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When Blacks Attack

In country's where blacks are the majority and have complete control, is where you will find the highest crime rates in the world.

Just 60 years ago Jews were treated far worse then blacks have ever been treated. Jews did not even have the chance to be slaves they were just murdered, why do not Jews then have high crime rates?

OCA's quote:
"I think Blacks in particular have been so disrespected over the years that they are like "fuck it, you think we are animals, we'll show you animals dammit" or something along those lines".

OCA, if you belive that blacks really think like this, then you think they are less intelligent then I do. 90% of black crime is black on black.
So whats your solution? You've never given one, just some pseudo psychological mumbo. Also crime is crime to me I don't care who its committed against but does bring up one good question: why do you care so much if they are hurting each other and not whites?
My solution would be to separate the races. Which they already are, to some extent, but I would make it official. Upon which, if blacks were content to kill each other off, that would be their business. Just don't come near MY people, or you will encounter something awful.
Originally posted by OCA
So whats your solution? You've never given one, just some pseudo psychological mumbo. Also crime is crime to me I don't care who its committed against but does bring up one good question: why do you care so much if they are hurting each other and not whites?
My solution is to have people like yourself stop blaming everything and anything they can for black crime, and start blaming blacks themselfs.
The reason you want that is because you hate blacks and Hispanics based on the color of their skin ONLY. Just please admit it and end your silly charade.

At least Willie offered something concrete no matter how far fetched, and if we blame Blacks themselves that is going to bring about what change? Can you tell me? Or do you not see that that in itself is no solution?

Here is my opinion, you do not want an end to these problems cause if that happens you will have no axe to grind. You enjoy harping about race, it makes you feel good about Big D.

Nice try calling me a racist LMAO, the majority of whites don't feel anywhere near your views.
Originally posted by OCA

At least Willie offered something concrete no matter how far fetched, and if we blame Blacks themselves that is going to bring about what change? Can you tell me? Or do you not see that that in itself is no solution?

Nice try calling me a racist LMAO, the majority of whites don't feel anywhere near your views.
You have constantly had no problem blaming Whites for the behaviour of blacks. But the fact that you don't feel that holding blacks responsable for there own behaviour will not help at all, shows that you belive blacks to be less then human.

Most Whites continue to flee the areas where blacks and hispanics have moved into, and you are speaking for them?
I guess you need to go back and take a reading comprehension class because you have not understood one thing for the last couple months.

I advocate a society based upon an INDIVIDUAL'S character not the feel good, hate all people of a color policy of yours. I offer into evidence this little diddy, "it is amazing how much money is spent on trying to make darker people more civilized" or something real close might not be exact wording. Do you think we are all stupid and not see the type of ugly racist that came from? Just look at that statement, you are saying that all dark skinned people are uncivilized and animals basically. I mean for the love of god you've posted stuff supporting Apartheid! Please don't deny it anymore, it is insulting to most everybody here.

As for the blaming whites for their behaviour that is not entirely true, but do you honestly believe that whites in this country have not completely screwed over minorities? Are you that blinded by hatred? To say that oh we've bent over backwards is true because that is what we should be doing for chrissakes! We enslaved them and lynched them, made them piss in sperate bathrooms and drink from seperate fountains and they couldn't eat at the same restauraunts. Do you think that some social programs we enact and some tax money given makes us all square on this deal? Let me have some white slaves for a few years and we'll see how it all shakes out in the end.

My point is in the end nothing will change because you and others like you are a legacy of the attitudes and hate that infected this nation in its infacy and it is that legacy which does not allow men to reach their full potential because you do whatever is in your power to keep them feeling inferior.It has nothing to do with someone's cranial size or IQ or testosterone level thats all bullshit and you know it. The stats that you pull from mostly questionable sites are how you Big D cope with your own problems and how you are able to get through life without facing your own fears, by hatred. Its real convenient for you.
Originally posted by Big D
My solution is to have people like yourself stop blaming everything and anything they can for black crime, and start blaming blacks themselfs.

Folks, the translation is=hate the blacks and everything will get better. WOW!
Originally posted by OCA
I guess you need to go back and take a reading comprehension class because you have not understood one thing for the last couple months.

I advocate a society based upon an INDIVIDUAL'S character not the feel good, hate all people of a color policy of yours. I offer into evidence this little diddy, "it is amazing how much money is spent on trying to make darker people more civilized" or something real close might not be exact wording. Do you think we are all stupid and not see the type of ugly racist that came from? Just look at that statement, you are saying that all dark skinned people are uncivilized and animals basically. I mean for the love of god you've posted stuff supporting Apartheid! Please don't deny it anymore, it is insulting to most everybody here.

