When Bush outsourced 8 million low wage jobs - it put pressure on Food Stamps

Republicans have cast 18 votes against increasing the minimum wage in the past 12 years.

They say it is bad for worker moral to increase it.

Why not dumbasses?

Republicans have cast 18 votes against increasing the minimum wage in the past 12 years.

They say it is bad for worker moral to increase it.

Why not dumbasses?


Knock knock knock... HEY! DULLARD!

When was the minimum wage over $10.00/hr.?
Republicans say keeping the minimum wage below the poverty level gives the poor worker an incentive to reach higher.

They also want to be sure the baby is born, so they can kill it their way.

Nice ....

Republicans blocked a minimum wage increase for 10 years - from 1997 to 2007

Democrats passed minimum wage increases 3 consecutive years - in 2007, 2008, 2009

Republicans have blocked a minimum wage increase for 4 consecutive years from 2010 to 2013

Minimum wages http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm

September 1997 $5.15

Jul 24, 2007 $5.85

Jul 24, 2008 $6.55

Jul 24, 2009 $7.25

While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland

Sad ....
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Under obama, the profits of Big Corporations as a percent of GDP is higher than at any time since 1950.


…. As a percentage of national income, corporate profits stood at 14.2 percent in the third quarter of 2012, the largest share at any time since 1950,

Under obama, we have Markets going in one direction (up) while the economy is going in another direction (in the shitter).

Under obama, we have the worst economic recovery and longest +7% unemployment rate since WWII.

obama has you idiot leftists convinced that this just happened in the United States and that, somehow, Republicans were responsible.

And because you're stupid, you believe it.

Tell me, how did Bush cause the recession in Germany?

How did Bush cause the recession in the UK?

How did Bush cause Portugal's economy to all but collapse?

How did Bush cause Greece to have 29% unemployment?

How did Bush cause Spain to have 25% unemployment?

How did Bush cause Japan's Nikkei to drop by 25% (before recovering after a Conservative was installed)?

How did Bush......

Has it occurred to you that this whole thing was a World Wide problem caused by over-spending in every Country that I mentioned? Except the UK. And Germany. The UK was a little guilty, Germany not at all. Or not very much.

But the others?

They did EXACTLY what the Stuttering Clusterfukk is still doing now.

Spending money we don't have.

I'm looking for a pullback in the Markets. Maybe 5%. If it goes to 10%, then we fall into another recession. Without ever really recovering from the last one.

dimocraps are just stupid

There's no talking to you.

As long as you choose to remain stupid, you'll let stupid excuses convince you that IDIOTS like obama have answers.

They don't. And neither do you.

We do.
Republicans blocked a minimum wage increase for 10 years - from 1997 to 2007

Democrats passed minimum wage increases 3 consecutive years - in 2007, 2008, 2009

Republicans have blocked a minimum wage increase for 4 consecutive years from 2010 to 2013

Minimum wages http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm

September 1997 $5.15

Jul 24, 2007 $5.85

Jul 24, 2008 $6.55

Jul 24, 2009 $7.25

While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland

Sad ....

And guess what, STUPID?

During that time, we had one of the greatest economic booms in World History.

DAMN but libtards are some stupid bitches
the troll just keeps on trolling their own threads...and the stupid is a sight to behold
While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland

One more thing on that "Poor" statistic.

dimocraps lie, it's what they do

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity - Forbes

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

There’s a lot of debate (from certain quarters it’s less debate than whining actually) about the increasing inequality in the United States. Sure, maybe it’s true that the country continues to grow but what about the poor and their incomes?

And there might even be something worth worrying about in all of that too. But just as a short reality check, a few charts that show what it’s really like to be poor in America: as opposed to being actually poor that is.
Republicans blocked a minimum wage increase for 10 years - from 1997 to 2007

Democrats passed minimum wage increases 3 consecutive years - in 2007, 2008, 2009

Republicans have blocked a minimum wage increase for 4 consecutive years from 2010 to 2013

Minimum wages http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm

September 1997 $5.15

Jul 24, 2007 $5.85

Jul 24, 2008 $6.55

Jul 24, 2009 $7.25

While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland

Sad ....

And guess what, STUPID?

During that time, we had one of the greatest economic booms in World History.

DAMN but libtards are some stupid bitches

No dumbass, we had the worst Recession in U.S. history

While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland
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Republicans blocked a minimum wage increase for 10 years - from 1997 to 2007

Democrats passed minimum wage increases 3 consecutive years - in 2007, 2008, 2009

Republicans have blocked a minimum wage increase for 4 consecutive years from 2010 to 2013

Minimum wages http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm

September 1997 $5.15

Jul 24, 2007 $5.85

Jul 24, 2008 $6.55

Jul 24, 2009 $7.25

While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland

Sad ....

And guess what, STUPID?

During that time, we had one of the greatest economic booms in World History.

DAMN but libtards are some stupid bitches

No dumbass, we had the worst Recession in U.S. history


You work in stupidity like Monet worked in oils. You really do.

Do you TRY to be stupid or were you born that way...??

The minimum wage increase of 2007 started on Jul 23 of that year.

We did not go into recession until the last day of the last Month of that year. Five Months later

Which, BTW was the same year that dimocrap scum took back the US Congress from Patriotic Americans.

These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


Some things happen because of government policies and some things just happen because they happen. Bush deserves some blame, but for the most part, all his policies did was delay the economic collapse that we experienced beginning in 2008. Now, it could be argued that by delaying it, it made it that much worse, which it probably did, but the truth is that Bush really had very little to do with it. Greenspan's policies of keeping interest rates too low did more harm than anything Bush ever did. Bush's faults were more with wasting taxpayer money and allowing the deficit to spiral out of control.
Republicans blocked a minimum wage increase for 10 years - from 1997 to 2007

Democrats passed minimum wage increases 3 consecutive years - in 2007, 2008, 2009

Republicans have blocked a minimum wage increase for 4 consecutive years from 2010 to 2013

Minimum wages http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm

September 1997 $5.15

Jul 24, 2007 $5.85

Jul 24, 2008 $6.55

Jul 24, 2009 $7.25

While the U.S. is 4th in the World for child poverty, after Turkey, Mexico and Poland

Sad ....

Okay, great. But you are still unable to answer the question...

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

You made the claim, back it up. If you can not, you prove yourself to be nothing but a dullard.
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These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


Some things happen because of government policies and some things just happen because they happen. Bush deserves some blame, but for the most part, all his policies did was delay the economic collapse that we experienced beginning in 2008. Now, it could be argued that by delaying it, it made it that much worse, which it probably did, but the truth is that Bush really had very little to do with it. Greenspan's policies of keeping interest rates too low did more harm than anything Bush ever did. Bush's faults were more with wasting taxpayer money and allowing the deficit to spiral out of control.

I suspect you do know only the Right thinks an Administration policy happens one day, and goes away the next.

The Conservative policies of Bush and his GOP handlers began taking effect in 2002, and steadily built up a false wall of security .... until it all came slamming down in 2007-2008.

The important thing is they effectively implemented basic Conservative policy - the same policy they are trying to implement today...

That is unlikely to happen again.

We did not go into recession until the last day of the last Month of that year. Five Months later

Was that after store closing at 5PM?


Only Rush Limbaugh has the insight to pinpoint these things like that!

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Republicans honestly thought the 8 million workers would disappear with the jobs.

They didn't


REPUBLICANS honestly thought the 8 million workers would disappear with their jobs.

They didn't


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