When "Audit Fever" breaks and nothing changes...What will Trump Supporters do Next?

If they follow the Democrats model they will win control of the House next year then begin a phony partisan impeachment.
The Trumpsters will blame the Deep State and move on to the next state.

When all that fails, they'll just keep tithing and voting.

They're 100% emotionally invested in this fantasy now.

These Trump NaziCons are the deep state. They are in the process of destroying our democracy and their so-called religion. I still can't believe that Evangelicals continue to worship an evil man-child like Trump.
The Trumpsters will blame the Deep State and move on to the next state.

When all that fails, they'll just keep tithing and voting.

They're 100% emotionally invested in this fantasy now.

These Trump NaziCons are the deep state. They are in the process of destroying our democracy and their so-called religion. I still can't believe that Evangelicals continue to worship an evil man-child like Trump.
They sold their soul to this guy. It shows you what they really think of their religion.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which the Democrats lost...
Cry Baby Loser was impeached twice by the House of Representatives, and that achievement will always be the unique distinction of his single term. Democrats did not "lose" either impeachment. He was not convicted by the Senate.

If a conviction was not what they were after then what the fuck was it all for?

They failed to get a conviction which means they lost the case.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which does not, in any way, prove collusion.
He was never charged with "collusion." There is no crime called "collusion." "Collusion" is something that the Cry Baby Loser kept whining about and his lickspittles kept parroting.

What fucking difference does that make? I don't know the legal terminology they used but in essence, they accused him of colluding with Russia to influence the election.
Ghost of a Rider said:
I'm telling you that Democrats behaved the exact same way.
There is nothing comparable to Cry Baby Loser's inability to concede his defeat,

Oh yes there is. The actions and hypocritical and misleading rhetoric by Democrats for the four years he was in office. Besides, I've seen the videos and the photos of the primal screaming and tearful reactions of Democrats after Trump won.

Talking to me about Trump and his supporters being crybabies. Talk about the pot calling the kettle.
nothing comparable to his inciting his goons to attack Congress, nothing comparable to his persistent, evidence-free crackpot insistence that he had won in a "Landslide!"
I've seen the entire video of his speech on that day and specifically looked for any words or rhetoric that could be construed as incitement to riot. Not once in seventy minutes did he incite his supporters to attack the Capital or anything else. You're gonna have to do better than that.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which the Democrats lost...
Cry Baby Loser was impeached twice by the House of Representatives, and that achievement will always be the unique distinction of his single term. Democrats did not "lose" either impeachment. He was not convicted by the Senate.

If a conviction was not what they were after then what the fuck was it all for?

They failed to get a conviction which means they lost the case.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which does not, in any way, prove collusion.
He was never charged with "collusion." There is no crime called "collusion." "Collusion" is something that the Cry Baby Loser kept whining about and his lickspittles kept parroting.

What fucking difference does that make? I don't know the legal terminology they used but in essence, they accused him of colluding with Russia to influence the election.
Ghost of a Rider said:
I'm telling you that Democrats behaved the exact same way.
There is nothing comparable to Cry Baby Loser's inability to concede his defeat,

Oh yes there is. The actions and hypocritical and misleading rhetoric by Democrats for the four years he was in office. Besides, I've seen the videos and the photos of the primal screaming and tearful reactions of Democrats after Trump won.

Talking to me about Trump and his supporters being crybabies. Talk about the pot calling the kettle.
nothing comparable to his inciting his goons to attack Congress, nothing comparable to his persistent, evidence-free crackpot insistence that he had won in a "Landslide!"
I've seen the entire video of his speech on that day and specifically looked for any words or rhetoric that could be construed as incitement to riot. Not once in seventy minutes did he incite his supporters to attack the Capital or anything else. You're gonna have to do better than that.
Your emotional fealty to the Cry Baby Loser is noted.

Most Americans - those who consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him in survey after independent survey for four years, those who dumped him when finally given the opportunity, and those who now loathe him after witnessing his goons, incited by his "Big Lie," attacking Congress , have a notably more critical appraisal.