As for the blaming whites for their behaviour that is not entirely true, but do you honestly believe that whites in this country have not completely screwed over minorities? Are you that blinded by hatred? To say that oh we've bent over backwards is true because that is what we should be doing for chrissakes! We enslaved them and lynched them, made them piss in sperate bathrooms and drink from seperate fountains and they couldn't eat at the same restauraunts. Do you think that some social programs we enact and some tax money given makes us all square on this deal? Let me have some white slaves for a few years and we'll see how it all shakes out in the end.

My point is in the end nothing will change because you and others like you are a legacy of the attitudes and hate that infected this nation in its infacy and it is that legacy which does not allow men to reach their full potential because you do whatever is in your power to keep them feeling inferior.It has nothing to do with someone's cranial size or IQ or testosterone level thats all bullshit and you know it. The stats that you pull from mostly questionable sites are how you Big D cope with your own problems and how you are able to get through life without facing your own fears, by hatred. Its real convenient for you.

:clap: :clap1: :clap: :clap1: :clap: :clap1:

OCA, while I don't think we agree totally on affirmative action's place in society, I agree 100% with your rebuke of the racist propaganda we've had to look at the last few months. Well said.
Originally posted by Big D
My solution is to have people like yourself stop blaming everything and anything they can for black crime, and start blaming blacks themselfs.

maybe a better solution would be to leave the color of someones skin out of the equation and blame the individual(s) for their idiocy of criminal activity.

Blaming a group of people (i.e. blacks) for the propensity of crime by people of that same group would be like me saying that the white people are only capable of oppression, genocide, and discrimination because of the mistreatment of native americans during the 1800s, japanese americans during WW2, and arab americans after 9/11.
"I advocate a society based upon an INDIVIDUAL'S character not the feel good, hate all people of a color policy of yours."

I don't see much "feel goodism" in the racialist point of view. It's actually a little depressing, even to an advocate of it like me. I must say, that despite all the vigor with which I argue for it on this chatboard, I HATE this shit. I hate the idea that races are inherently different. It sucks. But the problem is that the overwhelming evidence is that races are, in fact, inherently different. And we've got to deal with that somehow. The real "feel goodism" is the liberal/conservative view that we can all just bury our heads in the sand about racial differences. A mere glance at today's world tells us that this just isn't working. The differences are so stark, and it is so painful.

The problem with treating everyone as an individual is that it cannot be done. The lesson of history is that groups matter. Groups are real. Races matter, races are groups, and races are very, very real.

Tell me, OCA. What law treats anyone as an individual? What government policy treats anyone as an individual?

Answer: NONE. Laws are applicable to all. Government policy is applicable to all. In your personal dealings, treating folks as individuals is possible. For a society, it is not. The inefficiency is gross. The result, as we see in America, is insanity, mess, and breakdown of the moral order.

Individualism, for white western people, is enhanced by racial homogeniety. It is undermined by multiracialism, paradoxically.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"I advocate a society based upon an INDIVIDUAL'S character not the feel good, hate all people of a color policy of yours."

I don't see much "feel goodism" in the racialist point of view. It's actually a little depressing, even to an advocate of it like me. I must say, that despite all the vigor with which I argue for it on this chatboard, I HATE this shit. I hate the idea that races are inherently different. It sucks. But the problem is that the overwhelming evidence is that races are, in fact, inherently different. And we've got to deal with that somehow. The real "feel goodism" is the liberal/conservative view that we can all just bury our heads in the sand about racial differences. A mere glance at today's world tells us that this just isn't working. The differences are so stark, and it is so painful.

The problem with treating everyone as an individual is that it cannot be done. The lesson of history is that groups matter. Groups are real. Races matter, races are groups, and races are very, very real.

Tell me, OCA. What law treats anyone as an individual? What government policy treats anyone as an individual?

Answer: NONE. Laws are applicable to all. Government policy is applicable to all. In your personal dealings, treating folks as individuals is possible. For a society, it is not. The inefficiency is gross. The result, as we see in America, is insanity, mess, and breakdown of the moral order.

Individualism, for white western people, is enhanced by racial homogeniety. It is undermined by multiracialism, paradoxically.

Originally posted by OCA

I advocate a society based upon an INDIVIDUAL'S character not the feel good, hate all people of a color policy of yours.

