When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

Was the attack on Kavanaugh a domestic assault?

Nope. The facts in the pelosi case are, shall we say, interesting. He opened the door for the police, then walked back TOWARDS the guy that hit him with the hammer.

You tell me, is that the action of a man who is afraid?
Actually a number of leftists condemned it on this board. And was condemned in the media. Likewise the shooting at the Congressional baseball game. Huge condemnation, both sides coming together on it, in the news for weeks with updates on Scalise.

Here is what DIDN’T happen.
no Conspiracy theories about gay lovers
no smearing of the victim
no false claims about being in underwear

Pelosi is an 82 year old man. He was badly hurt and at that age you don’t heal fast. Their home was violated, much like Kavanaugh except the would be assassin stopped short of committing the deed, put his guns down and called the police on himself. No one hurt. No one claimed tbe killer was Kavanaugh’s gay lover either.

Pelosi’s attacker was spouting a whole lot of crap being spread in the rightwing political ambient. He chose to act on it. Is that any different than the man who shot Scalise?

Link to three of them please. I didn't see a single one condemn it. I DID see a whole hell of a lot applaud it.
Nope. The facts in the pelosi case are, shall we say, interesting. He opened the door for the police, then walked back TOWARDS the guy that hit him with the hammer.

You tell me, is that the action of a man who is afraid?
Except that is not what happened.

Here is what we know about the attack that began just after 2 a.m., from court records and news conferences, as authorities piece together police reports, video from body-worn cameras, a recording of the 911 call and other evidence…
Except that is not what happened.

Here is what we know about the attack that began just after 2 a.m., from court records and news conferences, as authorities piece together police reports, video from body-worn cameras, a recording of the 911 call and other evidence…

Actually, it is. NBC reported it, and then disappeared the report (though it is still out there) because it interfered with the official tall tale.,
Actually, it is. NBC reported it, and then disappeared the report (though it is still out there) because it interfered with the official tall tale.,
BS. This based on sworn statements, recorded calls and bodycams.
Biden should have come out and condemned the attempted attack on Kavanaugh quicker. He did come out and condemn it and provided added security for SCOTUS.
I would hope all those that mis-characterized the Pelosi attack would realize their mistake and admit it.
Could you please link the video of Biden condemning the Kavanaugh assassination attempt? I can’t seem to find the video link. Thanks.
He used to have crazy left wing allegiance but he changed to following crazy Trump lies.


You leftards are so fucking stupid you don't even realize how thoroughly idiotic that sounds.

A leftard suddenly became a Trumper? Really? REALLY??? lmao :p
his failure to listen to correct military procedures.
Like failing to listen to the Generals and not enforcing 6 out of 7 conditions of the Conditional Withdrawal while we withdrew most of our 13 thousand remaining troops? Then when it all blows up because the conditions were not enforced and nearly all the Allied Troop had been withdrawn, just blame the next guy.....Typical Benedict Donald behavior that Neo-GOP must ignore, because it's Saul Biden man.
I said I want the speech, where he comes out and addresses the press, like he immediately did after the terrible incident with Pelosi, not the deputy secretary making a statement.
He didn't but he should have. Biden making a mistake does not make it right for people on the right to make up conspiracy theories on what happened to Paul Pelosi.
Biden did not make up any false excuse that this was not a left wing crazy doing something that is not OK. It is wrong for anyone to do so. You have to own your crazies.

Trumpism embraces and encourages their crazies to do mor crazy things.
He didn't but he should have. Biden making a mistake does not make it right for people on the right to make up conspiracy theories on what happened to Paul Pelosi.
Biden did not make up any false excuse that this was not a left wing crazy doing something that is not OK. It is wrong for anyone to do so. You have to own your crazies.

Trumpism embraces and encourages their crazies to do mor crazy things.
I am not excusing either side, until you clean up your side you have no right to go after the other side. Both sides are wrong and both sides have nutty extremists. Violence is never the way. The two so called leaders of the parties were slow to respond to the attacks and they both should be out in front of it. I think little good is present in either party.
I am not excusing either side, until you clean up your side you have no right to go after the other side. Both sides are wrong and both sides have nutty extremists. Violence is never the way. The two so called leaders of the parties were slow to respond to the attacks and they both should be out in front of it. I think little good is present in either party.
Why do you say your side or my side. Americans need to think more about our side.
I am a former registered Republican who is an independent. My side is America, not either party.
Trumpism has thrown gas on the fire of division in this country.
That is a major problem
Why do you say your side or my side. Americans need to think more about our side.
I am a former registered Republican who is an independent. My side is America, not either party.
Trumpism has thrown gas on the fire of division in this country.
That is a major problem
I wouldn’t vote for Trump or Biden, can you say the same? My side wants neither party , my side wants responsible politicians who work for they American people not big corporations and rich billionaires.
I wouldn’t vote for Trump or Biden, can you say the same? My side wants neither party , my side wants responsible politicians who work for they American people not big corporations and rich billionaires.
Why did you refer to my side and your side?
If it is Biden and Trump in 2024, who do you vote for. I hope that neither Trump or Biden are nominated in 2024. That shows there is something very wrong with our system.
Why did you refer to my side and your side?
If it is Biden and Trump in 2024, who do you vote for. I hope that neither Trump or Biden are nominated in 2024. That shows there is something very wrong with our system.
The fact we ever got to Clinton, Biden or Trump shows us there is something wrong with the system, and you keep voting the same and we will continue our slide. I couldn‘t in good conscience vote for any of those three, they were all terrible candidates. I go for real change, I don’t vote for the corporate or billionaire owned parties. We have been sliding down hill for decades and I refuse to participate in continuing the slide down hill. I find candidates that will look after all Americans, not just the rich, so far most of Americans like yourself love voting for the rich corporations and billionaires, you continue on but don’t bitch to me about the results because you like them.

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