The "Bolsonaro of the North" has skulked away by popular demand.

If he can stop whining that everybody's being mean to him and lashing out hysterically, the nation will recover.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

The fact is the audits won't change anything that's not already being changed. Many States are/have already started bolstering their election laws to provide more security and integrity. And you commies are whining like children that had your cookies taken away. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
They'll do the same thing they did after Obama won in 2008, namely they'll protest everything that Biden does, then they'll organize then they'll use the Democrats hubris and overreach to beat the crap out of them in the 2022 mid-terms, just like they did in 2010.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats learn from history, that's why this cycle just keeps repeating itself.

"It's like Deja-Vu, all over again" -- Yogi Bera

I think Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms.
Uh-huh, the last time I heard Democrats talking about Trump guaranteeing a loss, was right before Hillary gave her concession speech.

The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment, doesn't matter though, they'll fuck it up, they ALWAYS do.
Wow, the loser conceded? What a concept!!!
You should probably pause, take a deep breath and read the post that was being replied to before you respond to a response, it'll help keep you from posting irrelevant replies.

Anyways, for your edification my reply had to do with the POSTER I WAS RESPONDING TO remarking that "Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms" , make sense now or do you require further clarification?
You're the expert on being irrelevant. I'll concede that.
*SIGH* yet another poster that prefers to behave like an infant rather than a rational adult, seems to be an abundance of such creatures hereabouts.:rolleyes:

Anyways, have a wonderful day.
I always do.
Always do, what? behave like an infant? yeah, you're making that more apparent with every response.
Same to you....PS: Your blob still lost....LOL
Sorry to interrupt your little happy dance but I have less affection for Donny and his Republicrat Cabal than you do, thus the fact that he got his clocked cleaned is a relief for me not a sore spot.

NEXT ....

Sure you do.... LOL
That's amazing! each post more infantile and vapid than the last, how do you do it? How many years did you have to study at Trump University to acquire such an uncanny ability to imitate the guy so accurately?

......The entire faculty at the Harvard School of Abnormal Behavior anxiously awaits your reply.
Yes, I'm pretty incredible. Ever since your blob got his ass kicked...you've been in this downward spiral.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
When Trump leaves office will Trump fever (aka TDS) break?

Oh wait....

Is that what you guys do in your cult...chant "his" name over and over?
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

The fact is the audits won't change anything that's not already being changed. Many States are/have already bolstering their election laws to provide more security and integrity. And you commies are whining like children that had your cookies taken away. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet here you are whining yourself. That's hilarious.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
They'll do the same thing they did after Obama won in 2008, namely they'll protest everything that Biden does, then they'll organize then they'll use the Democrats hubris and overreach to beat the crap out of them in the 2022 mid-terms, just like they did in 2010.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats learn from history, that's why this cycle just keeps repeating itself.

"It's like Deja-Vu, all over again" -- Yogi Bera

I think Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms.
Uh-huh, the last time I heard Democrats talking about Trump guaranteeing a loss, was right before Hillary gave her concession speech.

The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment, doesn't matter though, they'll fuck it up, they ALWAYS do.
Wow, the loser conceded? What a concept!!!
You should probably pause, take a deep breath and read the post that was being replied to before you respond to a response, it'll help keep you from posting irrelevant replies.

Anyways, for your edification my reply had to do with the POSTER I WAS RESPONDING TO remarking that "Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms" , make sense now or do you require further clarification?
You're the expert on being irrelevant. I'll concede that.
*SIGH* yet another poster that prefers to behave like an infant rather than a rational adult, seems to be an abundance of such creatures hereabouts.:rolleyes:

Anyways, have a wonderful day.
I always do.
Always do, what? behave like an infant? yeah, you're making that more apparent with every response.
Same to you....PS: Your blob still lost....LOL
Sorry to interrupt your little happy dance but I have less affection for Donny and his Republicrat Cabal than you do, thus the fact that he got his clocked cleaned is a relief for me not a sore spot.

