When "Audit Fever" breaks and nothing changes...What will Trump Supporters do Next?

Ghost of a Rider said:
In fact, a clearly distraught Maxine Waters mentioned election fraud when she and Pelosi took the podium to address the House just minutes after the election results were in.

The "Oh yeah! Well whaddabout...?" gambit to fake an equivalency only underscores the stark contrast: one Congresswoman's mentioning election fraud vs a coordinated, relentless, baseless assault upon the democratic process.

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Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
They'll do the same thing they did after Obama won in 2008, namely they'll protest everything that Biden does, then they'll organize then they'll use the Democrats hubris and overreach to beat the crap out of them in the 2022 mid-terms, just like they did in 2010.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats learn from history, that's why this cycle just keeps repeating itself.

"It's like Deja-Vu, all over again" -- Yogi Bera

I think Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms.
Uh-huh, the last time I heard Democrats talking about Trump guaranteeing a loss, was right before Hillary gave her concession speech.

The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment, doesn't matter though, they'll fuck it up, they ALWAYS do.
Wow, the loser conceded? What a concept!!!
You should probably pause, take a deep breath and read the post that was being replied to before you respond to a response, it'll help keep you from posting irrelevant replies.

Anyways, for your edification my reply had to do with the POSTER I WAS RESPONDING TO remarking that "Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms" , make sense now or do you require further clarification?
You're the expert on being irrelevant. I'll concede that.
*SIGH* yet another poster that prefers to behave like an infant rather than a rational adult, seems to be an abundance of such creatures hereabouts.:rolleyes:

Anyways, have a wonderful day.
I always do.
Always do, what? behave like an infant? yeah, you're making that more apparent with every response.
Same to you....PS: Your blob still lost....LOL
Sorry to interrupt your little happy dance but I have less affection for Donny and his Republicrat Cabal than you do, thus the fact that he got his clocked cleaned is a relief for me not a sore spot.

NEXT ....

Sure you do.... LOL
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

Given that Democrats went after Trump on a daily basis his entire four year term, I don't think Democrats have much room to talk. In fact, a clearly distraught Maxine Waters mentioned election fraud when she and Pelosi took the podium to address the House just minutes after the election results were in.
Trump created a new crisis every day. The Democrats did not look the other way.
No President in history has gotten away with as much as Trump did.

1.) No, Trump did not create a new crisis every day and some of those "crises" were manufactured by Democrats.

2.) The Democrats did not look the other way because they were actively looking for anything to crucify him with (see #1). The Russia collusion farce is a perfect example.

3.) Democrats (and numerous celebrities in interviews) were saying throughout the campaign that Trump would never be president. The very idea was inconceivable and reprehensible to them. Thus, when he did win, they were unable to accept it.

4.) Given the truth of #3, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that, even if Trump had not created a "new crisis every day", they still would have done anything and everything to get him out.

Now, assuming for a moment that there is any truth to your comment that Trump created a crisis every day, can you name one that is actually worse than what is happening now? Was it actually much worse during Trump's term than the out-of-control inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, job loss and numerous threats to world peace cropping up every day?

I'm not going to sit here and criticize Biden's presidency and blame everything on him. But neither will I sit here and say nothing when I know damn well that, thus far, it is no better than Trump's.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Nothing. Not for them at least, they'll continue to believe another, and more, lies to justify their insanity.
The Country is falling apart. Illegal aliens flood the border, the Covid vaccines are in question, energy costs are rising foreign policy is incoherent and the crime rate is steadily rising but lefties worry about what happens to Trump supporters. WTF?
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Trump has taught them that when you tell a lie and the lie is proven to be wrong.......Keep telling the lie
Exactly like Obama taught you and those like you.

Do you see the profound truth of this statement?
<sob>.But...but....What about Owebama?

So predictable, so pathetic
Lol. You’ve been crying like a lil’ bitch....Trump Trump Trump for five years.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
They'll do the same thing they did after Obama won in 2008, namely they'll protest everything that Biden does, then they'll organize then they'll use the Democrats hubris and overreach to beat the crap out of them in the 2022 mid-terms, just like they did in 2010.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats learn from history, that's why this cycle just keeps repeating itself.

