When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

You continue to lie. They now have video of the guy breaking a window and the actual conversations. You perpetuate a lie after it has been proven false. You are sick.

Haven't finished reading the whole thread. Did you ever come up with that link?
Dude, same thing applies to you as it does to Biden: THERE IS NO NEED TO LIE WITH YOU - THE CRAZY SHIT YOU MAKE UP AND SAY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.

View attachment 720407
What happened to your cult leader this week. Trump continues to lose. He and the minions are going down. I love it.

Keep it puerile, O muddy one!

Sorry, not puerile. This is the big boy real world figuring out who Trump and his braindead followers are and the harm they will do if put in positions of power.
Trump and his minions will continue to lose the power they have until they are relegated to the fringes with other white supremacists, Nazis, KKK, QAnon and the rest of the looneys.
It cannot happen to quick
Sorry, not puerile. This is the big boy real world figuring out who Trump and his braindead followers are and the harm they will do if put in positions of power.
Trump and his minions will continue to lose the power they have until they are relegated to the fringes with other white supremacists, Nazis, KKK, QAnon and the rest of the looneys.
It cannot happen to quick

Says the jackass who put a moron into a position to endanger the entire fucking world with nuclear war.

Go fuck yourself.
Sorry, not puerile. This is the big boy real world figuring out who Trump and his braindead followers are and the harm they will do if put in positions of power.
Trump and his minions will continue to lose the power they have until they are relegated to the fringes with other white supremacists, Nazis, KKK, QAnon and the rest of the looneys.
It cannot happen to quick

There are a lot of people here who sound as if they have a brain/TV interface and all they need to do is open their mouth and out comes all the approved talking points, flowing like water.

Your interface sounds like it includes the effect of about a gallon of cheap vodka and a $2 blowjob.
What happened to your cult leader this week. Trump continues to lose. He and the minions are going down. I love it.

View attachment 723726

Conservatives don't have 'cult leaders', snowflake, but if trying to gaslight makes you feel better about your Nazicrats losing the House and someone finally throwing a bucket of water on Nacy to shrivel her treasonous, criminal, boney ass up and out of the Speaker position....well, you just do what you gotta do.

Conservatives don't have 'cult leaders', snowflake, but if trying to gaslight makes you feel better about your Nazicrats losing the House and someone finally throwing a bucket of water on Nacy to shrivel her treasonous, criminal, boney ass up and out of the Speaker position....well, you just do what you gotta do.

I agree that conservatives don't have cult leaders. But Trump supporters are not conservatives. They are a cult.
No he didn't you troll. The web sites you refer too were CREATED THAT DAY!

You are a sucker. You believe the false conspiracy theories and all lies put out by the crazies.

How did you become you. What causes someone to be such a clueless sucker
Trump must be squeaky clean to have survived all the investigations that have cost our nation millions and millions of dollars. I doubt if any politician at the state or national levels could survive having such an intense spotlight focused on their lives.

What do you think would happen if the Biden crime family is subjected to any truly honest investigation?

We may find out shortly if the republicans win big in the midterms.
The midterms showed voters are getting sick of Trump and his lies.
What do you say to that.
The midterms showed voters are getting sick of Trump and his lies.
What do you say to that.
I don’t think the voters are as sick of Trump’s policies as they are of his obnoxiousness. DeSantis in Florida is a fighter like Trump but republicans in Florida did great in the midterms.
You are a sucker. You believe the false conspiracy theories and all lies put out by the crazies.

How did you become you. What causes someone to be such a clueless sucker

The twentienth century called. They want their ineffectual insults back.
When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

David dePape is a left wing Green illegal gay coke whore.

UnderwearGate is so obvious...

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