When an Insurrection is Not an Insurrection

Or when somebody sets up a CHAZ zone in the middle of a downtown area, or attacks federal buildings in Portland and elsewhere, or storms a state capitol building. That's not an insurrection, that's a peaceful protest. :eek: (Couldn't find the sarcasm thingy)
Quite telling, the events since Jan 6. Govs Brown and Inslee did not see reason to even address the CHAZ/CHOP zone or to acknowledge riots in Portland, but a few morons show their asses in DC and Inslee feels the need to fence the capitol and activate the Guard and state troopers. Can you say ILLEGITIMATE REGIMES. Unanswered questions in the elections in WA and DC. Usurpers fear their constituents.
I see the Burmese military thinks the recent election there was stolen ... and have taken over the government ... arrested much of the civilian political leadership ...
Is this what y'all are advocating here? ...
Which branch of the Federal Governmentg were they trying to shut down to install their choice for President?
The president didn`t incite these idiots. See the difference?

Of course he did. Both Biden and Harris have repeatedly praised the rioters, looters, terrorists, and murderers acting in the name of the Democrat party and the left. Harris even paid to bail them out so they could commit more terror attacks.
You`re a liar.
Biden in Pittsburgh condemns violence, says Trump's America unsafe (ydr.com)
Harris encouraged people to donate to a fund to release the rioters where 92% of them were not charged with anything. The handful that were charged were released on $100 bail. There was a fund created to bail out Vietnam War protesters 50 years ago. So what?
The president didn`t incite these idiots. See the difference?

Of course he did. Both Biden and Harris have repeatedly praised the rioters, looters, terrorists, and murderers acting in the name of the Democrat party and the left. Harris even paid to bail them out so they could commit more terror attacks.
You`re a liar.
Biden in Pittsburgh condemns violence, says Trump's America unsafe (ydr.com)
Harris encouraged people to donate to a fund to release the rioters where 92% of them were not charged with anything. The handful that were charged were released on $100 bail. There was a fund created to bail out Vietnam War protesters 50 years ago. So what?
Name one time any Democrat has condemned ANTIFA or BLM violence.

It’s always the vague ‘violence is not good’ bullshit from you NAZIS

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