's on the link as well), DOES NOT BELONG IN A SCIENCE CLASS. And it's funny because I was watching a documentary on the Dover School District decision about ID and the scientist who was interviewed said that mainstream scientists (95% of scientists) do not think that ID is a science. Even one of my science professors (who happened to be very conservative) said that ID is nonsense. It is a broadly defined theory that is being twisted to apply to creationism.

As I've said before: keep Christ in your heart, not in the policies of my government.

Ahem, not ALL Christians subscribe to ID.
Kathianne said:
Ok, got it. Theory=law. Right. :rolleyes: What an asshat. If you read a bit, you would know what I thought regarding ID and science. You would know Semper Fi's age. You would know education levels in general.

Carry on in your own delusional, prejudiced world. You are so much wiser than all the others who post here. Right. What a fucktard, it's now known that you come here for Glory in your own mind. :laugh: Just imagine, something you must be good at, in some level of the universe, there are mice bowing to you!

Generally, "law" refers to parts of a theory. For instance, Newton's three laws are part of Newtonian theory.

But there isn't really a universally accepted definition.
Semper Fi said:
I have to agree with Liberalogic (something I thought i would never do). If I wanted to converse with people my own age, I wouldn't have joined USMB. While I have drawn attention to my age, I never have once hid behind it. I'm running with the big dogs so treat me like a big dog. Now in teh Chat section, go ahead and poke fun at me been a teeny all the time you want, that's what that's there for. But here, if I'm wrong I'm wrong, and tell me about it.

See Kathy, he's a big boy, he doesn't need your coddling.
Hobbit said:
I read through that science book that I had to learn from in school and it gave me absolutely nothing to prove its validity. There is no scientific way to prove or even come close to proving "that all life as we know it may be the product of a cosmic accident." There were no "facts" there, just bullshit coated in sophisticated language.

You would certainly want to define "accident" first.
SpidermanTuba said:
See Kathy, he's a big boy, he doesn't need your coddling.

Nobody's coddling anyone .... just trying to get you to put on a larger set of skivvies ... yours are obviously too tight.

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