Zone1 When and Why Did Lucifer Change His Name To Satan?

Lucifer was never his name. Lucifer is whatGreek scolars used for him. It loosely translates to lighted one or bringer of light. Its their translation of his title, the Morning Star.

I know. So pretty. :)
There is very little about Satan, Devil, and Lucifer in the Bible. I have read the Bible three times. Either there is no story of the fallen Angel in the Bible or it was such an unremarkable story that I seemed to skim past it. The most memorable references to Satan is in the book of Job and the book of Matthew.

Satan and God seemed to be old friends that haven’t seen each other in a while and made a friendly wager over Job’s loyalty. In the book of Matthew Satan makes a deal with Jesus to give him rule over all the governments of the earth in exchange for a little good ole fashioned groveling.

If there are other stories about him I need to be reminded.

One can also assume that maybe some of the knowledge of that time simply failed to reach us.

We have lost movies from 100 years ago, thinking information from 2000 or 4000 years ago being lost isn't a big stretch.
When the text and content of these passages in Isaiah speak of Lucifer......its the "remnant" of Biblical Israel that is taunting or teasing ....... not Satan, but all powerful and evil leaders of its day. (Isaiah 14:3-21).
When the text and content of these passages in Isaiah speak of Lucifer......its the "remnant" of Biblical Israel that is taunting or teasing ....... not Satan, but Nebuchadnezzar II (Isaiah 14:3-21). Isaiah continues speaking of a coming judgment on Babylon (Is 13:1).
Its no single or individual king/leader...etc., that is being addressed but a composite of all the evil and proud leaders of that age such as the King of Babylon that rule on earth on this physical plane of reality/existence.
On the contrary, the Babylonian captivity is the sole reason for this prophecy. It addresses only Babylon and its king. It's right there in black and white, plain as day.

Isaiah doesn't appear to even acknowledge an evil underworld ruler of the damned. No such creature exists in Hebrew mythology, really. The Satan, or adversary of God, in this case, was Babylon, according to Israel, that is.

In the first century, the Satan was the embodiment of the Pharisees and chief priests who sought Jesus' life (Jn 14:30-31). The Pharisees, their scribes, and the chief priests were the authority who were coming for Jesus but had no claim on him.

He was people. Satan was just people.
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Lucifer was never his name. Lucifer is whatGreek scolars used for him. It loosely translates to lighted one or bringer of light. Its their translation of his title, the Morning Star.
"Morning Star" as used in the Holy Scriptures means a leader of great importance and the term was actually used to represent Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation.

In reading areas in scripture that mention the term (morning star).......its used as a descriptive role of authority or reign by a king...etc. Revelation 2:26-28, "And He who keeps My Words until the end, to him I will give power over the nations.....He shall rule them with a rod of iron.....they shall be dashed to pieces like the potters I have received from My Father; and I will give him the MORNING STAR (a position of high authority that cannot be mistaken as its the brightest light in the morning sky)."

Next we find that Jesus has received such authority from the Father to reign (Eph. 1:20-23)

As stated the term is directly used to describe Jesus Christ, "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the chruches, I AM THE ROOT AND OFFSPRING OF DAVID, THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR." -- Revelation 22:16

What was called the "morning star" of the time period of the scriptures recording we now know is the planet Venus, it is a bright light seen in the early mornings during certain seasons. The Apostle Peter described it best, "And so we the prophetic word confirmed (the propechy concerning the Messiah), which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, UNTIL THE DAY DAWNS AND THE MORNING STAR (Jesus) rises in your heart." -- 2 Peter 1:19

Actually the name "Lucifier" is used only once in scripture and its used to identify certain evil powerful leaders/kings......the King of Babylon being one. (Isaiah 14:3-22)

Since the term was used to identify evil in this passage........its became common practice to call Satan .....Lucifer because of his evil nature. It was not a common practice until a poet named John Miltion pinned a poem called "Paradise Lost" where he jused the term Lucifer as a synonym for the Devil/Satan in the 16th century.
When the text and content of these passages in Isaiah speak of Lucifer......its the "remnant" of Biblical Israel that is taunting or teasing ....... not Satan, but Nebuchadnezzar II (Isaiah 14:3-21). Isaiah continues speaking of a coming judgment on Babylon (Is 13:1).

On the contrary, the Babylonian captivity is the sole reason for this prophecy. It addresses only Babylon and its king. It's right there in black and white, plain as day.

Isaiah doesn't appear to even acknowledge an evil underworld ruler of the damned. No such creature exists in Hebrew mythology, really. The Satan, or adversary of God, in this case, was Babylon, according to Israel, that is.

In the first century, the Satan was the embodiment of the Pharisees and chief priests who sought Jesus' life (Jn 14:30-31). The Pharisees, their scribes, and the chief priests were the authority who were coming for Jesus but had no claim on him.

He was people. Satan was just people.
Read Isaiah in context.......and you will find that the passage identifies Lucifer as a man or rather a conglomerate of men kings that are evil and will decay as do all pompous evil leaders........and these men have a Corporeal Body (flesh and bones). Isaiah 14:2-23. Men that shall fall and be BURRIED like all men.

The actual term is used but once in the the Holy Scriptures..........and the scriptures explain exactly what the term means when you read the passages in context and do not take away the subject matter from the entire contextual integrity of the whole. There is no private interpretation allowed its is forbidden as the Holy Scriptures/prophecies self interpret when allowed. 2 Peter 1:20

In fact when your search the scriptures you will find the term "Morning State" is actually used to describe the role of Jesus Christ in having been appointed King by the Father. Again..........Morning Star is a descriptive term used to describe a person in high authority and Lucifer was used in describing the evil name of some of these evil kings of Biblical History......and its used ONCE ONLY and is found in Isaiah 14. In context......Lucifer as used in Isaiah simply means........leaders with an evil nature. Thus....the misconception that Lucifer and Satan are synonmously used in scripture. Satan indeed is evil but he was created as an angel not a man or men as described in Isaiah 14.
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Read Isaiah in context.......and you will find that the passage identifies Lucifer as a man or rather a conglomerate of men kings that are evil and will decay as do all pompous evil leaders........and these men have a Corporeal Body (flesh and bones). Isaiah 14:2-23. Men that shall fall and be BURRIED like all men.

The actual term is used but once in the the Holy Scriptures..........and the scriptures explain exactly what the term means when you read the passages in context and do not take away the subject matter from the entire contextual integrity of the whole. There is no private interpretation allowed its is forbidden as the Holy Scriptures/prophecies self interpret when allowed. 2 Peter 1:20

In fact when your search the scriptures you will find the term "Morning State" is actually used to describe the role of Jesus Christ in having been appointed King by the Father. Again..........Morning Star is a descriptive term used to describe a person in high authority and Lucifer was used in describing the evil name of some of these evil kings of Biblical History......and its used ONCE ONLY and is found in Isaiah 14. In context......Lucifer as used in Isaiah simply means........leaders with an evil nature. Thus....the misconception that Lucifer and Satan are synonmously used in scripture. Satan indeed is evil but he was created as an angel not a man or men as described in Isaiah 14.
Not quite right. The king of Babylon is tauntingly described as the Day Star. Babylon is the subject of Chapter 13. It's plainly written in the text. History also affirms their Babylonian captivity.

A conglomerate of kings? You can't be serious. Can you not read? The scriptures explain exactly what the term means when you read the passages in context and do not take away the subject matter from the entire contextual integrity of the whole. There is no private interpretation allowed; it is forbidden as the Holy Scriptures/prophecies self-interpret when allowed. 2 Peter 1:20

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