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When Blacks Attack

Originally posted by janeeng

So, you want to blame BLACKS for all the CRIME, but what I explained, is what's the next CRIME and they aren't BLACK. I have also been to a State that is loaded with Blacks, funny though, they live in beauitful homes, and keep them beautiful, more than most of the white that live there.
I have never said or think that blacks are to blame for all crime.

I have said that:
Black males are 6% of the U.S population,
but commit over 50% of ALL rapes in the U.S.
Commit over 50% of ALL murders in the U.S.
Commit over 60% of ALL violent crime in the U.S.

I can't belive that you are comparing the rapes of these three women, to some white girl wearing fishnet stockings. It is nice to see nice houses in your neigborhood, but if that comes with a high rate of crime, its not worth it.
Re-read Big D!!! It has nothing to do with just the fish net stockings, what I was saying, is what is being brought up in our society today. There are both crime in Blacks and whites, and I was just pointing out, that I believe the way some of these kids are being brought up today, isn't helping in the future of crime either.
I see your point janeen. when kids start "advertising" sexual "availability" at younger and younger ages..something has to give and its usually the man taking what he perseives as free, there for his taking. sad but true.
Originally posted by janeeng
Re-read Big D!!! It has nothing to do with just the fish net stockings, what I was saying, is what is being brought up in our society today. There are both crime in Blacks and whites, and I was just pointing out, that I believe the way some of these kids are being brought up today, isn't helping in the future of crime either.
Of course, there is criminal element in every group of people in the world.

My point is that no group even comes close to the overwelming violent criminal element that is produced in the black community.
have the percentages you post for modern races been compared to say the Irish when they first got here? the germans? my point is that when you treat people as humans, accept them as equals 9 out of 10 will recipprocate in like form.
"Prejudices can develop in several ways.

The frustration-aggression hypothesis indicates that frustration is displaced from its original source to a scapegoat. A scapegoat is a nearby target that is easily identifiable and relatively powerless. Lower income white Americans – who feel exploited – find it hard to express their anger at their oppressors. Their anger is often displaced to those lower on the social scale than themselves – in this case, blacks.

In addition, extremely prejudiced people seem to share a cluster of personality traits – an authoritarian personality. Authoritarian people think of the world in rigid "either-or" categories. They are rigidly conventional and are hostile toward people who violate conventional values. They are preoccupied with power and toughness. They are submissive to authority and, in turn, are likely to bully those with less power than themselves. Destructive and cynical, these individuals fear, suspect and reject all outgroup members – even from fictitious groups. If you aren’t one of "us," you must be one of "them" – the enemy.

Others may be pressured into prejudice by conformity. If we associate with prejudiced people, we are more likely to conform to their prejudices rather than resisting them. In the South in the 1960s, many restaurant owners indicated that they personally did not mind serving blacks. However, they believed that their customers would not tolerate it. Likewise, children conform to the attitudes of their parents and their peers."

I'm sure that some if not all of these mechanisms can help explain why Blacks attack.
Let me see if I understand what you wrote, A person who points out the fact that they don't like the extreamly high rate of black crime that has ruined many lives and destroyed many niegborhoods and citys, are the ones who have such problems as being, destructive, cynical, hostile and bully's.

A person with no problems would ignore the extremly high rate of black crime?

What I find most interesting about what you write is that you place absolutly no blame what so ever, in any way shape or form, on the people who are committing these crimes. It is as if the way blacks behave is all because of other people, as though they have no control of there behaviour. It is like you think of them as animals who have not been raised right.

What also is interesting is the fact that in all areas of the world where blacks have control, these are the places where you will find the most highest crime rates in the world. The places in where blacks live where Whites are the majority is where blacks crime is at it's lowest.

Case and point,
South Africa while under White rule (Aparthide) had low rates of black crime, but since South Africa has been under black rule it is the murder, rape and crime capital of the world.

In the South in the 60's black crime, out of wedlock births, high school dropouts and unemployment were very low for blacks.
Today in the South all of these things are at a all time high.

shergald, It's bad enuf having to deal with black criminality. But it's twice as bad having to deal with liberal ignorance, stupidity and denial.
Originally posted by jon_forward
have the percentages you post for modern races been compared to say the Irish when they first got here? the germans? my point is that when you treat people as humans, accept them as equals 9 out of 10 will recipprocate in like form.
Black crime rates have been on a constant rise since there first arrival to the U.S.

