When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

So Israel and Palestine almost existed side by side as two countries because of Donnie Dangerously?

The hell you say!

So? How close did he come?
Don't worry, asshole Biden ensured that world peace would not be given to the world by President trump, even if inserting himself was a total failure like the rest of his n'er-do-well life, with the hell of others assistance (for a price) to put him where he doesn't belong through stuffing the ballot boxes in 5 of the six swing states with corruption available along with the help of lying press agents in the media shielding the truth from being known. This was bigger than his billion-buck extortion of the Ukraine, and when the video appeared of his bragging how he pulled it off to his rich buds, that has been made unavailable by the deep state diggers who are burying our freedoms as we speak with their grandoise insistence on inserting simple communism for their full and never opposed ruling class crap. NO!!!!!
My "cult" is the Presbyterian Church. We believe that Christ is our savior, not anyone else. And I've sat on the same pew with Republicans and Democrats alike who are kind and civil not only in church but in the community at large, such as Meals on Wheels, the Public Library, Hospital Gift shops whose profits go to purchasing medical equipment a small town hospital could not afford otherwise, craft fairs that give all proceeds to a small community Symphonies that are on a par with the best big city ones, Homeless shelters, food banks for people the Feds turn down, and every benevolence there is in community life from recycling centers to community gymnasiums for everybody.

We believe that human beings are God's children and deserving of the rights that Americans have-- live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But we're careful about the truth. Don't sell Christian America short. We believe God sent us here for a reason, and Christian education teaches truth and fidelity.

Your current fill-in-president's history is the routing and reinvesting American taxpayer-given Foreign Aid to himself. You have no idea how we know this as a certainty, including a video of the man bragging about bilking the Ukraine out of 1/3 of its foreign aid package and having the Ukrainians delivering the billion dollar windfall to Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or he was going to cancel their three billion dollar Foreign Aid package passed so they could stave off Russia who was threatening an invasion. Biden decided to use his Vice Presidency as a threat to the Ukraine, and I put the you tube of Biden bragging about this deed to his fellow wealthy men's meeting 3 or 4 times a couple of years back, the likes of which are no longer available because of the Democrat reach out and swat committee threatening to destroy certain websites that tattle on their fruitcake leader's self-serving crap cake "elections," not to mention his fundraising for several-million dollars worth of real estate, and more than even likely closed-mouth offshore accounts to save himself from having to pay taxes on an illegal extortion of a foreign country by an employee of the United States Government. Man, he's going down fer dat.
As a Christian, a believer in God, I cannot see how any believer in God can support Donald Trump. My biggest problem with Trump is his lack of morality, ethics, compassion for others. We are all sinners but there few sinners as big as Trump.
I believe in securing the borders in a better way than it is being done currently but I think Jesus would disagree with my lack of compassion at the border. Jesus Christ would not be in Washington tending to corrupt politicians, he would be at the southern border tending to the immigrants.
Biden is not my favorite President. He is a sinner, like us all but he has true faith. Donald Trump uses Christians.
Empathy is the key to compassion is the key to a Godly world. Trump has no compassion, he has no empathy. He puts himself above all others.
"You're a child" bullshit is just that garbage pail techniques of marginalizing your fellow debater. Nobody in their right mind buys that.
I have compassion for adults who act like children but it calls for tough love. It is time to put on your big boy pants and deal with the world the way it is, not the way you wish it was.
Do not enable child like behavior.
You're the one who keeps pointing out that Benedict Donald inspires terrorist from across the globe now to come here illegally and attack the Democrats who the Neo-GOP have demonized.. But you can make pantie and hammer jokes if you want, that's par for that course, it fits.
Your trolling needs work, Simp.
I have compassion for adults who act like children but it calls for tough love. It is time to put on your big boy pants and deal with the world the way it is, not the way you wish it was.
Do not enable child like behavior.
I'm much older than you, sir. And I don't let offensive commie stooges get in my sights.
Don't worry, asshole Biden ensured that world peace would not be given to the world by President trump, even if inserting himself was a total failure like the rest of his n'er-do-well life, with the hell of others assistance (for a price) to put him where he doesn't belong through stuffing the ballot boxes in 5 of the six swing states with corruption available along with the help of lying press agents in the media shielding the truth from being known. This was bigger than his billion-buck extortion of the Ukraine, and when the video appeared of his bragging how he pulled it off to his rich buds, that has been made unavailable by the deep state diggers who are burying our freedoms as we speak with their grandoise insistence on inserting simple communism for their full and never opposed ruling class crap. NO!!!!!
I'm not worried. Wow. Nice Screed. But nothing on how the ME P plans of St. Donald effected the Palestinian/Israel conflict? Oh well. Benedict Donald's attempt to withdraw the US from the leadership role across the globe that we've had since the end of WWII has not happened. Though it appears our enemies hoped that it did. Nato is still strong as is the Asian alliance.
As a Christian, a believer in God, I cannot see how any believer in God can support Donald Trump. My biggest problem with Trump is his lack of morality, ethics, compassion for others. We are all sinners but there few sinners as big as Trump.
I believe in securing the borders in a better way than it is being done currently but I think Jesus would disagree with my lack of compassion at the border. Jesus Christ would not be in Washington tending to corrupt politicians, he would be at the southern border tending to the immigrants.
Biden is not my favorite President. He is a sinner, like us all but he has true faith. Donald Trump uses Christians.
Empathy is the key to compassion is the key to a Godly world. Trump has no compassion, he has no empathy. He puts himself above all others.
Trump didn't extort a billion dollars for a foreign aid package and broadcast it to his buds that wound up on a video that I have posted her at least 3 or 4 times, and each time one of you alerts the Democrat Party and disables the source. Go take a flying leap for discrediting a man who survived Hillary "I forget" Clinton's developed lying k.o. for Donald Trump for being in her fat way. She's been collecting money from Russia for years upon years to help her cause of communizing America in accordance with her glowing college discourse on the 8-step Alinsky program for communizing a free nation into a Marxist hellcamp. You're either too stupid to know what she hit this nation with for the full four years President Trump was in office, but she was thorough, and she had a lot of greedy-for-power and some of that good Russian money to spend a life of luxury by helping creepsister Rodham-Clinton get even with people she doubledog hates who got in her way. She has a history of former helpers who committed suicide, Vince Foster comes to mind. You can have her. Just keep her outta my face.
You only believe things that fit your false narrative of what went on. Trumpers don't look for the truth. They look for ways to justify their perception of truth. If they cannot find it, they make stuff up. They are like children living in a fantasy world.
Remember how liberals believed all the made up allegations in the Steele Dossier?

You were living in a fantasy world created and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

People who live in glass houses should avoid throwing rocks.
When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

That's because Kavanaugh wasn't in his undies!

I know! All of those cameras and NO ONE was watching.

I mean, that's like totally believable....

They travel with the Speaker! Her freezer and precious ice cream are UNGUARDED whenever she's out of town! It's amazing there's not a break-in every week
Remember how liberals believed all the made up allegations in the Steele Dossier?

You were living in a fantasy world created and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

People who live in glass houses should avoid throwing rocks.
I never requoted anything in the Steele dossier. My many anti-Trump friends never took the Steele dosier as proven. You have now looked into our glass house.
Remember how liberals believed all the made up allegations in the Steele Dossier?

You were living in a fantasy world created and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

People who live in glass houses should avoid throwing rocks.

The only thing in the dossier that wasn't previously known was the pee tape business. Does it matter to you?

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