What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice


The on-going primaries are incontrovertible proof that the majority of Americans have finally rejected the Establishment and the spoon-fed platitudes and talking points and upside down version of reality you are still spouting like a wind-up toy, careening around, bumping into obstacles, teetering off in another random direction, with a machine tooled look of bewilderment and no spontaneous reaction to what's really going on around you.

I see that, the way Establishment Hillary was displaced by Sanders...

Oh, wait...

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Both Republicans and Democrats are going in that novel direction. Or are you going to be one of those clinging to obsolete solutions that only benefit the establishment and unwilling to revolt by backing an anti-establishment type like Trump or Cruz or Sanders?

That bullshit about Castro is a typical example of the reactionaries denial of history. Shows a complete inability to accept America's role in installing and sustaining right-wing dictatorships in Latin America and around the World and the relationship of those wanna-be imperialist actions to U.S.-Cuban relations for the last 60-some years. Time to grow up and clear the cobwebs from your eyes.

The democrats are going in the same direction that they have for decades, hard left. The PACE of the race to the extreme fringe has quickened, starting with Obama. The party has long been one of Che Guevara rather than George Mason. Obama surrendering to the Castro regime is in line with everything the radical left has promoted in this nation.

BTW, the most prosperous nation in Latin America, that would be Chile, right? Why isn't it Cuba or Venezuela?
They are REPUBLICANS and therefore they have no use for logical / sensible / doing their job / and they hate the Constitution because it prevents them from installing a packed Supreme Court.

Shameful the way those Republicans try to push through an election year SCOTUS appointment instead of waiting for the choice of the people.


I have a feeling that when Hillary nominates a hard left Justice next January, those that now are outspoken supporters to follow the "choice fo the people" idea will be supporting a GOP filibuster to block a nominee they don't agree with.

So much for "choice of the people".

They are REPUBLICANS and therefore they have no use for logical / sensible / doing their job / and they hate the Constitution because it prevents them from installing a packed Supreme Court.

Shameful the way those Republicans try to push through an election year SCOTUS appointment instead of waiting for the choice of the people.


The people already voted. Obama chooses next Justice.

I have a feeling that when Hillary nominates a hard left Justice next January, those that now are outspoken supporters to follow the "choice fo the people" idea will be supporting a GOP filibuster to block a nominee they don't agree with.

So much for "choice of the people".


You think she will nominate Garland again? Or will this be a different hard left nominee?

Either way, very little chance she will win.
You think she will nominate Garland again? Or will this be a different hard left nominee?

Either way, very little chance she will win.

I think if we are dumb enough to nominate Trump or Cruz then she has a very good chance at winning and impacting down-ballot races bringing the Senate along with her.

When Hillary takes the Oval Office with a Dem majority Senate, the obstructionists will be wishing that McConnell never opened his mouth immediately after Scalia's death and painted them in a corner.

With a Dem Senate Hillary won't even have to pretend by nominating a moderate, it will be a very left nominee.

Wrong about what? The people voted in obama knowing the president chooses the next justice.

No one expected Scalia to die a few months before the election. Invoking the Biden rule makes perfect sense. If Hillary wins, you'll get your packed court who can declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional. Otherwise, the Constitution stays and we move on with life.

Either way, Obama is shut out, as it should be.
You think she will nominate Garland again? Or will this be a different hard left nominee?

Either way, very little chance she will win.

I think if we are dumb enough to nominate Trump or Cruz then she has a very good chance at winning and impacting down-ballot races bringing the Senate along with her.

When Hillary takes the Oval Office with a Dem majority Senate, the obstructionists will be wishing that McConnell never opened his mouth immediately after Scalia's death and painted them in a corner.

With a Dem Senate Hillary won't even have to pretend by nominating a moderate, it will be a very left nominee.


The repubs are so mad at their own politicians they are voting for trump. With such a poor record they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I think if we are dumb enough to nominate Trump or Cruz then she has a very good chance at winning and impacting down-ballot races bringing the Senate along with her.

Who is we? The DNC is unlikely to nominate either.