Ya Jon, maybe those girls that got brutaly raped by this gang of blacks did not treat them as humans.
Originally posted by jon_forward
I see your point janeen. when kids start "advertising" sexual "availability" at younger and younger ages..something has to give and its usually the man taking what he perseives as free, there for his taking. sad but true.
Sure it's the girls fault, these guys probably saw them in there PJ's in there house.
the extra "spin" was not needed Big D, Janeen and I were addressing another problem that was brought up in this thread. The minorities as a whole have been treated sub-human for years, treat some as such long enough and that is how they will act.
Crime is associated with socioeconomic status and on that level affects Blacks and whites in the same way and goes up and down with unemployment rates. These are very old statistics. You can be excused for ignorance, but when you fail to mention that whites commit more crimes than Blacks overall, I think we can find that your interest in this topic probably stems from some of the reasons I cited in my post. Maybe a bit of self reflection is in order.
Originally posted by shergald
Crime is associated with socioeconomic status and on that level affects Blacks and whites in the same way and goes up and down with unemployment rates. These are very old statistics. You can be excused for ignorance, but when you fail to mention that whites commit more crimes than Blacks overall, I think we can find that your interest in this topic probably stems from some of the reasons I cited in my post. Maybe a bit of self reflection is in order.

Your answer doesn't fit his model of reality. I've suggested self-reflection a number of time, but I doubt that it is his strongsuit. He'd rather dwell in his fears.
Originally posted by shergald
Crime is associated with socioeconomic status and on that level affects Blacks and whites in the same way and goes up and down with unemployment rates. These are very old statistics. You can be excused for ignorance, but when you fail to mention that whites commit more crimes than Blacks overall, I think we can find that your interest in this topic probably stems from some of the reasons I cited in my post. Maybe a bit of self reflection is in order.

Of course whites commit more crimes. Look at the difference in percentage of population. You would also think the percentage of crimes would reflect that difference in population, but it doesn't even come close. Blacks are only 12% of the population and yet make up such a huge percentage of the crimes. This is scarily disproportional. Ignoring it or blaming it on socioeconomic issues just isn't helping solve the problem. The theory blaming the crimes on income, poverty and other social issues has been shot down so many times I can't even count that high. Blacks that have been afforded better opportunities still contribute to a disproportionate percentage of crimes. Whites living in the towns with the worst unemployment rates and least amount of blacks have the smallest percentages of crimes.
I will repeat my question which has been posed several times but never answered unless you consider that they are subhumans and sexual predators and incapable of rehabilitation an answer or racial seperation an answer. Give me something realistic.

I believe that you cannot ignore the fact that racism and discrimination still has something to do with it and I enter into evidence a myriad of posts by Big D, Willie and others on here of BLATANT racism.
Originally posted by OCA
I will repeat my question which has been posed several times but never answered unless you consider that they are subhumans and sexual predators and incapable of rehabilitation an answer or racial seperation an answer. Give me something realistic.

I believe that you cannot ignore the fact that racism and discrimination still has something to do with it and I enter into evidence a myriad of posts by Big D, Willie and others on here of BLATANT racism.

I believe there are all kinds of factors involved, and racism very well may play a small role in some situations. I'm not being racist, I'm just pointing out the disparity in percentage of crimes. How it got so bad or what it'll take to fix the problem I'm not sure. I'm just recognizing the facts and saying there is a problem.
I think we all agree there is a problem, where alot of us disagree is the causes of the problem. I'm certain that saying they are inferior to us is not the answer to the problem though which seems to be the underlying theme of my opposition on this topic.
If you take the easy route and say they are all idiots and can't help themselves thats just the same attitude as liberals only liberals won't admit it.

I think Blacks in particular have been so disrespected over the years that they are like "fuck it, you think we are animals, we'll show you animals dammit" or something along those lines.

It was only 140 years ago that these people were SLAVES, i'm not saying that present day whites are responsible but that has to fuck with your psyche a little. Hell the Jews were enslaved 5,000 years ago and are still bitching.
What you write is a racist lie, but that must be OK, because your lie was about White folks.
Or maybe you are one of these people who is, extremely prejudiced people that seem to share a cluster of personality traits – an authoritarian personality. A Authoritarian person thinks of the world in rigid "either-or" categories. They are rigidly conventional and are hostile toward people who violate conventional values. They are preoccupied with power and toughness. They are submissive to authority and, in turn, are likely to bully those with less power than themselves. Destructive and cynical, these individuals fear, suspect and reject all outgroup members – even from fictitious groups. If you aren’t one of "us," you must be one of "them" – the enemy.

Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantages." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country's strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80% Black.
West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96% White.

Though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S.

Here is a article written by Walter Williams a black man:
In absolute numbers, blacks commit most of the crime in the United States. Blacks account for half of all the arrests for assault and rape, and two-thirds of arrests for robbery. Blacks are disproportionately more represented in all categories of felonies, except those requiring access to large sums of money such as embezzlement and stock fraud. Criminologist Marvin Wolfgang says, "For four violent offenses -- homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault -- the crime rates for blacks are at least 10 times as high as they are for whites." Close to 90 percent of the victims of black criminals are black.
According to the 1997 FBI Uniform Crime Report, 63 percent of the 65,624 drug arrests were minorities (50 percent blacks and 13 percent Hispanics).

Here is the FBI crime report:
Race patterns among offenders are similar to those among victims, except that black offenders are involved in a relatively large percentage of felony-murders (nearly six out of ten).

You will not be able to bring any information from any site that backs your racist lie that whites commit more crime over all then do blacks.

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