When "Audit Fever" breaks and nothing changes...What will Trump Supporters do Next?

Unless Trump is put into office, which won't happen, they're just going to keep crying.

Drink up, fellas.

View attachment 493468
Not so sure....

They loved Reagan. Now what do they think of him?
They loved GHWB. Now what do they think of him?
They Loved GWB. Now what do they think of him?
They loved McCain. Now what do they think of him?
They loved Romney. Now what do they think of him?

Republicans don't have principles....they have hobbies.
The devotion to Trump might be the weirdest we’ve ever seen from conservatives.

In my little town, leading up to Jan 6, I saw a Trump supporter truck rally. A bunch of pick-up trucks and Trump flags driving up and down our main streets. Mind you, this was after he lost.

They liked Bush and McCain but they didn’t worship them like they do Trump. The only one who comes close is Reagan and I think Trumpsters are way past that level of adoration.
There is a carnivalesque quality to the blobbers that wasn't there with other politicians. But I think that is more a factor of the men running than the supporters. Outside of Reagan, politics was the family business of those men. This is what they did....they tried to affect public policy by gaining elected office.
what will the Trump supporters do next?
More conspiracy theories and lies.

For example, they’ll lie about the corrupt deep state, or the corrupt political establishment, or the corrupt ‘MSM’ not allowing the ‘truth’ about the audits to come out.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Trump has taught them that when you tell a lie and the lie is proven to be wrong.......Keep telling the lie
True – but conservatives were doing this long before Trump.
what will the Trump supporters do next?
More conspiracy theories and lies.

For example, they’ll lie about the corrupt deep state, or the corrupt political establishment, or the corrupt ‘MSM’ not allowing the ‘truth’ about the audits to come out.
The same people who voted to "drain the swamp" returned something like 85% of the swamp back to their seats. GOP "principles" are non existent.
Unless Trump is put into office, which won't happen, they're just going to keep crying.

Drink up, fellas.

View attachment 493468
Not so sure....

They loved Reagan. Now what do they think of him?
They loved GHWB. Now what do they think of him?
They Loved GWB. Now what do they think of him?
They loved McCain. Now what do they think of him?
They loved Romney. Now what do they think of him?

Republicans don't have principles....they have hobbies.
The devotion to Trump might be the weirdest we’ve ever seen from conservatives.

In my little town, leading up to Jan 6, I saw a Trump supporter truck rally. A bunch of pick-up trucks and Trump flags driving up and down our main streets. Mind you, this was after he lost.

They liked Bush and McCain but they didn’t worship them like they do Trump. The only one who comes close is Reagan and I think Trumpsters are way past that level of adoration.
There is a carnivalesque quality to the blobbers that wasn't there with other politicians. But I think that is more a factor of the men running than the supporters. Outside of Reagan, politics was the family business of those men. This is what they did....they tried to affect public policy by gaining elected office.
Right. Trump is different and his loyal retarded followers will be upset as long as he’s not placed back in office.
We will be hearing "stop the steal" for years to come, regardless.

It is now part of the Republican Playbook

They will now chant Stolen Election every time they lose

That's fucking rich considering what happened in 2000 & 2016.

Never mind your ADD, dishonesty and projection, what PROGS do is they blame the other guy for what they're doing or have planned. This election was stolen, just by COVID alone it was stolen, from there race riots initiated by the left, mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting initiated by the left, knowing full well that benefits the left. And putting USPS in charge of it is especially rich, they're incompetent and corrupt, thieves included.

We can talk about how States violated ethics and their own election laws if you like.

We can talk about how the left used Obama & Obama leftovers such as in justice departments and courts to circumvent Trump's position over four years.

Or we can talk about how MSM is up your ass all day with left propaganda, is that considered cheating?

How about fraud polls and fraud-checks aimed at desirable outcomes swinging public opinion, is that cheating?
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Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

We'll go to Disneyland.
We will be hearing "stop the steal" for years to come, regardless.

It is now part of the Republican Playbook

They will now chant Stolen Election every time they lose

That's fucking rich considering what happened in 2000 & 2016.

Never mind your ADD, dishonesty and projection, what PROGS do is they blame the other guy for what they're doing or have planned. This election was stolen, just by COVID alone it was stolen, from there race riots initiated by the left, mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting initiated by the left, knowing full well that benefits the left. And putting USPS in charge of it is especially rich, they're incompetent and corrupt, thieves included.

We can talk about how States violated ethics and their own election laws if you like.

We can talk about how the left used Obama & Obama leftovers such as in justice departments and courts to circumvent Trump's position over four years.

Or we can talk about how MSM is up your ass all day with left propaganda, is that considered cheating?

How about fraud polls and fraud-checks aimed at desirable outcomes swinging public opinion, is that cheating?

I have been voting by mail for well over a decade.
We will be hearing "stop the steal" for years to come, regardless.

It is now part of the Republican Playbook

They will now chant Stolen Election every time they lose
Yeah, exactly like the Democrats do.

Or have you forgotten all the bitching lemmings-D were doing after the 2016 election? let me remind you...



Both sides are chock full of sore loser, crybabies.