When Hillary takes the Oval Office with a Dem majority Senate, the obstructionists will be wishing that McConnell never opened his mouth immediately after Scalia's death and painted them in a corner.

With a Dem Senate Hillary won't even have to pretend by nominating a moderate, it will be a very left nominee.


You spend too much time on DailyKOS.

Your fantasy is not reality.
Wrong about what? The people voted in obama knowing the president chooses the next justice.

No one expected Scalia to die a few months before the election. Invoking the Biden rule makes perfect sense. If Hillary wins, you'll get your packed court who can declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional. Otherwise, the Constitution stays and we move on with life.

Either way, Obama is shut out, as it should be.

Everyone voted knowing Obama would choose the next Justice. Biden rule? You mean the same biden repubs have been calling an idiot for years? Sorry the people see how wrong all this is.
The repubs are so mad at their own politicians they are voting for trump. With such a poor record they are almost guaranteed to lose.

I see the same thing with the dims vis a vis Sanders. The difference is that the dims are too corrupt to let Sanders prevail.

I know that the party faithful are whistling past the graveyard, but populists grab huge support. The party is putting up a candidate that no one likes whilst crushing the Sanders wing using partisan tricks like "super delegates."

Trump controls the middle while the far left is pissed on by the establishment Wall Street DNC. I know Soros says you can't lose, but let's just say you are going to have miserable November.
The repubs are so mad at their own politicians they are voting for trump. With such a poor record they are almost guaranteed to lose.

I see the same thing with the dims vis a vis Sanders. The difference is that the dims are too corrupt to let Sanders prevail.

I know that the party faithful are whistling past the graveyard, but populists grab huge support. The party is putting up a candidate that no one likes whilst crushing the Sanders wing using partisan tricks like "super delegates."

Trump controls the middle while the far left is pissed on by the establishment Wall Street DNC. I know Soros says you can't lose, but let's just say you are going to have miserable November.

Trump can't even act like an adult. Hillary has had lots of support for a long time. The repubs are imploding, noting like the Dems. Amazing people are dumb enough to think trump has a chance in the general.
Trump can't even act like an adult. Hillary has had lots of support for a long time. The repubs are imploding, noting like the Dems. Amazing people are dumb enough to think trump has a chance in the general.

Hillary is the least trusted person in the nation.

Even the far left is slamming her.

Hillary Clinton's trust gap is killing her with millennials

Most of whom you think are going to elect her, will sit home on election day.

The on-going primaries are incontrovertible proof that the majority of Americans have finally rejected the Establishment and the spoon-fed platitudes and talking points and upside down version of reality you are still spouting like a wind-up toy, careening around, bumping into obstacles, teetering off in another random direction, with a machine tooled look of bewilderment and no spontaneous reaction to what's really going on around you.

I see that, the way Establishment Hillary was displaced by Sanders...

Oh, wait...

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Both Republicans and Democrats are going in that novel direction. Or are you going to be one of those clinging to obsolete solutions that only benefit the establishment and unwilling to revolt by backing an anti-establishment type like Trump or Cruz or Sanders?

That bullshit about Castro is a typical example of the reactionaries denial of history. Shows a complete inability to accept America's role in installing and sustaining right-wing dictatorships in Latin America and around the World and the relationship of those wanna-be imperialist actions to U.S.-Cuban relations for the last 60-some years. Time to grow up and clear the cobwebs from your eyes.

The democrats are going in the same direction that they have for decades, hard left. The PACE of the race to the extreme fringe has quickened, starting with Obama. The party has long been one of Che Guevara rather than George Mason. Obama surrendering to the Castro regime is in line with everything the radical left has promoted in this nation.

BTW, the most prosperous nation in Latin America, that would be Chile, right? Why isn't it Cuba or Venezuela?

Cuba has been at a disadvantage because of the long U.S. sanctions, it's not doing that bad.

List of top 7 Economies in Central and Southern America:

7. Cuba – $72. 3 Billion

While Cuba is highly known for its cigar, it is also well known as it had a dispute with United States in the past. A lot of things have changed though more than a decade ago when it went under some changes. People who are living in Cuba are able to get a lot of benefits that other countries nearby do not get. People are usually supported in getting an education and proper health care.