NEXT ....

Sure you do.... LOL
That's amazing! each post more infantile and vapid than the last, how do you do it? How many years did you have to study at Trump University to acquire such an uncanny ability to imitate the guy so accurately?

......The entire faculty at the Harvard School of Abnormal Behavior anxiously awaits your reply.
Yes, I'm pretty incredible. Ever since your blob got his ass kicked...you've been in this downward spiral.
You still trying to convince me you're a simpleton? You can stop now, you've succeeded, Good job!

Now you can go back to your glue sniffing or whatever it is you hyper-partisan parrots do to keep that one surviving neuron awake.:rolleyes:
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
They'll do the same thing they did after Obama won in 2008, namely they'll protest everything that Biden does, then they'll organize then they'll use the Democrats hubris and overreach to beat the crap out of them in the 2022 mid-terms, just like they did in 2010.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats learn from history, that's why this cycle just keeps repeating itself.

"It's like Deja-Vu, all over again" -- Yogi Bera

I think Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms.
Uh-huh, the last time I heard Democrats talking about Trump guaranteeing a loss, was right before Hillary gave her concession speech.

The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment, doesn't matter though, they'll fuck it up, they ALWAYS do.
Wow, the loser conceded? What a concept!!!
You should probably pause, take a deep breath and read the post that was being replied to before you respond to a response, it'll help keep you from posting irrelevant replies.

Anyways, for your edification my reply had to do with the POSTER I WAS RESPONDING TO remarking that "Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms" , make sense now or do you require further clarification?
You're the expert on being irrelevant. I'll concede that.
*SIGH* yet another poster that prefers to behave like an infant rather than a rational adult, seems to be an abundance of such creatures hereabouts.:rolleyes:

Anyways, have a wonderful day.
I always do.
Always do, what? behave like an infant? yeah, you're making that more apparent with every response.
Same to you....PS: Your blob still lost....LOL
Sorry to interrupt your little happy dance but I have less affection for Donny and his Republicrat Cabal than you do, thus the fact that he got his clocked cleaned is a relief for me not a sore spot.

NEXT ....

Sure you do.... LOL
That's amazing! each post more infantile and vapid than the last, how do you do it? How many years did you have to study at Trump University to acquire such an uncanny ability to imitate the guy so accurately?

......The entire faculty at the Harvard School of Abnormal Behavior anxiously awaits your reply.
Yes, I'm pretty incredible. Ever since your blob got his ass kicked...you've been in this downward spiral.
You still trying to convince me you're a simpleton? You can stop now, you've succeeded, Good job!

Now you can go back to your glue sniffing or whatever it is you hyper-partisan parrots do to keep that one surviving neuron awake.:rolleyes:

I'm just rattling your cage. Your blob lost, Biden is doing a great job...and you've taken your petty sniping to a new level. Its fun to watch....lol
Unless Trump is put into office, which won't happen, they're just going to keep crying.

Drink up, fellas.

View attachment 493468
Not so sure....

They loved Reagan. Now what do they think of him?
They loved GHWB. Now what do they think of him?
They Loved GWB. Now what do they think of him?
They loved McCain. Now what do they think of him?
They loved Romney. Now what do they think of him?

Republicans don't have principles....they have hobbies.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Depends how the demrats and their never Trump GOP allies covered their tracks. This is not going away no matter you and other blowhards do.
Unless Trump is put into office, which won't happen, they're just going to keep crying.

Drink up, fellas.

View attachment 493468
Not so sure....

They loved Reagan. Now what do they think of him?
They loved GHWB. Now what do they think of him?
They Loved GWB. Now what do they think of him?
They loved McCain. Now what do they think of him?
They loved Romney. Now what do they think of him?

Republicans don't have principles....they have hobbies.
The devotion to Trump might be the weirdest we’ve ever seen from conservatives.

In my little town, leading up to Jan 6, I saw a Trump supporter truck rally. A bunch of pick-up trucks and Trump flags driving up and down our main streets. Mind you, this was after he lost.

