When American gun owners sent guns to Britain during World War 2...


Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Isoroku Yamamoto

Read more at You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade... - Isoroku Yamamoto at BrainyQuote

Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Isoroku Yamamoto

Read more at You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade... - Isoroku Yamamoto at BrainyQuote
Gun nut mythology

Yamamoto never said that

Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Isoroku Yamamoto

Read more at You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade... - Isoroku Yamamoto at BrainyQuote
Gun nut mythology

Yamamoto never said that

You anti gun nuts are loons, that and pussies, pussy

Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Isoroku Yamamoto

Read more at You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade... - Isoroku Yamamoto at BrainyQuote
Gun nut mythology

Yamamoto never said that

You anti gun nuts are loons, that and pussies, pussy
Is that why conservatives make up quotes
Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Isoroku Yamamoto

Read more at You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade... - Isoroku Yamamoto at BrainyQuote
Gun nut mythology

Yamamoto never said that

You anti gun nuts are loons, that and pussies, pussy
Is that why conservatives make up quotes

Who said a conservative made it up? Stop making up shit, pussy
The argument is always that law abiding citizens do not need to have guns...leave it to the police and military to protect us.........until the government becomes the bad guy, or simply can't or won't do it's job and protect the citizens from enemies both foriegn and domestic.....during World War2....the British were in need of guns....and turned to us for those guns....

The False Promise Of Civilian Disarmament The Daily Caller

In late 1940, the committee sent an urgent appeal—which, of course, appeared in American Rifleman—for Americans to send “Pistols – Rifles – Revolvers – Shotguns – Binoculars” because “British civilians, faced with the threat of invasion, desperately need arms for the defense of their homes.” Thousands of arms were collected and sent to England, one of which was a .30-’06 Model 1903 target rifle owned by Major John W. Hession. One of the pre-eminent highpower rifle target shooters of his day, Hession used that rifle to win Olympic gold at Bisley Camp in England in 1908.

May be it's a glorious piece of our history but really it's just funny because with no rifles or pistols anyone could oppose Nazi Germany without strong regular military forces - in Europe even countries with regular armies surrendered to Nazis without a single shot performed so really it's some sort of poor argument in favor of guns and gunowners.
Did Germans ever actually invade England proper that they needed the weapons for homesoil defense?
The Nazis were surprisingly close to winning WW2, by crippling UK shipping, and even fairly close to developing nuclear weapons.

The scary thought is that if Hitler had built up his forces more, instead of invading Poland, and waited till they developed basic jet fighters , then the Nazis probably could have defeated the UK and kept the US out of Europe.

Though the Channel Islands were invaded by the Nazis, so some part of the UK was forced to live under Nazi occupation. It was a botched operation to evacuate people from there, and too many people remained on the islands.

Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

Really....how stupid are you...what gaurantees the right to free speech......?

Gun murder killed 8454, people in 2013 according to the FBI table 8....

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....505....

Suicides account for the rest and since Japan and South Korea have absolute gun control their people still kill themselves at 2 times our rate without guns...so guns are not the issue...

Then of course you don't mention the number of time violent criminal attack is stopped or prevented with guns and lives saved...on average 2 million times a year (non military, non police civilian defensive uses of guns)

So you are wrong....

Guns guartantee the right to free speech?

When has that ever happened in OUR country?

Do you know of people who have car insurance, yet they've never had a claim ?

An ounce of prevention........................................

And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Hmmm...except for hitler, mussolini, japan, kept South korea safe, helped vietnam...

And people murdered because they lacked the means to fight their own governments......75-100 million.......


Which were Constitutional Republics?
If you have a strong First Amendment, you don't need a Second Amendment

Our guns kill 32,000 Americans a year and have yet to do a thing to constrain government or stop an invasion

Really....how stupid are you...what gaurantees the right to free speech......?

Gun murder killed 8454, people in 2013 according to the FBI table 8....

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....505....

Suicides account for the rest and since Japan and South Korea have absolute gun control their people still kill themselves at 2 times our rate without guns...so guns are not the issue...

Then of course you don't mention the number of time violent criminal attack is stopped or prevented with guns and lives saved...on average 2 million times a year (non military, non police civilian defensive uses of guns)

So you are wrong....

Guns guartantee the right to free speech?

When has that ever happened in OUR country?

Every day..........
The argument is always that law abiding citizens do not need to have guns...leave it to the police and military to protect us.........until the government becomes the bad guy, or simply can't or won't do it's job and protect the citizens from enemies both foriegn and domestic.....during World War2....the British were in need of guns....and turned to us for those guns....

The False Promise Of Civilian Disarmament The Daily Caller

In late 1940, the committee sent an urgent appeal—which, of course, appeared in American Rifleman—for Americans to send “Pistols – Rifles – Revolvers – Shotguns – Binoculars” because “British civilians, faced with the threat of invasion, desperately need arms for the defense of their homes.” Thousands of arms were collected and sent to England, one of which was a .30-’06 Model 1903 target rifle owned by Major John W. Hession. One of the pre-eminent highpower rifle target shooters of his day, Hession used that rifle to win Olympic gold at Bisley Camp in England in 1908.

May be it's a glorious piece of our history but really it's just funny because with no rifles or pistols anyone could oppose Nazi Germany without strong regular military forces - in Europe even countries with regular armies surrendered to Nazis without a single shot performed so really it's some sort of poor argument in favor of guns and gunowners.

Actually, they didn't have wide spread civilains with arms....and it did keep the Germans from invading the Swiss....and yes.....given time a superior military can be driven out of a country...Vietnam, Afghanistan (Russians) AFganistan (United States), Iraq.....and many times the civilians fight until they can secure more military aid from outside of the country...the Revolutionary War, and the various conflicts above....so no...it isn't a myth or a fantasy......

And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....
From PBS no less....


The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....

Colonial Army

And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....

Colonial Army

Only after the militias began the war....and what do you morons would think would happen here....first the resistance with private arms and then they would get bigger and more organized....

Which can't happen when people are unarmed...which is why we protect the 2nd Amendment from people like you.....moron....

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