When "Audit Fever" breaks and nothing changes...What will Trump Supporters do Next?

They have all Trump's tweets and TV appearances.. or are you saying he was "joking" .. wink, wink.
what about them? he doesn't get free speech cause you say so? ahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

No president has ever made such an effort to incite the mob.
oh fking bullshit. no incitement done. you're confused with the word motivation. Motivating people to demand more from DC. much much different fool. but you remain cuckoo
They have all Trump's tweets and TV appearances.. or are you saying he was "joking" .. wink, wink.
what about them? he doesn't get free speech cause you say so? ahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

No president has ever made such an effort to incite the mob.
oh fking bullshit. no incitement done. you're confused with the word motivation. Motivating people to demand more from DC. much much different fool. but you remain cuckoo

Trump used violent rhetoric even when he was campaigning.. Remember he speech to the cops or the one to the Boy Scouts. Trump can't inspire people.. all he can o is incite his mob .. and he LOVES the uneducated.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Get Trump to run again, of course. What did you think this was about?

Read history, people --- this is an exact repetition of the Andrew Jackson Corrupt Bargain election which he lost, after which he fulminated for four solid years about how criminal and unfair it was, after which he roared right back into the presidency. Trump is doing an Andrew Jackson (which explains his Jan. 6 speech, I'd say) and is hoping for the same result.

Could happen.
They have all Trump's tweets and TV appearances.. or are you saying he was "joking" .. wink, wink.
what about them? he doesn't get free speech cause you say so? ahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

No president has ever made such an effort to incite the mob.
oh fking bullshit. no incitement done. you're confused with the word motivation. Motivating people to demand more from DC. much much different fool. but you remain cuckoo

Trump used violent rhetoric even when he was campaigning.. Remember he speech to the cops or the one to the Boy Scouts. Trump can't inspire people.. all he can o is incite his mob .. and he LOVES the uneducated.
That’s an oxymoron moron, hahaha

quote violent rhetoric!!! Hahaha.

was it bullets or knives coming out of his mouth, killing everyone in range? Hahaha haha.

btw, calling you an asshole isn’t violent, it’s factual
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Ghost of a Rider said:
But anyway, the fact remains that Trump never said anything to incite the riot or the attack on the Capital building.
Your denial is noted.
Again, good for you. Although it doesn't mean anything; my denying it doesn't make it true and your noting it doesn't make it true nor does it make you Clarence Darrow.

Cry Baby Loser incited his goons by his Big Lie. (He still refuses to face the truth.) After he incited them and directed them to the Capitol, he skulked back to the White House and watched their violent assault upon Congress on tv.

1.) Provide me with the evidence of anything he said that could be legally interpreted as incitement.

2.) Right or wrong as he may have been, expressing the opinion that the election was stolen is not incitement.

3.) Even if he hadn't expressed that opinion and had conceded at the beginning, many of his supporters would have anyway. Why? Because they watched for four years as the mad dogs of the Democrat Party hounded him relentlessly. Because of this, even before the election, a lot of conservatives were saying that Democrats would do all in their power to keep Trump from winning a second term.

So you see, there would have been cries of election fraud no matter what Trump said or did. A lot of his supporters were already primed for some sort of fraud or underhanded shenanigans to happen so the numerous irregularities that cropped up were just fuel for the fire.
Trump persists in dumping upon America's democratic process. Whatever deep insecurity causes him to be incapable of honestly confronting defeat, one might hope he would have the decency to refrain from demeaning America and serving the agenda of totalitarian regimes.

Screen Shot 2020-12-24 at 7.13.01 AM.png

* Hillary Clinton delivered a gracious concession speech, one day after the 2016 election,
despite her having won the popular vote by 2.9 million, ignoring talk of voter fraud .

Compare and contrast:

Screen Shot 2021-05-26 at 4.31.21 PM.png

“Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and
offered to work with him on behalf of our country...

I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans...
Donald Trump is going to be our president.

We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”
[Hillary Clinton concession speech: We owe Donald Trump "an open mind and a chance to lead"]

.... and after Cry Baby Loser was defeated by 6.9 million votes:

Screen Shot 2019-11-20 at 7.21.27 PM.png

I won in a
(a blatant lie)​



  • m9ng9J5x7cPt5hCdU0jra747rUW4ThWLwBSttX2FVahJqg2qs_8glOrWcQGxgq8wje5bOwtLvIHBDRYargjChY7bQuaxD9...png
    16.5 KB · Views: 14
Ghost of a Rider said:
But anyway, the fact remains that Trump never said anything to incite the riot or the attack on the Capital building.
Your denial is noted.
Again, good for you. Although it doesn't mean anything; my denying it doesn't make it true and your noting it doesn't make it true nor does it make you Clarence Darrow.

Cry Baby Loser incited his goons by his Big Lie. (He still refuses to face the truth.) After he incited them and directed them to the Capitol, he skulked back to the White House and watched their violent assault upon Congress on tv.

