Whats YOUR IQ?

One of the smartest guys I've ever known was functionally illiterate. Any test administered in literary form certainly wouldn't have been accurate in his case.
More evidence of social effects on IQ test scores: I remember reading somewhere that people from cultures with character-based written languages tend to score higher on the visual/spatial aspects of some tests.

One of the smartest guys I've ever known was functionally illiterate. Any test administered in literary form certainly wouldn't have been accurate in his case.

you must have a strangely skewed definition of smart. or perhaps there is much more to the anecdote that you are leaving out.
One of the smartest guys I've ever known was functionally illiterate. Any test administered in literary form certainly wouldn't have been accurate in his case.

you must have a strangely skewed definition of smart. or perhaps there is much more to the anecdote that you are leaving out.

Can't it be both?

My friend had an uncanny ability to accumulate and manipulate knowledge in more directly experiential ways than through the written word. And believe me, he was a sharper cookie than most.
More evidence of social effects on IQ test scores: I remember reading somewhere that people from cultures with character-based written languages tend to score higher on the visual/spatial aspects of some tests.


China had a bureaucracy based on 'tests' for many hundreds of years. it is easy to imagine how a higher IQ but lower creativity culture evolved. character based language may have added to that.
One of the smartest guys I've ever known was functionally illiterate. Any test administered in literary form certainly wouldn't have been accurate in his case.

you must have a strangely skewed definition of smart. or perhaps there is much more to the anecdote that you are leaving out.

Can't it be both?

My friend had an uncanny ability to accumulate and manipulate knowledge in more directly experiential ways than through the written word. And believe me, he was a sharper cookie than most.

I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet
More evidence of social effects on IQ test scores: I remember reading somewhere that people from cultures with character-based written languages tend to score higher on the visual/spatial aspects of some tests.


China had a bureaucracy based on 'tests' for many hundreds of years. it is easy to imagine how a higher IQ but lower creativity culture evolved. character based language may have added to that.

The Mandarin system.

I actually think such a system would benefit THIS society.

Imagine a class of government workers who were impervious to bribes.

Imagine a class of government workers who were competent because they were NEVER chosen for their jobs based on their political affiliantions.

Imagine a government bureucracy where if the official was found to be bribed, both that official and the briber died a horrible death.
When our son was having difficulty in 2nd grade, the school system did a 'core evaluation' of him. They told us they didn't really have a way to assess his IQ because tests for children are just not accurate past the 150+ range. They did mention that it was possible he was not 'ADHD' but simply bored......

Currently, he's managing a genetics lab at the university from which he recently graduated (with a 3.96 cum in Bio/Biochem), 'taking a year off' before he joins the Navy and goes to med school.

His father is somewhat dyslexic and only really figured out reading somewhere in high school..... I'm certain they're both far ahead of me in many areas.
you must have a strangely skewed definition of smart. or perhaps there is much more to the anecdote that you are leaving out.

Can't it be both?

My friend had an uncanny ability to accumulate and manipulate knowledge in more directly experiential ways than through the written word. And believe me, he was a sharper cookie than most.

I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet

camoflauge. lots of smart people act dumb to fit in, according to the situation.
Never been tested, and I trust NO ONE to tell me their own IQ score. Not. One. Person. Ever.

I passed all my classes at a state university so I'm assuming I must be around the average of 100 or 110. Whatever you need to pass college courses. Nothing more than that.
I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet

camoflauge. lots of smart people act dumb to fit in, according to the situation.

Or maybe the number of diplomas on one's wall isn't as closely related to his or her intelligence quotient as you'd apparently like to believe.

From here:

[...] IQ tests rely largely upon Symbolic Logic (etc.) as a means to scoring, and as Symbolic Logic is not inherently synonymous with intelligence, the question remains as to exactly what is being measured via such tests. For instance, it is feasible that someone could possess a prodigious wealth of emotional intelligence while being simultaneously unable to comprehend the significance of sequentially arranged shapes. Additionally, someone who cannot read would be at a significant disadvantage on an IQ test, though illiteracy is not indicative of unintelligence.Measurements of other forms of "intelligence" have been proposed to augment the current IQ Testing Methodology, though such alternative measurements may also be a subject of debate. [...] [E.A.]

Consider the case of Sultan Khan.

And there are others...
I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet

camoflauge. lots of smart people act dumb to fit in, according to the situation.

Or maybe the number of diplomas on one's wall isn't as closely related to his or her intelligence quotient as you'd apparently like to believe.

From here:

[...] IQ tests rely largely upon Symbolic Logic (etc.) as a means to scoring, and as Symbolic Logic is not inherently synonymous with intelligence, the question remains as to exactly what is being measured via such tests. For instance, it is feasible that someone could possess a prodigious wealth of emotional intelligence while being simultaneously unable to comprehend the significance of sequentially arranged shapes. Additionally, someone who cannot read would be at a significant disadvantage on an IQ test, though illiteracy is not indicative of unintelligence.Measurements of other forms of "intelligence" have been proposed to augment the current IQ Testing Methodology, though such alternative measurements may also be a subject of debate. [...] [E.A.]

