When American gun owners sent guns to Britain during World War 2...


And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....

Colonial Army

Only after the militias began the war....and what do you morons would think would happen here....first the resistance with private arms and then they would get bigger and more organized....

Which can't happen when people are unarmed...which is why we protect the 2nd Amendment from people like you.....moron....

The value of militia forces in the Revolution

Battle of Camden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The British troops opened the battle, when the right flank fired a volley into the militia regiments, causing a significant number of casualties. They followed the volley up with a bayonet charge. The militia, lacking bayonets, panicked and fled before the British regiments even reached them. Only one company of militia managed to fire a volley before fleeing. The panic quickly spread to the North Carolina militia, and they also broke ranks and fled. Seeing his left flank collapse, Gates fled with the first of the militia to run from the field. Within a matter of minutes, the whole American left wing had evaporated. The Virginia militia ran away so quickly that they suffered only three casualties.
And of course the one we over look...........the American colonists.....many with their own rifles....driving out the British.........the Battle of Lexington and Concord......the British went to seize the weapons and powder stores of the colonists.........

Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....

Colonial Army

Only after the militias began the war....and what do you morons would think would happen here....first the resistance with private arms and then they would get bigger and more organized....

Which can't happen when people are unarmed...which is why we protect the 2nd Amendment from people like you.....moron....

The value of militia forces in the Revolution

Battle of Camden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The British troops opened the battle, when the right flank fired a volley into the militia regiments, causing a significant number of casualties. They followed the volley up with a bayonet charge. The militia, lacking bayonets, panicked and fled before the British regiments even reached them. Only one company of militia managed to fire a volley before fleeing. The panic quickly spread to the North Carolina militia, and they also broke ranks and fled. Seeing his left flank collapse, Gates fled with the first of the militia to run from the field. Within a matter of minutes, the whole American left wing had evaporated. The Virginia militia ran away so quickly that they suffered only three casualties.

Wow.....one battle....you are so super duper smart..........and again....they kept the fight going until we gained outside help...which you can't do when you have no weapons. moron....An armed nation can fight till the enemy grows tired and leaves or until others decide that the resistance can succeed with outside support....which again can't happen when no one has guns......
And the first shots fired in the Revolutionary war were by the armed citizens.....
Actually it was the French who turned the course of the war

Even then, Militias were not good at fighting

And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....

Colonial Army

Only after the militias began the war....and what do you morons would think would happen here....first the resistance with private arms and then they would get bigger and more organized....

Which can't happen when people are unarmed...which is why we protect the 2nd Amendment from people like you.....moron....

The value of militia forces in the Revolution

Battle of Camden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The British troops opened the battle, when the right flank fired a volley into the militia regiments, causing a significant number of casualties. They followed the volley up with a bayonet charge. The militia, lacking bayonets, panicked and fled before the British regiments even reached them. Only one company of militia managed to fire a volley before fleeing. The panic quickly spread to the North Carolina militia, and they also broke ranks and fled. Seeing his left flank collapse, Gates fled with the first of the militia to run from the field. Within a matter of minutes, the whole American left wing had evaporated. The Virginia militia ran away so quickly that they suffered only three casualties.

Wow.....one battle....you are so super duper smart..........and again....they kept the fight going until we gained outside help...which you can't do when you have no weapons. moron....An armed nation can fight till the enemy grows tired and leaves or until others decide that the resistance can succeed with outside support....which again can't happen when no one has guns......
This was the high water mark for US militias. At least in the Revolution, they had somewhat comparable firepower to the Brittish regulars. But still the training of "well regulated militias" as woefully inadequate to regular forces

Flash forward 230 years and we have gun nut morons thinking their shotguns and hunting rifles would be a match against modern forces and air power
And until we secured French help......who was doing all the shooting? moron.....

Colonial Army

Only after the militias began the war....and what do you morons would think would happen here....first the resistance with private arms and then they would get bigger and more organized....

Which can't happen when people are unarmed...which is why we protect the 2nd Amendment from people like you.....moron....

The value of militia forces in the Revolution

Battle of Camden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The British troops opened the battle, when the right flank fired a volley into the militia regiments, causing a significant number of casualties. They followed the volley up with a bayonet charge. The militia, lacking bayonets, panicked and fled before the British regiments even reached them. Only one company of militia managed to fire a volley before fleeing. The panic quickly spread to the North Carolina militia, and they also broke ranks and fled. Seeing his left flank collapse, Gates fled with the first of the militia to run from the field. Within a matter of minutes, the whole American left wing had evaporated. The Virginia militia ran away so quickly that they suffered only three casualties.

Wow.....one battle....you are so super duper smart..........and again....they kept the fight going until we gained outside help...which you can't do when you have no weapons. moron....An armed nation can fight till the enemy grows tired and leaves or until others decide that the resistance can succeed with outside support....which again can't happen when no one has guns......
This was the high water mark for US militias. At least in the Revolution, they had somewhat comparable firepower to the Brittish regulars. But still the training of "well regulated militias" as woefully inadequate to regular forces

Flash forward 230 years and we have gun nut morons thinking their shotguns and hunting rifles would be a match against modern forces and air power

Flash forward 230 years and we have gun nut morons thinking their shotguns and hunting rifles would be a match against modern forces and air power

Please....could you just tell that to the Muslim terrorists before we bring all of our troops home from Iraq and Afganistan...because those guys didn't have satellites or drones or stealth bombers.......and we are the ones leaving........right?

and how much territory does Isis own now...?
Hmmm..it also seems to me that the Kurds and Tzidis could probably use a lot more guns in civilian hands right about now too.....
Hmmm..it also seems to me that the Kurds and Tzidis could probably use a lot more guns in civilian hands right about now too.....
So there would be an excuse to massacre them?
In the short term Russia was very much low hanging fruit. Bloody old England
Ignoring the hitler part of your comment I disagree with the rest of it.

Russia was ripe for invasion and was essentialy low hanging fruit for the Germans when they invaded. The Germans simply lacked the military hardware necessary to make the invasion payoff.

Bloody old England on the other hand would have been a full on disaster for the Germans starting from day one, right up until they were driven back into the sea from which they came.

No...the Germans had to deal with the U.S. and we supplied Russia with the equipment they needed to keep fighting....if we weren't in the war Russia would have fallen easily....

There's no denying that we helped but keep in mind, the German army lacked heavy long range bombers and we're still relying heavily on horses to transport men and equipment around.

That's a recipe for disaster in a war like that.

I once posted about Russia and how they stayed in the war....Stalin murdered his senior generals, posted horrible orders about not surrendering, didn't equip his troops because they had planned on invading west and the Germans invaded first......sweeping up the Russian war materials......and then at vital points fighing the Germans the Germans had to shift focus because of the U.S. advancing against them....that saved Russias bacon a couple of times......on top of that we supplied Russia with the equipment they needed....

And the German policy of mass executions of Russian civilians and soldiers stiffened the resolve of the Russian people.....who at the outbreak of the war were trying to escape from Stalin......

Without the U.S. Germany would have run over Russia....

I don't doubt your knowledge in that part of the war. You're obviously well versed and more then capable of making your point in any debate.

No...you don't have to take my word...I was debating a lefty who claimed the Russian won the war for us.....and just by doing a little research it is obvious that the only reason Russia survived was the allies fighting the Germans and supplying the Russians.

All true but the one ingredient you haven't mentioned is a willingness of the people to fight, and die if necessary in the defence of their homeland.

Without that, all the supplies & training are waste.

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