1.) Provide me with the evidence of anything he said that could be legally interpreted as incitement.

2.) Right or wrong as he may have been, expressing the opinion that the election was stolen is not incitement.

3.) Even if he hadn't expressed that opinion and had conceded at the beginning, many of his supporters would have anyway. Why? Because they watched for four years as the mad dogs of the Democrat Party hounded him relentlessly. Because of this, even before the election, a lot of conservatives were saying that Democrats would do all in their power to keep Trump from winning a second term.

So you see, there would have been cries of election fraud no matter what Trump said or did. A lot of his supporters were already primed for some sort of fraud or underhanded shenanigans to happen so the numerous irregularities that cropped up were just fuel for the fire.

They have all Trump's tweets and TV appearances.. or are you saying he was "joking" .. wink, wink.
Are you saying he said something to incite the riot and the attack of the Capital? If so, give me evidence. wink wink

I've been asking for evidence since I got into this discussion and no one has provided any yet. All I get are quotes from Democrats and others who hated him. Give me one quote that specifically calls for violence. And no, the word "fight" does not count.

And as I pointed out already, Maxine Waters specifically called on her constituents to confront and "push back" on members of Trump's cabinet when they see them in public and we didn't hear a fucking peep out of Democrats.
Ghost of a Rider said:
But anyway, the fact remains that Trump never said anything to incite the riot or the attack on the Capital building.
Your denial is noted.
Again, good for you. Although it doesn't mean anything; my denying it doesn't make it true and your noting it doesn't make it true nor does it make you Clarence Darrow.

Cry Baby Loser incited his goons by his Big Lie. (He still refuses to face the truth.) After he incited them and directed them to the Capitol, he skulked back to the White House and watched their violent assault upon Congress on tv.

1.) Provide me with the evidence of anything he said that could be legally interpreted as incitement.

2.) Right or wrong as he may have been, expressing the opinion that the election was stolen is not incitement.

3.) Even if he hadn't expressed that opinion and had conceded at the beginning, many of his supporters would have anyway. Why? Because they watched for four years as the mad dogs of the Democrat Party hounded him relentlessly. Because of this, even before the election, a lot of conservatives were saying that Democrats would do all in their power to keep Trump from winning a second term.

So you see, there would have been cries of election fraud no matter what Trump said or did. A lot of his supporters were already primed for some sort of fraud or underhanded shenanigans to happen so the numerous irregularities that cropped up were just fuel for the fire.
Trump persists in dumping upon America's democratic process. Whatever deep insecurity causes him to be incapable of honestly confronting defeat, one might hope he would have the decency to refrain from demeaning America and serving the agenda of totalitarian regimes.

Irrelevant. You still have not provided evidence that he incited the January 6 riot.

Let the guy bitch and whine if that's what he wants to do. He already conceded and he no longer has any power so it doesn't matter anyway.
Ghost of a Rider said:
But anyway, the fact remains that Trump never said anything to incite the riot or the attack on the Capital building.
Your denial is noted.
Again, good for you. Although it doesn't mean anything; my denying it doesn't make it true and your noting it doesn't make it true nor does it make you Clarence Darrow.

Cry Baby Loser incited his goons by his Big Lie. (He still refuses to face the truth.) After he incited them and directed them to the Capitol, he skulked back to the White House and watched their violent assault upon Congress on tv.

1.) Provide me with the evidence of anything he said that could be legally interpreted as incitement.

2.) Right or wrong as he may have been, expressing the opinion that the election was stolen is not incitement.

3.) Even if he hadn't expressed that opinion and had conceded at the beginning, many of his supporters would have anyway. Why? Because they watched for four years as the mad dogs of the Democrat Party hounded him relentlessly. Because of this, even before the election, a lot of conservatives were saying that Democrats would do all in their power to keep Trump from winning a second term.

So you see, there would have been cries of election fraud no matter what Trump said or did. A lot of his supporters were already primed for some sort of fraud or underhanded shenanigans to happen so the numerous irregularities that cropped up were just fuel for the fire.
Trump persists in dumping upon America's democratic process. Whatever deep insecurity causes him to be incapable of honestly confronting defeat, one might hope he would have the decency to refrain from demeaning America and serving the agenda of totalitarian regimes.

View attachment 493949
* Hillary Clinton delivered a gracious concession speech, one day after the 2016 election,
despite her having won the popular vote by 2.9 million, ignoring talk of voter fraud .

Compare and contrast:

View attachment 493951
“Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and
offered to work with him on behalf of our country...

I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans...
Donald Trump is going to be our president.

We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”
[Hillary Clinton concession speech: We owe Donald Trump "an open mind and a chance to lead"]

.... and after Cry Baby Loser was defeated by 6.9 million votes:

View attachment 493953

I won in a


(a blatant lie)


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