Consider the case of Sultan Khan.

And there are others...

"someone who cannot read would be at a significant disadvantage on an IQ test"

Ya think? What kind of usefull intelligence allows an inability to communicate by the written word? I suppose blind people could qualify. It seems to me that those people a blind person is attempting to communicate with sans braile need to be more intelligent than the blind person that wasn't curious enough to learn any form of written language.

Maybe a deaf, dumb and blind person with no other motor control could be intelligent to a degree but the distraction of such a condition would seem overwhelming making any way of testing such intelligence impossible.
Can't it be both?

My friend had an uncanny ability to accumulate and manipulate knowledge in more directly experiential ways than through the written word. And believe me, he was a sharper cookie than most.

I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet

camoflauge. lots of smart people act dumb to fit in, according to the situation.

I was dating the stereotypical blonde for a while.
At work everyone thought she was a blithering idiot.
In all actuality, she'd give anyone you can find a real run for their money on any subject.
I've taken online IQ tests which are a joke because the logic sections were too easy. Not sure what it was as far as my score, but I do know IQ is not a measure of intelligence. There plenty of people with high IQ's but don't know their left from their right.
I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet

camoflauge. lots of smart people act dumb to fit in, according to the situation.

I was dating the stereotypical blonde for a while.
At work everyone thought she was a blithering idiot.
In all actuality, she'd give anyone you can find a real run for their money on any subject.

Cool Story bro...

If she was pretending to be an idiot even though she is worldy she is a fool.

Aristotle in his trial considered himself ignorant, not because he was, but because he didn't attain what all there is to know about the world. Its called humility....

One can be wise and not pretend to be foolish but as long as a person is humble their wisdom shows
I took an online one once, many years ago. I don't remember what it was but I do remember it was over 100, which surprised me. Now that I am older? The rate I'm going, it is probably below 50, lol.
This really doesn't matter at all but what is YOUR IQ?

This is a question to those who have ever taken an IQ test.

Last time I took a test the score was 126 previous to that 133. But they are self administered tests and not complete.

My asvab was 99 percent when I joined the Marines and I scored 136 on the parts that are used to score IQ.

ASVAB is a joke. I once took it when I went to the recruitment office for Marines. Not only was I buzzed (This was in Long Beach CA on pine st where a ton of bars were) out of my mind but the recruiter didn't want me to take it because I had a college degree. I still took it. Basic arithmetic, some algebra, if I recall correctly
More evidence of social effects on IQ test scores: I remember reading somewhere that people from cultures with character-based written languages tend to score higher on the visual/spatial aspects of some tests.


China had a bureaucracy based on 'tests' for many hundreds of years. it is easy to imagine how a higher IQ but lower creativity culture evolved. character based language may have added to that.

The Mandarin system.

I actually think such a system would benefit THIS society.

Imagine a class of government workers who were impervious to bribes.

Imagine a class of government workers who were competent because they were NEVER chosen for their jobs based on their political affiliantions.

Imagine a government bureucracy where if the official was found to be bribed, both that official and the briber died a horrible death.

Yet China was once ruled but a nation of "illiterate fools" by a ruler who couldn't read or write....Temuchin aka Ghengis Khan
I know more than two people with multiple degrees that couldn't find their way out of an open closet

camoflauge. lots of smart people act dumb to fit in, according to the situation.

Or maybe the number of diplomas on one's wall isn't as closely related to his or her intelligence quotient as you'd apparently like to believe.

From here:

[...] IQ tests rely largely upon Symbolic Logic (etc.) as a means to scoring, and as Symbolic Logic is not inherently synonymous with intelligence, the question remains as to exactly what is being measured via such tests. For instance, it is feasible that someone could possess a prodigious wealth of emotional intelligence while being simultaneously unable to comprehend the significance of sequentially arranged shapes. Additionally, someone who cannot read would be at a significant disadvantage on an IQ test, though illiteracy is not indicative of unintelligence.Measurements of other forms of "intelligence" have been proposed to augment the current IQ Testing Methodology, though such alternative measurements may also be a subject of debate. [...] [E.A.]

Consider the case of Sultan Khan.

And there are others...

there are lots of prodigies in various things like music, chess and math. personally I find Ramanujan to be the most interesting Indian to grace western society in the early 1900's. Chandrasekhar was pretty good too. check out the story with him and Eddington. of course Eddington was so vain that he said that only Einstein and him understood General Relativity and sometimes he wasnt so sure about Einstein, lol.

back to IQ. intelligence is only one factor in human character but it is important and easily measured. while not decisive for any individual, intelligence is very predictive for groups. a group of 100IQ blacks will outperform a group of 85IQ whites. unfortunately the opposite also hold true and is the main reason why there are disparate outcomes when comparing blacks to whites.

edit. Khan could read and write his own language.
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