"It's like Deja-Vu, all over again" -- Yogi Bera

I think Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms.
Uh-huh, the last time I heard Democrats talking about Trump guaranteeing a loss, was right before Hillary gave her concession speech.

The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment, doesn't matter though, they'll fuck it up, they ALWAYS do.
Wow, the loser conceded? What a concept!!!
You should probably pause, take a deep breath and read the post that was being replied to before you respond to a response, it'll help keep you from posting irrelevant replies.

Anyways, for your edification my reply had to do with the POSTER I WAS RESPONDING TO remarking that "Trump is guaranteeing a Republican loss for the mid terms" , make sense now or do you require further clarification?
You're the expert on being irrelevant. I'll concede that.
*SIGH* yet another poster that prefers to behave like an infant rather than a rational adult, seems to be an abundance of such creatures hereabouts.:rolleyes:

Anyways, have a wonderful day.
I always do.
Always do, what? behave like an infant? yeah, you're making that more apparent with every response.
Same to you....PS: Your blob still lost....LOL
Sorry to interrupt your little happy dance but I have less affection for Donny and his Republicrat Cabal than you do, thus the fact that he got his clocked cleaned is a relief for me not a sore spot.

NEXT ....

Sure you do.... LOL
That's amazing! each post more infantile and vapid than the last, how do you do it? How many years did you have to study at Trump University to acquire such an uncanny ability to imitate the guy so accurately?

......The entire faculty at the Harvard School of Abnormal Behavior anxiously awaits your reply.
Ghost of a Rider said:
In fact, a clearly distraught Maxine Waters mentioned election fraud when she and Pelosi took the podium to address the House just minutes after the election results were in.

The "Oh yeah! Well whaddabout...?" gambit to fake an equivalency only underscores the stark contrast: one Congresswoman's mentioning election fraud vs a coordinated, relentless, baseless assault upon the democratic process.

1.) If that's a fake equivalency then so were the Russia collusion and impeachment circuses. You can say that election fraud has not been proven, fine. But at the same time, neither was Russian collusion and neither were they able to prove the allegations behind the two impeachment attempts.

2.) To say there was election fraud is not an assault upon the democratic process. The principles and mechanisms of our democratic process were never in question. What was in question was whether or not the integrity of those principles and mechanisms was maintained.

Whether they are right or wrong about there having been election fraud, no one can say that they are trying to bypass the democratic process. Hence the calls for audits and investigations.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
Trump has taught them that when you tell a lie and the lie is proven to be wrong.......Keep telling the lie
You do know Biden plagiarized that poor souls life again over the weekend? You know, the life he wanted instead of the miserable one he has? The lie that costed his run in the 80's? He is a pathetic liar and an illegitimate president. He claimed his great grandfather worked in the coal mines, but he was an engineer. What a pathetic liar and an illegitimate president. Lol
Biden lying about his grandfather is funny?
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
When Trump leaves office will Trump fever (aka TDS) break?

Oh wait....

Ghost of a Rider said:
If that's a fake equivalency then so were the Russia collusion and impeachment circuses.
Only if you ignore credibility.

is what the Cry Baby kept whining about and getting his bum kissers to parrot. There is no such crime.

Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to hurt Clinton and help Trump was confirmed by the FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-controlled Senate Select Committees on Intelligence.

Pretending that there was not justification to impeach the Cry Baby Loser twice ignores the verdict of several prominent Republicans, e.g., regarding trump's goons attacking Congress:

"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people."
Mitch McConnell (R)

Ghost of a Rider said:
You can say that election fraud has not been proven, fine.
There is no evidence of the Cry Baby's "Big Lie" whatever.

Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, dozens of judges, and the Trump Justice Department and his Vice President have acknowledged the democratic will, and certified the result.

