WHEE!! Judge orders release of documents in Ghislaine Maxwell civil case possible 100 names

Bubba Clinton is wondering if there's any names of the little girls he diddle on pedo island on the list... he's lost touch and would like to talk to them again.
What defection will you use if the Great Douche pops up?

Great Douche... you mean Hitlery?
I see....you will defend bunker boy to the end even if he's named.
NO ONE is better at defending SHIT BAGS than you democrat pricks, since there's so many of them in your party. You people love perverts.

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He banned him, I'm sure he called the cops. But liberals like underage see with children. Just ask Bill and Hillary Clinton.

What evidence do we have that trump banned Epstein besides his "word"?
Bubba Clinton is wondering if there's any names of the little girls he diddle on pedo island on the list... he's lost touch and would like to talk to them again.
What defection will you use if the Great Douche pops up?

Great Douche... you mean Hitlery?
I see....you will defend bunker boy to the end even if he's named.
NO ONE is better at defending SHIT BAGS than you democrat pricks, since there's so many of them in your party. You people love perverts.
I see I've struck a nerve....and yet, still nothing saying you would withdraw your support from trump if he is named. Still faithful, I see....even if he's named as a pedophile.
Ahhhh, poor little pootin putz, that was before Trump found out Epstein was a perv, like your hero the shrilary.
You think Trump didn’t know Epstein was a pervert after seeing him with very young women?

Trump and Epstein travelled in the same circles. When Trump was informed Epstein tried to pick up a girl from Mar A Lago he was banned from ALL of Trumps properties.

YOUR heroes though, they continued to associate with Epstein. Funny how you don't seem to care about that.

No, you have to go back 15 years to find pics of Trump and Epstein together, but there are pics of Epstein and YOUR heroes together just weeks before Epstein magically didn't kill himself.

In other words, go pound sand you hypocritical ass.
You believe trump at his word, eh?
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.

Yeah, and YOUR heroes continued to associate with the PERV long after Trump banned him.

Remember, as a friend of bill, Epstein was untouchable until Trump became president. Then your heroes started to worry, that's why Epstein magically didn't kill himself.

YOUR heroes suddenly were in danger.

Funny how you NEVER mention YOUR heroes who perved out with the perv right up until the end.

Why is that?

Why do you ignore YOUR pervs and what they did?


So let me get this straight. You’re going to vote for a man who knew that Trump was abusing girls and didn’t do anything about it?

Is that right?

So, let me get this straight, you're going to vote for a man who was associating with the perv right up until he didn't kill himself.

Is that right?
Ahhhh, poor little pootin putz, that was before Trump found out Epstein was a perv, like your hero the shrilary.
You think Trump didn’t know Epstein was a pervert after seeing him with very young women?

Trump and Epstein travelled in the same circles. When Trump was informed Epstein tried to pick up a girl from Mar A Lago he was banned from ALL of Trumps properties.

YOUR heroes though, they continued to associate with Epstein. Funny how you don't seem to care about that.

No, you have to go back 15 years to find pics of Trump and Epstein together, but there are pics of Epstein and YOUR heroes together just weeks before Epstein magically didn't kill himself.

In other words, go pound sand you hypocritical ass.
You believe trump at his word, eh?

No, but I believe the girls lawyer who says Trump is the only one who helped them.
Ahhhh, poor little pootin putz, that was before Trump found out Epstein was a perv, like your hero the shrilary.
You think Trump didn’t know Epstein was a pervert after seeing him with very young women?

Trump and Epstein travelled in the same circles. When Trump was informed Epstein tried to pick up a girl from Mar A Lago he was banned from ALL of Trumps properties.

YOUR heroes though, they continued to associate with Epstein. Funny how you don't seem to care about that.

No, you have to go back 15 years to find pics of Trump and Epstein together, but there are pics of Epstein and YOUR heroes together just weeks before Epstein magically didn't kill himself.

In other words, go pound sand you hypocritical ass.
You believe trump at his word, eh?

No, but I believe the girls lawyer who says Trump is the only one who helped them.
You mean sell out to save his own ass?
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?

Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked him out when he found out, and banned him from all of his properties.

So he claimes. He also claimed that the Yankees invited him to throw out the first pitch.

Now it's beginning to sound like YOU are worried.
Well, at least we know the democrat presidential nominee will not be on that list. People need to keep in mind that these girls are 14-16 years old!

That is AT LEAST three years too old for him.
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didn’t.
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?

Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?
Sure....that's the story and you're sticking to it? And "my hero Epstein"? Hardly....but I certainly detect your projection there. When can we expect your pledge to reject trump if Maxwell names him?
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didn’t.
I also understand trump and Epstein had their falling out not over a underaged girl, but over a real estate deal.
Nope, I am saying YOUR heroes did know, and did nothing about it but continue to partake.
You just said that Trump kicked him out of Mar a Lago because he was preying on a girl.
And what was that girl doing at Mar a Lago anyways? Did trump get pissed because Epstein was poaching on his territory?
Ummmm, she was playing tennis there. You know, that's what they do at country clubs.

Or are you sad Trump protected her from your hero Epstein?

He could have turned Epstein into the police and protected a lot more.

But he didn’t.
I also understand trump and Epstein had their falling out not over a underaged girl, but over a real estate deal.
I’ve heard that too.

I think it’s funny that their alternative narrative, intended to make Trump look like a good guy, is actually a disaster.

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked his ass out and told to never return and to keep his money....call the cops for what?...harassment?...

Why did he kick him out?

I guess you're just that stupid aren't you?

He claims he kicked him out because of his sick sexual behavior with children.

Why didn't trump call the police?

We only have the word of trump about epstein being kicked out. No proof of it. If trump had kicked him out, why didn't he call the police? Why did trump not do one thing to prevent his friend from harming more children? By not doing what is right, trump enabled epstein to keep abusing children.

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked his ass out and told him never to come back...call the cops for what?...harassment?...

Uh, you’d call the cops because Epstein was recruiting teenagers for sex.

Call them based on what he heard? That isn’t going to fly with police or especially a court.
Bubba Clinton is wondering if there's any names of the little girls he diddle on pedo island on the list... he's lost touch and would like to talk to them again.
What defection will you use if the Great Douche pops up?

Great Douche... you mean Hitlery?
I see....you will defend bunker boy to the end even if he's named.
NO ONE is better at defending SHIT BAGS than you democrat pricks, since there's so many of them in your party. You people love perverts.
It's irony to listen to trump cultists say that others "love perverts".

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked his ass out and told him never to come back...call the cops for what?...harassment?...

Uh, you’d call the cops because Epstein was recruiting teenagers for sex.

Call them based on what he heard? That isn’t going to fly with police or especially a court.

It’d be enough to start an investigation.
Damn, the suicide hotline is going to be Buuuussssssseeeeeeyyyyyyyy! Woah, hold on for some job security there folks! Woooheeee.

Yeah I'm thinking she will be found hanging in her cell from a rope made out of her own hair. She is living on borrowed time for sure now.

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