WHEE!! Judge orders release of documents in Ghislaine Maxwell civil case possible 100 names

You fucking idiot. The attorney for the VICTIMS of these assholes stipulated (that's a legal term that you are too stupid to understand) that Trump was the ONLY person to help them in their case against Epstein.

Trump is totally in the clear you brainless twat. Your hero's though....they are shaking in their boots.

Sho ya right.

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?
Prosecutors could get the names with a warrant and probably already did. How is the public release of 100 names related to Epstein going to hurt the Brit former socialite when it seems that the liberal media isn't interested? My guess is that the release of the names will hurt the prosecution.

I want all names.

Notice that ABC reports that Guiffre says she was made to have sex with Prince Andrew, but they conveniently leave out the fact that she alleged the same exact thing regarding high level US govt. officials, including Democrat senate majority leader George Mitchell, and Democrat Bill Richardson.

Nice how ABC is running interference for high level Democrat officials. :rolleyes:

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked his ass out and told to never return and to keep his money....call the cops for what?...harassment?...

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

There's nothing cropped about it. Let's see if trump tries to pardon her. Or maybe some "border agents" find her.

I've seen that picture many times there are four people in that shot....one of them being Mrs Trump....dummy....

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked his ass out and told him never to come back...call the cops for what?...harassment?...

Uh, you’d call the cops because Epstein was recruiting teenagers for sex.

In that cropped photo you posted Trumps wife is in the photo too...remember Trump booted Epstein from his hotel for harassing a young hostess....Bill Clinton on the other hand was always alone without Hillary when he was with Epstein....so watch out what you are wishing for.....libtard....

Epstein was trolling Mar a Lago for teenagers and Trump knew it.

And he didn’t call the cops?

He kicked him out when he found out, and banned him from all of his properties.

You seem to keep blocking out of your delusional head that Bill Clinton was a FAR closer friend to these people, their constant companion and even had his painting hanging in Epstein's house. It isn't Trump that will be worried but Little Willie and the Hildabeast.

The painting of Clinton mocked Bill Clinton. Epstein hated Clinton.

Trump proclaimed Epstein was a terrific guy and said he had the same taste in women
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

No, that would be hitlery and her cohorts.
Trump has the means and motive to kill Maxwell. Clinton hasn’t been in power for decades
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

No, that would be hitlery and her cohorts.
Trump has the means and motive to kill Maxwell. Clinton hasn’t been in power for decades

That didn't seem to help epstein, and Trump has no reason to kill her, she is a clintonista problem. Which makes her YOUR problem.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.
The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

I'm telling you right now.... They're going to get her. I personally think Roberts is on the list....maybe Scalia.

The threat of naming names is the best defense Maxwell has

The only defense she has to stay alive is to release every name she has. That way she no longer has anything worth killing her for.

Maybe so
Trump would kill her to protect himself

ZERO evidence TRUMP had any trips to Epstein's house or ranch or flew on his plane,

Being at a public party is still not a crime. Get ready, the offenders will be almost all dems.

Not quite. Stone said he was at Epstein's house.

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