What's Your Party Tell You To Think?

Feb 20, 2013
Heart of Republica
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.
I admire the fact that you're a teacher, but also recognize the fact that education is corrupt in this country- at all levels.

Cheating, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism. Retention of sub-standard faculty, bloated payrolls, out of control benefits, bankrupt districts...
I admire the fact that you're a teacher, but also recognize the fact that education is corrupt in this country- at all levels.

Cheating, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism. Retention of sub-standard faculty, bloated payrolls, out of control benefits, bankrupt districts...

I accept that because you're right. I'm not here to say "all is well." It's far from that. I'm more interested, since I'm not part of one, what staunch Democrat and Republican party lines are.
I admire the fact that you're a teacher, but also recognize the fact that education is corrupt in this country- at all levels.

Cheating, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism. Retention of sub-standard faculty, bloated payrolls, out of control benefits, bankrupt districts...

I accept that because you're right. I'm not here to say "all is well." It's far from that. I'm more interested, since I'm not part of one, what staunch Democrat and Republican party lines are.

Can't help ya there. I'm Republican, but not exactly staunch LOL.
Teachers are under attack as a profession because the teachers unions have always leaned heavily in the Dems direction.

It's really that simple.
When you say "the party" do you mean Dick Luger, who is pro union, or Chris Christie, who is generally considered anti union? Or Jeff Flake who hasn't expressed an opinion that I recall?

That's the problem: libs think every voting block is exactly alike. So all blacks think and vote one way, even though it isn't true. All Hispanics the same, even though Hispanics come from very diverse cultures with different values.

But any person with at least two functioning brain cells can see that teachers' unions do nothing to further education for kids. Even the fortunately late Albert Shanker said "When kids start paying union dues we'll start representing their interests." Teachers unions protect the weak, the stupid, the brain dead, the incompetent. Because good teachers are protected by their job performance.
When you say "the party" do you mean Dick Luger, who is pro union, or Chris Christie, who is generally considered anti union? Or Jeff Flake who hasn't expressed an opinion that I recall?

That's the problem: libs think every voting block is exactly alike. So all blacks think and vote one way, even though it isn't true. All Hispanics the same, even though Hispanics come from very diverse cultures with different values.

But any person with at least two functioning brain cells can see that teachers' unions do nothing to further education for kids. Even the fortunately late Albert Shanker said "When kids start paying union dues we'll start representing their interests." Teachers unions protect the weak, the stupid, the brain dead, the incompetent. Because good teachers are protected by their job performance.

Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.
Oh this is about teacher's unions?

Fuck 'em.

Not exactly - just wondering what those silly squeeky news blabbermouth talking heads are saying on behalf of the parties they endorse, or your local party head, whomever has a vested interest in making sure people think a certain way. I know this is the era of hating unions so the obvious doesn't need to be expressed.
When you say "the party" do you mean Dick Luger, who is pro union, or Chris Christie, who is generally considered anti union? Or Jeff Flake who hasn't expressed an opinion that I recall?

That's the problem: libs think every voting block is exactly alike. So all blacks think and vote one way, even though it isn't true. All Hispanics the same, even though Hispanics come from very diverse cultures with different values.

But any person with at least two functioning brain cells can see that teachers' unions do nothing to further education for kids. Even the fortunately late Albert Shanker said "When kids start paying union dues we'll start representing their interests." Teachers unions protect the weak, the stupid, the brain dead, the incompetent. Because good teachers are protected by their job performance.

Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.

No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. There is no one train of thought.

The Republican Party is 90% white and based in the Deep South. Anyone familiar with US History knows that party in detail.

When you say "the party" do you mean Dick Luger, who is pro union, or Chris Christie, who is generally considered anti union? Or Jeff Flake who hasn't expressed an opinion that I recall?

That's the problem: libs think every voting block is exactly alike. So all blacks think and vote one way, even though it isn't true. All Hispanics the same, even though Hispanics come from very diverse cultures with different values.

But any person with at least two functioning brain cells can see that teachers' unions do nothing to further education for kids. Even the fortunately late Albert Shanker said "When kids start paying union dues we'll start representing their interests." Teachers unions protect the weak, the stupid, the brain dead, the incompetent. Because good teachers are protected by their job performance.

Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.

No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.
Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.

No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.

IOW I hit the nail on the head. Tell us what you really do, WalMart greeter? dishwasher? Chief shit shoveler?
Hard to imagine anyone as inarticulate as you could edit anything, much less write anything. What volume do you write, the phone book?
I'm just curious. Since in the past two or three years, right-wing politicians under the influence of the Tea Party has made us wealthy teachers, firemen, cops and so on the "evil" ones because most are in unions, what you all think of teachers.

I've been teaching since 1987 and the level of respect we get has always been up and down, but lately, because of the union we're evil incarnate in today's childish political climate.

I personally don't give a fat rat's ass to the point of obsession. I know I give it my all every day and am too old to be second-guessing myself. But it would be kind of interesting to see what your political parties influence you into thinking about teachers.

The only qualifier I will offer is this - IF you think teachers are mostly liberal, you obviously have not spend any time in a school working with them.

You've been a teacher for 2 1/2 decades? That explains quite alot about the state of education today. What exactly do you teach?

To answer your question, my party tells me we need to start adopting progressive policies of the other party. Which is why I frequently tell my party to shove it and fight for good policies.

And knowing quite a number of good teachers, I am well aware of how the teachers union hurts the education system.
Teachers are under attack as a profession because the teachers unions have always leaned heavily in the Dems direction.

It's really that simple.

No. The teachers unions are under attack because they prevent any meaningful change in the education system that would allow us to actuall educate people.
Oh this is about teacher's unions?

Fuck 'em.

You didn't realize that?

It's typical. Instead of acknowledging that it's the union that's being attacked, the left and their sympathizers try to pretend it's the teachers themselves. Many of whom are completely against what the Union does and represents.

There are some teachers that actually care about educating their students. They are usually the ones fighting the teachers union.
Am I supposed to feel browbeat while you talk down to people? Tell me something I don't know. Naturally you think I'm a liberal because I teach (paragraph 2). So don't talk about "grouping" to me.

No I think you're a liberal because I read your posts, where you regularly express liberal ideas. I personally think you're lying about being a teacher because you can't put two thoughts together coherently and couldn't think your way out of the Holland Tunnel.

Maybe I have more to do than spend the day on a computer. Dickheads like you NEED liberals in your life to justify your fucked up simple approach to life. And if you knew anything about writing in volume and editing, as I've done, your world wouldn't begin and end on a silly forum. Christ, it's just a simple question.

And yet, here you are in the middle of the school day on the computer arguing for faulty progressive ideas and despite protests that you belong to no party, toting the party line that an attack on the teachers union is an attack on teachers despite nothing being further from the truth.

And you wonder why people dont believe you.

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