As for the blaming whites for their behaviour that is not entirely true, but do you honestly believe that whites in this country have not completely screwed over minorities? Are you that blinded by hatred? To say that oh we've bent over backwards is true because that is what we should be doing for chrissakes! We enslaved them and lynched them, made them piss in sperate bathrooms and drink from seperate fountains and they couldn't eat at the same restauraunts. Do you think that some social programs we enact and some tax money given makes us all square on this deal? Let me have some white slaves for a few years and we'll see how it all shakes out in the end.
Who do you want to treat as INDIVDUAL'S? Because it sure is not Whites.
Are you not refering to ALL Whites here as a group? As you place the hate and blame on ALL people who are White for the actions of what other people did hundereds of years ago?

And who's this WE you are talking about? I never enslaved, lynched or made anyone eat and drink in a seperate area from myself. Why do you blame WE for this? I thought you "advocate a society based upon an INDIVIDUAL'S character" not the feel good, hate all people of a color policy like me?

You think blacks behave the way they do because of how whites treat them, and the way to change black behaviour is to have whites treat blacks better? Are you not saying that whites are there for in control of black behaviour?

And you think I'm a white supremacist.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
maybe a better solution would be to leave the color of someones skin out of the equation and blame the individual(s) for their idiocy of criminal activity.

Blaming a group of people (i.e. blacks) for the propensity of crime by people of that same group would be like me saying that the white people are only capable of oppression, genocide, and discrimination because of the mistreatment of native americans during the 1800s, japanese americans during WW2, and arab americans after 9/11.
Your right DK, Whites did mistreat all the groups you mention. This mistreatment by whites must be alot of the reason why all these groups are not doing so well.

OOOO Wait, did you write down Japanese Americans?

Like African Americans, Latinos, and American Indians, Asian Americans have had to fight a long battle to have access to desegregated and equal educational opportunities. In this historical context, some of the most important victories were the 1968 and 1969 student strikes at San Francisco State University and U.C. Berkeley that ultimately led to the establishment of the first Ethnic Studies and Asian American Studies programs in the country.

Since then, Asian Americans have faced many other issues when it comes to their educational experience. Perhaps the most far-reaching issue that Asian Americans still face is actually the most ironic. In the past, Asian Americans were fighting mechanisms of prejudice, exclusion, and institutional discrimination that prevented them from even attending certain schools and therefore receiving a fair education. But recently, Asian Americans have been and continue to be touted as the one ethnic minority group that has successfully overcome racism and achieved the American dream, primarily through education.

Asian Americans constitute about 45% of Berkeley’s student body--even with a higher admission requirement imposed on them. The average SAT score for the admitted Asian Americans at Berkeley is approximately 100 points higher than that of white Americans and is two to three hundreds points higher than that of Hispanic and African-Americans. Five California public universities, Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego, Irvine and Davis, are ranked in the top 20 public universities as a result of Asian American majorities in these schools.
More black attacks:

Riley is married with two children, and he lives in an affluent neighborhood. Officials say nearly all of the rapes happened in Riley's home between 9 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday, while his wife was at work and his children were at school.

This was a just verdict. He did a horrible thing," Molly McKinnon Boyd said of the death penalty ordered Monday for former Montgomery resident Charley Washington, who was convicted of brutally beating her elderly parents to death in the course of a robbery.

A 22-year-old lesbian described in court Tuesday how a Gwinnett County deputy sheriff stuck a gun to her head, forced her to drive to a store to buy condoms and then made her take him to her Oconee Street residence where he raped her.
More black attacks:

In a show of support for the woman, 93 and 94 years of age at the time of the alleged assaults, a group of more than 30 people turned out for a preliminary examination for Earl Marsh, the woman's alleged assailant.

A man accused of killing a school guidance counselor made his first court appearance Wednesday a day after authorities found the counselor's body.
I have my own opinions with regards to racism that would probably fit right in between of everyone else's opinions.

I normally stay outta the racism threads.... but I just had to pop in and say..

HOLY HELL BIG D. You are consumed with hatred! Every problem in the world boils back down to racism with you.

I dont know if I want to feel disgusted by you, or feel sorry for you.
Not a fair attack on Big D. He is consistent and persistent in bringing attention to an issue that gets ZERO attention from the liberal (and even most of the conservative) media. That makes him an effective advocate, not a person "consumed with hatred."

Ever hear anyone say that MLK was "consumed with hatred" because he had one, and only one, issue? Ralph Nader "consumed with hatred" because of his zealousness in going after corporations? Randall Terry "consumed with hatred" because of fierce opposition to abortion? Newt Gingrich "consumed with hatred" because he concentrated his efforts on getting a GOP majority in Congress?

On man's consumption with hatred is another man's righteous cause.

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