6. Puerto Rico – $101.5 Billion
The economy of Puerto Rico is known to be highly competitive even though it has suffered a recession back in 2006 and has not quite fully recovered from it. It manages to keep their pharmaceuticals industry strong and it is now venturing into other forms of industries that may help the country more in the future. The fact that it has American wage standards gives workers a benefit over those that are in other nearby countries.

5. Chile – $269.6 Billion
The fact that Chile is considered to be a developed country allows it to be one of the most successful countries in Central and South America. It has managed to grow even more over the past decades because of its main industry right now which is mining. It produces a lot of copper as well as other minerals that are needed all over the world.

4. Colombia – $369.6 Billion
A lot of people may become surprised to know that Colombia is one of the countries ranking high in richest countries in Central and South America by 2015 GDP because of the fact that it has been featured in news regarding illegal money and drugs. Still, the mining industry of the country has skyrocketed which makes it possible for a lot of workers in Colombia to earn honest money.

3. Argentina – $475.5 Billion
Unlike the other Latin American countries, Argentina does not have a very strong mining industry yet it manages to land on the list as one of the richest countries in Central and South America because of its port capital which is Buenos Aires. The trade port is very strong. Add to the fact that there are various industries that are becoming stronger as well.

2. Mexico – $1.178 Trillion
Mexico is way above all the other countries that are mentioned earlier. The main reason why Mexico is a strong country is because of its oil fields. Over the past years, it has been said that there is a big chance that the oil fields will start to become dry in the future and this can make the future bleak for people who are living in Mexico. How long will Mexico be able to stay as one of the richest in Central and South America by 2015 GDP? Only they will know how.

1. Brazil – $2.253 Trillion
The fact that Brazil is a large country has obviously contributed to its advantage as the richest country in Central and South America. It exports oil to different parts of the world and aside from that, it also sells extracted materials that the rest of the world needs as well. It seems that this country is working on its appeal as well to make it big in the tourism sector in the future.

List of Presidents Left leaning is indicated by the asterisk*

Chile: Patricio Aylwin* (1990-1994), Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle* (1994-2000), Ricardo Lagos* (2000–2006), Michelle Bachelet* (2006–2010, 2014–present)

Brazil: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva* (2003–2011), Dilma Rousseff* (2011–present)

Uruguay: Tabaré Vázquez* (2005–2010, 2015–present), José Mujica* (2010–2015)

Argentina: Néstor Kirchner* (2003–2007), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner* (2007–2015)

Mexico: The ruling party Pan is considered Right but is not that simplistic.

Columbia: President Santos leads a center-right coalition but it is a country in turmoil. The support of Colombian activists, leftwing politicians and trade unionists for the peace process, and the willingness of many to support Santos in order to achieve peace, is testament to how committed the Colombian left has been to bringing an end to the country's civil war, the longest in the world. The election result will also be welcomed by Europe and the US, which have largely been relying on Santos's image as a moderate to justify their continued relationship with Colombia, in spite of the fact that until recently it had the largest number of displaced people in the world (now overtaken only by Syria)
Trump can't even act like an adult. Hillary has had lots of support for a long time. The repubs are imploding, noting like the Dems. Amazing people are dumb enough to think trump has a chance in the general.

Hillary is the least trusted person in the nation.

Even the far left is slamming her.

Hillary Clinton's trust gap is killing her with millennials

Most of whom you think are going to elect her, will sit home on election day.

Not when running against a clown like trump. Nobody wants a child for president.
After years of calling biden a moron, now all of a sudden you are listening to him. Amazing.

no, he is still a moron. just pointing out dem/lib hypocrisy.

While pointing out the repub hypocrisy. Well done.

yes, both parties do it. did you just figure that out?

And the people should be against it like now. The repubs are shooting themselves in the foot again.

the foot shooting is being done by both parties. The GOP refusing to get behind the candidate that the people want, and the dems running a corrupt lying old white woman and a stupid old white male socialist.
Trump is as old or older than Hillary and his entire hairdo is a lie.
Hey, if America wanted a child-President it would have elected John F'n Kerry when it had the chance.

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