Whats YOUR IQ?


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2013
This really doesn't matter at all but what is YOUR IQ?

This is a question to those who have ever taken an IQ test.
do they even give IQ tests in the states anymore? to relatively normal people?

schools give assessments that are measured as percentages now I think. I suppose you could turn those percentages into an IQ range if you wanted.

it would be better to ask people what their AFQT scores are. that might get more realistic responses, otherwise you are going to hear a lot of 125, 130, 144 etc, which is pretty unlikely to be true.
The schools always told me it was very high ,and then wanted to know why school bored the piss out of me ,like it was some big mystery. Not going to say what it is.
The schools always told me it was very high ,and then wanted to know why school bored the piss out of me ,like it was some big mystery. Not going to say what it is.

the education system really doesnt know what to do with smart kids. even though money spent on them gives the highest social return most people think they should just fend for themselves. it is a waste of resources to ignore G&T to concentrate on getting Cletis or Jamal to read at the fifth grade level against their will.
10 years ago I was given the test by a friend who was, at the time, trained to give it.

I scored a 131. I like to think I could score higher today, but my friend tells me that you cannot take that test twice. you have an edge when you know what's on it.

Some of the questions that I can remember were:

Q: The Ganges is: A. a nerve cell B. a military passageway C. a river D. a boat

Q: A Conflagration is: A. an oath B. a fire C. part of speech D. a mathmatic formula

Then there were logic questions like: Arm is to body like _______ is to tree. (only not so obvious).

I actually guessed at more of them than I would have liked.
Now this is refreshing.

Normally when on a board like this every person posting seems to be a freaking genius.

And this nearly always surprises me because, based on the people's writing, I wouldn't have thought them so damned intelligent.

Most standard IQ tests are the world's best indicator of how well one will do on an IQ test.

I know plenty of people whose IQs are modest who are, far as I can tell MUCH WISER than I will ever be.

Perhaps somebody needs to devise a WISDOM test.

Actually that already exists.

It's called LIFE.

Want to know how wise you are?

Look at your own life.

Are you mostly fairly content with your life?

You pass!
Many years ago a college wanted to retest me to validate a first score.

Asked them for a ruler. They gave me one. Drew a solid line down the page, a line through all the "a" boxes, with the furnished #2 pencil. Did not answer a single non-mc question or read any of the paragraphs in the reading section.

The average of both tests was 128. The powers that be seemed to believe the swing was a little bit wide of the requirement for validity.

Glad they got one right as well. Never really had much interest in bourgeois horseshit.
I don't recall the exact figure, but when I was young, I joined MENSA.

I didn't stay with it long -- I found the level of culture and thought of the people there too low to maintain my interest.

I regard all such tests, essentially, as scams. People have all sorts of intelligence (and stupidity, for that matter), and only a person with a low IQ -- or a low cultural background -- would take such "tests" as having much value.
My fathers was officially 165, I occasionally fooled him, I think anyway..soooo..:wink_2:
10 years ago I was given the test by a friend who was, at the time, trained to give it.

I scored a 131. I like to think I could score higher today, but my friend tells me that you cannot take that test twice. you have an edge when you know what's on it.

Some of the questions that I can remember were:

Q: The Ganges is: A. a nerve cell B. a military passageway C. a river D. a boat

Q: A Conflagration is: A. an oath B. a fire C. part of speech D. a mathmatic formula

Then there were logic questions like: Arm is to body like _______ is to tree. (only not so obvious).

I actually guessed at more of them than I would have liked.

Low 130's somewhere, last I recall, also.

But eye hyde it wale
Ive only taken online Iqs. My first attempt was about 90. Then I went to take another Iq test that was different than the last one and scored 114.
I did one in school as a kid and scored 114 but then I took one on-line and scored 102 but my babys mama was in the gifted program at school Graduated on the honor role and test with a 125 IQ and she is dumb..she is excellent at spelling and math but boy is she dumb..
This really doesn't matter at all but what is YOUR IQ?

This is a question to those who have ever taken an IQ test.

Last time I took a test the score was 126 previous to that 133. But they are self administered tests and not complete.

My asvab was 99 percent when I joined the Marines and I scored 136 on the parts that are used to score IQ.
what a fantastically bright group of people we have here!

of course it is self selected and not many people would volunteer their scores if it was below normal. I suppose the very fact that those here like to read and write would put a fairly high threshhold on the group and restrict the range. I would imagine most here are fairly successful in life as well.

consider a group that averages IQ85, with all the drawbacks that come with that, like poor reading and writing skills, poor employment and training options, difficulties in manouvering through financial options, inability to forecast consequences to decisions, etc. it is hard enough to make it through life with a surplus of intelligence, imagine what it is like when you cannot even read for information. perhaps it is easier to blame discrimination from others for failure, rather than acknowledge personal weakness in some areas.

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