When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

He was here illegally, after he serves his sentence he needs to be deported and banned from ever entering this country again.
And he is a far right Q-Anon Trump supporting lunatic.

This kind of argument: nya nya nya he’s a leftist, he’s a rightist is stupid. His ideological spectrum is a mishmash culminating into a far right motivation for action. The key thing is a long-standing history of mental illness, not to different than the profiles of other recent killers.

Why was he in his underwear? Can’t answer a false claim since he was clothed.

No, he isn't. There is zero evidence to support that claim.

The only source for that bullcrap are two websites that were created the day of the attack, and deleted the next day when they were proven to be fraudulent.

You really should investigate your source material better.
Too bad you have fixed blinders on in all the wrong places. When lie after lie was brought to light in the fake impeachment trial of President Trump, whose name was cleared by the ridiculous scrutiny of 19 Democrat Lawyers of the Muller discovery taskforce that only proved that Trump DID NOT EVER CONTACT THE RUSSIANS TO DO IN HILLARY TRUMP. Unfortunately for the former first lady, she contacted a foreign spy to turn in a dossier filled with lies. The Mr. Steele of Steel Dossier fame was a foreign spy of Great Britain, and his name was used falsely. I hope Hillary Clinton spends the rest of her life in jail for orchestrating her rival, Donald Trump's fall from grace and his office. She is in serious trouble for costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars for all the pain she put Donald Trump through. She's a damn traitor, and there's no other way of putting her multiple crimes against a sitting President. She betrayed the American people, and she doesn't deserve the lush life she is living right now and she knows many other Americans know it, too. She owes every cent she has back to the American Taxpayers who footed her evil dossier of lies, some of which were nearly as egregious as her husband's use of the oval office for oral sex with willing and unwilling women.

The truth is always good, but the ones about Biden need to be known before he gets more of our people left behind by his failure to listen to correct military procedures. I guess he was in that damn shower with his kid when conflicts arose out of the middle east.

I've created nothing of the sort. Stop your projected smarm. You are humiliating yourself.

What utter trash.
No, he isn't. There is zero evidence to support that claim.

The only source for that bullcrap are two websites that were created the day of the attack, and deleted the next day when they were proven to be fraudulent.

You really should investigate your source material better.
There is plenty of source material that indicates that.

Meanwhile we are seeing an increase in attacks on political figures and they are largely inspired by the increasingly violent rhetoric framing political opposition as an existential threat.

Meanwhile, some have drawn comparisons to the responses to those previous attacks and pointed to disparities between them and the attack on Pelosi’s husband, saying that where leaders were previously able to put politics aside, some have stoked the flames this week or pushed misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Another nonsensical post by the Trollmod
So sad, it's clear to me that you are
There is plenty of source material that indicates that.

Meanwhile we are seeing an increase in attacks on political figures and they are largely inspired by the increasingly violent rhetoric framing political opposition as an existential threat.

Meanwhile, some have drawn comparisons to the responses to those previous attacks and pointed to disparities between them and the attack on Pelosi’s husband, saying that where leaders were previously able to put politics aside, some have stoked the flames this week or pushed misinformation and conspiracy theories.


That much about him we absolutely KNOW for certain. Not one iota of that says anything other than leftist.

He is also crazy. But crazy is its own classification.

That much about him we absolutely KNOW for certain. Not one iota of that says anything other than leftist.

He is also crazy. But crazy is its own classification.
First off, we know for sure what I said and linked. Second, nudity and hemp are not toe sole perogative of the left.
Westwall seems to believe that Nostra is sane. Nostra's words are mostly echoes of BIG LIES and logical fallacies without one iota of reality.

I know you are a troll. When Kavanaugh was attacked you leftists were either gleeful, or silent.

Chuck Schumer of teenage rape fame threatened the SCOTUS over Roe and you asshats cheered him on.

Guess what motherfucker, you reap what you sow!
First off, we know for sure what I said and linked. Second, nudity and hemp are not toe sole perogative of the left.

He is a GREEN PARTY MEMBER. His partner has described him as a progressive. He has BLM and gay pride flags all over his home, so who to belive, his family, friends and neighbors, or internet activists with a goal to cover for Paul pelousi and try and turn a domestic assault into a political attack?
A Supreme Court Justice with his family targeted by a pro abortion maniac compared to two guys in their underwear struggling over a hammer? Which one is gay?
Both incidents were horrific. They both need to be condemned by all. Anyone who does not condemn both is an embarrassment. They are saying violence is OK if it is furthering a political stance they have. Shameful.
I never thought it was a gay anything, you have a nut that for years has had problem that attacked Pelosi, like Hinkley who was also nut.

Why did Biden come out and personally condemn the attack quickly and yet when Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court Justice was a victim of an assasination plot by a person that has no history of mental illness, Biden issued a press release, I wonder why the double standard. Any insights?
Biden should have come out and condemned the attempted attack on Kavanaugh quicker. He did come out and condemn it and provided added security for SCOTUS.
I would hope all those that mis-characterized the Pelosi attack would realize their mistake and admit it.
No, he isn't. There is zero evidence to support that claim.

The only source for that bullcrap are two websites that were created the day of the attack, and deleted the next day when they were proven to be fraudulent.

You really should investigate your source material better.
You need to investigate Westwall. There is a plethora of evidence the guy was a Trump follower very upset about the lie that the election was rigged and other Trump lies.
His thinking is very close to yours and he has been labeled crazy

He is a GREEN PARTY MEMBER. His partner has described him as a progressive. He has BLM and gay pride flags all over his home, so who to belive, his family, friends and neighbors, or internet activists with a goal to cover for Paul pelousi and try and turn a domestic assault into a political attack?
You Idiot!
He used to have crazy left wing allegiance but he changed to following crazy Trump lies.
People change. Reagan was a Democrat before he was a Republican.
I know you are a troll. When Kavanaugh was attacked you leftists were either gleeful, or silent.

Chuck Schumer of teenage rape fame threatened the SCOTUS over Roe and you asshats cheered him on.

Guess what motherfucker, you reap what you sow!

Silly liar.
You Idiot!
He used to have crazy left wing allegiance but he changed to following crazy Trump lies.
People change. Reagan was a Democrat before he was a Republican.

No he didn't you troll. The web sites you refer too were CREATED THAT DAY!

I know you are a troll. When Kavanaugh was attacked you leftists were either gleeful, or silent.

Chuck Schumer of teenage rape fame threatened the SCOTUS over Roe and you asshats cheered him on.

Guess what motherfucker, you reap what you sow!
Actually a number of leftists condemned it on this board. And was condemned in the media. Likewise the shooting at the Congressional baseball game. Huge condemnation, both sides coming together on it, in the news for weeks with updates on Scalise.

Here is what DIDN’T happen.
no Conspiracy theories about gay lovers
no smearing of the victim
no false claims about being in underwear

Pelosi is an 82 year old man. He was badly hurt and at that age you don’t heal fast. Their home was violated, much like Kavanaugh except the would be assassin stopped short of committing the deed, put his guns down and called the police on himself. No one hurt. No one claimed tbe killer was Kavanaugh’s gay lover either.

Pelosi’s attacker was spouting a whole lot of crap being spread in the rightwing political ambient. He chose to act on it. Is that any different than the man who shot Scalise?
He is a GREEN PARTY MEMBER. His partner has described him as a progressive. He has BLM and gay pride flags all over his home, so who to belive, his family, friends and neighbors, or internet activists with a goal to cover for Paul pelousi and try and turn a domestic assault into a political attack?
Was the attack on Kavanaugh a domestic assault?

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