They liked Bush and McCain but they didn’t worship them like they do Trump. The only one who comes close is Reagan and I think Trumpsters are way past that level of adoration.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which the Democrats lost...
Cry Baby Loser was impeached twice by the House of Representatives, and that achievement will always be the unique distinction of his single term. Democrats did not "lose" either impeachment. He was not convicted by the Senate.

If a conviction was not what they were after then what the fuck was it all for?

They failed to get a conviction which means they lost the case.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which does not, in any way, prove collusion.
He was never charged with "collusion." There is no crime called "collusion." "Collusion" is something that the Cry Baby Loser kept whining about and his lickspittles kept parroting.

What fucking difference does that make? I don't know the legal terminology they used but in essence, they accused him of colluding with Russia to influence the election.
Ghost of a Rider said:
I'm telling you that Democrats behaved the exact same way.
There is nothing comparable to Cry Baby Loser's inability to concede his defeat,

Oh yes there is. The actions and hypocritical and misleading rhetoric by Democrats for the four years he was in office. Besides, I've seen the videos and the photos of the primal screaming and tearful reactions of Democrats after Trump won.

Talking to me about Trump and his supporters being crybabies. Talk about the pot calling the kettle.
nothing comparable to his inciting his goons to attack Congress, nothing comparable to his persistent, evidence-free crackpot insistence that he had won in a "Landslide!"
I've seen the entire video of his speech on that day and specifically looked for any words or rhetoric that could be construed as incitement to riot. Not once in seventy minutes did he incite his supporters to attack the Capital or anything else. You're gonna have to do better than that.
Your emotional fealty to the Cry Baby Loser is noted.

Good for you. Does that make you feel like Lieutenant Caffery or something?

But anyway, the fact remains that Trump never said anything to incite the riot or the attack on the Capital building.

His rhetoric consisted of age-old sayings such as "We need to keep fighting..." and whatnot. If you people construe that as incitement then you should have said something about Maxine Waters literally exhorting her constituents to confront Republicans from Trump's cabinet in public and to "push back" on them, whatever that means. This was a call to actually harass individuals whereas Trump merely called for people to fight for an idea.

So your hypocrisy is noted. Wow, that does make one feel like Lieutenant Caffery.
Most Americans - those who consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him in survey after independent survey for four years, those who dumped him when finally given the opportunity, and those who now loathe him after witnessing his goons, incited by his "Big Lie," attacking Congress , have a notably more critical appraisal.

The "Bolsonaro of the North" has skulked away by popular demand.

If he can stop whining that everybody's being mean to him and lashing out hysterically, the nation will recover.

The entire Democrat Party bitched for four years that Trump was being mean. So what?
Gradually fade off into the sunset. Course that would happen a lot faster if democrats would shut up about trump and let go of their irrational hatred of him.

Their hatred of him is as mind boggling as those who won't stop praising him. I guess they don't realize the other side would dissapears if their side would just give up. They are both in a vicious cycle of using trump to bad mouth the other. Neither loves or hates him, they use him to get at eachother. Trump is like the child between two very immature, spiteful, unreasonable and mean spirited parents getting divorced.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

They will accepted just like the Clinton base accepted her defeat in 2016 which mean never…
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

The fact is the audits won't change anything that's not already being changed. Many States are/have already started bolstering their election laws to provide more security and integrity. And you commies are whining like children that had your cookies taken away. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet here you are whining yourself. That's hilarious.

Yeah, whatever commie bitch. I simply stated facts.

Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

They'll believe whatever lies their Orange God / grifting media tells them
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Depends how the demrats and their never Trump GOP allies covered their tracks. This is not going away no matter you and other blowhards do.
Agree...there are still people convinced that there were bombs in the world trade center and that a missile hit the Pentagon.....that there were multiple snipers in Dallas that killed Kennedy and that we didn't do the moon landings.

In short order, the blob supporters will join that legion of idiots who are pitied by the rest of us.

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