When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

You only believe things that fit your false narrative of what went on. Trumpers don't look for the truth. They look for ways to justify their perception of truth. If they cannot find it, they make stuff up. They are like children living in a fantasy world.
Too bad you have fixed blinders on in all the wrong places. When lie after lie was brought to light in the fake impeachment trial of President Trump, whose name was cleared by the ridiculous scrutiny of 19 Democrat Lawyers of the Muller discovery taskforce that only proved that Trump DID NOT EVER CONTACT THE RUSSIANS TO DO IN HILLARY TRUMP. Unfortunately for the former first lady, she contacted a foreign spy to turn in a dossier filled with lies. The Mr. Steele of Steel Dossier fame was a foreign spy of Great Britain, and his name was used falsely. I hope Hillary Clinton spends the rest of her life in jail for orchestrating her rival, Donald Trump's fall from grace and his office. She is in serious trouble for costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars for all the pain she put Donald Trump through. She's a damn traitor, and there's no other way of putting her multiple crimes against a sitting President. She betrayed the American people, and she doesn't deserve the lush life she is living right now and she knows many other Americans know it, too. She owes every cent she has back to the American Taxpayers who footed her evil dossier of lies, some of which were nearly as egregious as her husband's use of the oval office for oral sex with willing and unwilling women.
I'm not worried. Wow. Nice Screed. But nothing on how the ME P plans of St. Donald effected the Palestinian/Israel conflict? Oh well. Benedict Donald's attempt to withdraw the US from the leadership role across the globe that we've had since the end of WWII has not happened. Though it appears our enemies hoped that it did. Nato is still strong as is the Asian alliance.
The truth is always good, but the ones about Biden need to be known before he gets more of our people left behind by his failure to listen to correct military procedures. I guess he was in that damn shower with his kid when conflicts arose out of the middle east.
That is fine, but it is time to view the world the way it is and do not lie and live lies to create a fantasy world you can handle. It is never too late.
I've created nothing of the sort. Stop your projected smarm. You are humiliating yourself.
A Supreme Court Justice with his family targeted by a pro abortion maniac compared to two guys in their underwear struggling over a hammer? Which one is gay?
When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

Another false equivalence fallacy. Gosh what would Trump hating Liberals do without them?
That is fine, but it is time to view the world the way it is and do not lie and live lies to create a fantasy world you can handle. It is never too late.
You view the world the way you are told to view it. I hope you are intelligent enough to see that.
The only thing in the dossier that wasn't previously known was the pee tape business. Does it matter to you?

I never requoted anything in the Steele dossier. My many anti-Trump friends never took the Steele dosier as proven. You have now looked into our glass house.
Trump must be squeaky clean to have survived all the investigations that have cost our nation millions and millions of dollars. I doubt if any politician at the state or national levels could survive having such an intense spotlight focused on their lives.

What do you think would happen if the Biden crime family is subjected to any truly honest investigation?

We may find out shortly if the republicans win big in the midterms.
It's believable that a San Fran frootloop would be attacked by his gay lover.
Still you would think that even an 82 year old gay man with the wealth Pelosi has would be able to find a better gay lover than the guy caught smacking him in the head with a hammer. His net worth is estimated at 130 million.

Plus I thought the rumors were that there was a young girl in Paul Pelosi’s car the night he wrecked it. Does he swing both ways?

At any rate it is obvious that once again high level democrats and the members of their families are treated differently than Trump Deplorables and your everyday republican stinky Walmart people.
Yes. Pelousi's attacker is a gay, green party, pro nudity, hemp jewelry making illegal alien.
And he is a far right Q-Anon Trump supporting lunatic.

This kind of argument: nya nya nya he’s a leftist, he’s a rightist is stupid. His ideological spectrum is a mishmash culminating into a far right motivation for action. The key thing is a long-standing history of mental illness, not to different than the profiles of other recent killers.

Why was he in his underwear? Can’t answer a false claim since he was clothed.

When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

I never thought it was a gay anything, you have a nut that for years has had problem that attacked Pelosi, like Hinkley who was also nut.

Why did Biden come out and personally condemn the attack quickly and yet when Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court Justice was a victim of an assasination plot by a person that has no history of mental illness, Biden issued a press release, I wonder why the double standard. Any insights?

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