When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

You're the one who keeps pointing out that Benedict Donald inspires terrorist from across the globe now to come here illegally and attack the Democrats who the Neo-GOP have demonized.. But you can make pantie and hammer jokes if you want, that's par for that course, it fits.
The attack on Paul Pelosi had zero to do with DJT. So the attack on Kavanaugh was due to DJT too? If you recall DJT wanted to abolish sanctuary cities. Dumb Libs like you threw a temper tantrum. SF actually voted out their DA. Defund the Police….right?
Said like a true Trump trained monkey. Making excuses for one of the other crazy trained monkeys.
Why don't you disavow the guy. Why can't you say he did the crime thinking he was doing what Trump wanted but he is wrong. Trumpism does not support violence. The reason is you do support violence.
What a great American you are as shown by displaying the US flag upside down.
Marginalize much?
Benedict Donald's message of violence has gone international now. Is he leading an international terrorist ring? I think a case might be made that he is, or at least wants too. People are starting to talk about it all over the place too. Benedict Donald, the Backstabber. If you're in his circle of friends of the moment, better watch yer back.
President Donald Trump's record with foreign country is that he almost completed a peace contract in the Middle East. You've been foiled.
Videos today can be faked and often are.

You only believe things that fit your false narrative of what went on. Trumpers don't look for the truth. They look for ways to justify their perception of truth. If they cannot find it, they make stuff up. They are like children living in a fantasy world.
When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

It's believable that a San Fran frootloop would be attacked by his gay lover.
It's believable that a San Fran frootloop would be attacked by his gay lover.
It may believable in your mind, but go out in the real world and prove your thought. The evidence gathered by many proves you were incorrect.
Like all in the Trump cult, if evidence proves you wrong you ignore it and continue to pass on a lie.
The real world scares Trump minions. They make up a world they can handle. Like a child.
It may believable in your mind, but go out in the real world and prove your thought. The evidence gathered by many proves you were incorrect.
Like all in the Trump cult, if evidence proves you wrong you ignore it and continue to pass on a lie.
The real world scares Trump minions. They make up a world they can handle. Like a child.
Blah blah blah

None of what you just said discredit what I said. I said it is believable that a Fruitloop from San Francisco would be attacked by a gay lover.

Is that not believable?

I never said it was fact. I said it was believable.
The attack on Paul Pelosi had zero to do with DJT. So the attack on Kavanaugh was due to DJT too? If you recall DJT wanted to abolish sanctuary cities. Dumb Libs like you threw a temper tantrum. SF actually voted out their DA. Defund the Police….right?

The guy was a member of Donnie's Election Denial Cult. Obviously the dude was crazy. The would be assassin of Kavanaugh was also obviously crazy and most likely influenced by the heated rhetoric as well. They should all tone it down. Sanctuary policies do not make the cities refugee centers. Congress should have but cannot deal with the issue. Defund the Police? Beat the Shit out of Police then pretend to support them? Both sides get an F on that test.
The free world didn't plan on 20,000 mules refiguring an election to Hillary Rodham Clinton's sick satisfaction.
Have you researched 20,000 mules? The authors are in jail for contempt of court. They cannot provide the source of the information because the person does not exist.
Do you believe the earth is flat? There are those that do and have written about it. Do you believe in Santa Claus. There are those that do and have written about it.
You live in a world defined by lies because you cannot handle the real world.
The world is not fair. You cannot handle that. You make up bad guys you can unload on to explain why the world is not fair.
It is what children do as they learn to live in the real world. You never learned.
The free world didn't plan on 20,000 mules refiguring an election to Hillary Rodham Clinton's sick satisfaction.
Blah blah blah

None of what you just said discredit what I said. I said it is believable that a Fruitloop from San Francisco would be attacked by a gay lover.

Is that not believable?