In 2012 Trump ranted and raved in opposition to the Electoral College.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Trump has taught them that when you tell a lie and the lie is proven to be wrong.......Keep telling the lie
True – but conservatives were doing this long before Trump.
They used to have one foot in reality
Trump has shown them it doesn’t matter how bizarre your lie is. Just wrap it in patriotism and party loyalty and they will buy it.
It is now part of the Republican Playbook
They will now chant Stolen Election every time they lose
Yeah. Hopefully this will fade with time, before it's too late.

But yeah.

Too late for what? Electing Biden, fairly or not, was the beginning of the end for our country. Hopefully, Democrats with IQ’s higher than a mosquito that actually do love this country will figure this out before it is too late.
That's fucking rich considering what happened in 2000 & 2016

Yes, let’s look at what happened in 2000 and 2016
In 2000, Al Gore lost Florida by less than 500 votes. He rightfully demanded a recount. When the recount showed he lost, Gore conceded and believe it or not Vice President Gore CERTIFIED the election results for Bush

In 2000, Russia interfered in the election and Comey played his games......But Hillary still conceded on Election night and BIDEN certified Trumps win
We will be hearing "stop the steal" for years to come, regardless.

It is now part of the Republican Playbook

They will now chant Stolen Election every time they lose
Yeah, exactly like the Democrats do.

Or have you forgotten all the bitching lemmings-D were doing after the 2016 election? let me remind you...



Both sides are chock full of sore loser, crybabies.

In 2012 Trump ranted and raved in opposition to the Electoral College.
Yeah, Trump's always been a fibber that constantly contradicts himself, that pattern of behavior goes back to the 1980's.

Still doesn't change the fact that members of both of the major parties have a history of behaving like whiney crybabies whenever they lose an election, unfortunately it appears that things are going from being merely sore losers and entering into deranged lunatics territory.
both of the major parties have a history of behaving like whiney crybabies whenever they lose an election,
Never the magnitude of what Trump did
He still claims he won....always will
Donny and the lemmings-R are just following the natural path of escalation that has already been laid down. I fully expect the lemmings-D to one-up them and use the post 2020 election antics of the GOP as an excuse for even more severe acts of sore loseritis the next time they lose a major election.

It won't stop until both sides come to their senses and start treating each other with at least a modicum of respect which based on the current circumstances appears to be sometime between NEVER and FUGGETABOUTIT.
both of the major parties have a history of behaving like whiney crybabies whenever they lose an election,
Never the magnitude of what Trump did
He still claims he won....always will
Donny and the lemmings-R are just following the natural path of escalation that has already been laid down. I fully expect the lemmings-D to one-up them and use the post 2020 election antics of the GOP as an excuse for even more severe acts of sore loseritis the next time they lose a major election.

It won't stop until both sides come to their senses and start treating each other with at least a modicum of respect which based on the current circumstances appears to be sometime between NEVER and FUGGETABOUTIT.
Never going to happen

Democrats will never embrace the alternate reality that Republicans live in
both of the major parties have a history of behaving like whiney crybabies whenever they lose an election,
Never the magnitude of what Trump did
He still claims he won....always will
Donny and the lemmings-R are just following the natural path of escalation that has already been laid down. I fully expect the lemmings-D to one-up them and use the post 2020 election antics of the GOP as an excuse for even more severe acts of sore loseritis the next time they lose a major election.

It won't stop until both sides come to their senses and start treating each other with at least a modicum of respect which based on the current circumstances appears to be sometime between NEVER and FUGGETABOUTIT.
Never going to happen

Democrats will never embrace the alternate reality that Republicans live in
Yeah well then prepare yourselves for the return of Trump or somebody just like him. As long as you folks can't treat people that disagree with you like human beings, we're going to keep seeing manifestations of seething anger and resentment like Donny.

I know you don't care but You and your fellow partisans are the root of the problem and will be until wake up and change your ways.

Have a nice day.
both of the major parties have a history of behaving like whiney crybabies whenever they lose an election,
Never the magnitude of what Trump did
He still claims he won....always will
Donny and the lemmings-R are just following the natural path of escalation that has already been laid down. I fully expect the lemmings-D to one-up them and use the post 2020 election antics of the GOP as an excuse for even more severe acts of sore loseritis the next time they lose a major election.

It won't stop until both sides come to their senses and start treating each other with at least a modicum of respect which based on the current circumstances appears to be sometime between NEVER and FUGGETABOUTIT.
Never going to happen

Democrats will never embrace the alternate reality that Republicans live in
Yeah well then prepare yourselves for the return of Trump or somebody just like him. As long as you folks can't treat people that disagree with you like human beings, we're going to keep seeing manifestations of seething anger and resentment like Donny.

I know you don't care but You and your fellow partisans are the root of the problem and will be until wake up and change your ways.

Have a nice day.
Republicans are already coming out with Trump clones

It is not pretty
The Trumpsters will blame the Deep State and move on to the next state.

When all that fails, they'll just keep tithing and voting.

They're 100% emotionally invested in this fantasy now.
cause Russia Russia stopped? hahahahahaahahahah impeachment after impeachment by demofks to try and destroy the trump presidency. you all are truly hilarious.

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