Ghost of a Rider said:
To say there was election fraud is not an assault upon the democratic process.
Cry Baby Loser, citing no evidence of his imaginary vast conspiracy that stole his absurd "Landslide!", his persisting in whining about the democratic process because he is far too insecure and morally impotent to handle the truth is an attack upon democracy itself, to the delight of totalitarian regimes around the world.
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We need to stop blaming or praising the ex president. time to move along to more pressing matters.
Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?

They will never accept it.
They are like a bunch of religious fanatics, making up one excuse after the other like why a schoolbus full of children goes off a bridge and everybody drowns and it's God's will.
I am REALLY not a big Trump supporter. I cringed when he put Sessions at DOJ, and cried when he wouldn't consider anyone except zionist traitors for the SCOTUS.

Trump FUCKED UP on COVID by being a PARROTING MORON and a SPINELESS DOUCH not standing up to obvious treasonous liar Fauci.

But I really do care about free and fair elections, and I am ready to fight and die over that....
Ghost of a Rider said:
If that's a fake equivalency then so were the Russia collusion and impeachment circuses.
Only if you ignore credibility.

Which the Democrats lost in all their vain attempts to get him out.
"Collusion!" is what the Cry Baby kept whining about and getting his bum kissers to parrot. There is no such crime.

Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to hurt Clinton and help Trump was confirmed by the FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-controlled Senate Select Committees on Intelligence.

Which does not, in any way, prove collusion.

Pretending that there was not justification to impeach the Cry Baby Loser twice ignores the verdict of several prominent Republicans, e.g., regarding trump's goons attacking Congress:

"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people."
Mitch McConnell (R)

Ghost of a Rider said:
You can say that election fraud has not been proven, fine.
There is no evidence of the Cry Baby's "Big Lie" whatever.

Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, dozens of judges, and the Trump Justice Department and his Vice President have acknowledged the democratic will, and certified the result.

As I said, fine. I'm not telling you there was fraud, I'm telling you that Democrats behaved the exact same way.
Ghost of a Rider said:
To say there was election fraud is not an assault upon the democratic process.
Cry Baby Loser, citing no evidence of his imaginary vast conspiracy that stole his absurd "Landslide!", his persisting in whining about the democratic process because he is far too insecure and morally impotent to handle the truth is an attack upon democracy itself, to the delight of totalitarian regimes around the world.

Yada yada yada. The fact remains that Democrats boo hooed for four fucking years and they would have done so no matter what Trump did or did not do.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which the Democrats lost...
Cry Baby Loser was impeached twice by the House of Representatives, and that achievement will always be the unique distinction of his single term. Democrats did not "lose" either impeachment. He was not convicted by the Senate.
Ghost of a Rider said:
Which does not, in any way, prove collusion.
He was never charged with "collusion." There is no crime called "collusion." "Collusion" is something that the Cry Baby Loser kept whining about and his lickspittles kept parroting.
Ghost of a Rider said:
I'm telling you that Democrats behaved the exact same way.
There is nothing comparable to Cry Baby Loser's inability to concede his defeat, nothing comparable to his inciting his goons to attack Congress, nothing comparable to his persistent, evidence-free crackpot insistence that he had won in a "Landslide!"

From 1796 until Cry Baby Loser savaged it, America's proud democratic tradition of peaceful transfers of power had been admired by all nations aspiring to democracy.

Cry Baby Loser's crapping upon that attainment serves the agenda of anti-democratic despots everywhere.

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Trump declared at a rally with supporters that
“we fell in love” after exchanging letters.
['We fell in love:' Trump swoons over letters from North Korea's Kim]
What did Cry Baby Loser's amorous billets-doux achieve?

Kim Jong Un says North Korea is developing tactical nukes,

new warheads and a nuclear-powered submarine

Of course nothing is going to change...the audits will confirm the already accepted and certified election results from November 2020.

The topic of this discussion is what will the Trump supporters do next? Will they finally accept the fact that their candidate lost by what HE himself called a landslide margin? Will they continue to insist they were cheated? Will they ever admit their resounding defeat?
My guess..mass suicide..

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