I never said it was fact. I said it was believable.
You are like a child that refuses to believe Santa is not real. You have fantasies that make the world right in your immature brain. You take away the lies, you have to live in the real world and you cannot handle it.
It may believable in your mind, but go out in the real world and prove your thought. The evidence gathered by many proves you were incorrect.
Like all in the Trump cult, if evidence proves you wrong you ignore it and continue to pass on a lie.
The real world scares Trump minions. They make up a world they can handle. Like a child.
My "cult" is the Presbyterian Church. We believe that Christ is our savior, not anyone else. And I've sat on the same pew with Republicans and Democrats alike who are kind and civil not only in church but in the community at large, such as Meals on Wheels, the Public Library, Hospital Gift shops whose profits go to purchasing medical equipment a small town hospital could not afford otherwise, craft fairs that give all proceeds to a small community Symphonies that are on a par with the best big city ones, Homeless shelters, food banks for people the Feds turn down, and every benevolence there is in community life from recycling centers to community gymnasiums for everybody.

We believe that human beings are God's children and deserving of the rights that Americans have-- live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But we're careful about the truth. Don't sell Christian America short. We believe God sent us here for a reason, and Christian education teaches truth and fidelity.

Your current fill-in-president's history is the routing and reinvesting American taxpayer-given Foreign Aid to himself. You have no idea how we know this as a certainty, including a video of the man bragging about bilking the Ukraine out of 1/3 of its foreign aid package and having the Ukrainians delivering the billion dollar windfall to Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or he was going to cancel their three billion dollar Foreign Aid package passed so they could stave off Russia who was threatening an invasion. Biden decided to use his Vice Presidency as a threat to the Ukraine, and I put the you tube of Biden bragging about this deed to his fellow wealthy men's meeting 3 or 4 times a couple of years back, the likes of which are no longer available because of the Democrat reach out and swat committee threatening to destroy certain websites that tattle on their fruitcake leader's self-serving crap cake "elections," not to mention his fundraising for several-million dollars worth of real estate, and more than even likely closed-mouth offshore accounts to save himself from having to pay taxes on an illegal extortion of a foreign country by an employee of the United States Government. Man, he's going down fer dat.
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You are like a child that refuses to believe Santa is not real. You have fantasies that make the world right in your immature brain. You take away the lies, you have to live in the real world and you cannot handle it.
Blah blah blah

San Fran is the gay capital of the U.S. right?

Do I really need to spell it out for you and make a SCOTUS case for such a notion?

YOU are the one sporting an immature brain, dumb fuck.
Have you researched 20,000 mules? The authors are in jail for contempt of court. They cannot provide the source of the information because the person does not exist.
Do you believe the earth is flat? There are those that do and have written about it. Do you believe in Santa Claus. There are those that do and have written about it.
You live in a world defined by lies because you cannot handle the real world.
The world is not fair. You cannot handle that. You make up bad guys you can unload on to explain why the world is not fair.
It is what children do as they learn to live in the real world. You never learned.
"You're a child" bullshit is just that garbage pail techniques of marginalizing your fellow debater. Nobody in their right mind buys that.
The guy was a member of Donnie's Election Denial Cult. Obviously the dude was crazy. The would be assassin of Kavanaugh was also obviously crazy and most likely influenced by the heated rhetoric as well. They should all tone it down. Sanctuary policies do not make the cities refugee centers. Congress should have but cannot deal with the issue. Defund the Police? Beat the Shit out of Police then pretend to support them? Both sides get an F on that test.
You and I cannot and will not tone it down. Why should they? Please explain. You and I get Fs as well. All we do is scream over one another, Lib.
Have you researched 20,000 mules? The authors are in jail for contempt of court. They cannot provide the source of the information because the person does not exist.
Do you believe the earth is flat? There are those that do and have written about it. Do you believe in Santa Claus. There are those that do and have written about it.
You live in a world defined by lies because you cannot handle the real world.
The world is not fair. You cannot handle that. You make up bad guys you can unload on to explain why the world is not fair.
It is what children do as they learn to live in the real world. You never learned.
You are mistaken. I ran into a little "I voted 30 times" Democrat precinct chairpersons online 24 years ago. They didn't even know I was there. The next day when I returned to their little thread, it had been removed because the evidence therein was of willing illegal changing of a political Presidential Race. The contributors were from states coast to coast. The Democrats have been lying for many, many years about elections. The Biden "election" was the ultimate end of this malice aforethought baloney. Winning was their end goal. They threw out honesty many, many long years ago, sir. Like some of the people who post here brag, they did it for the money. It wound up being a disaster on this country.
he almost completed a peace contract in the Middle East
So Israel and Palestine almost existed side by side as two countries because of Donnie Dangerously?

The hell you say!

So? How close did he come?

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