When Bush outsourced 8 million low wage jobs - it put pressure on Food Stamps

"...Most minimum-wage earners work for big corporations. These corporations keep giving their CEOs bigger bonuses every year, but then claim they can’t afford to pay their employees.

"Meanwhile, CEO pay is skyrocketing. We need Congress to act to raise the minimum wage closer to covering the cost of living.

"The current federal minimum wage – $7.25 per hour – is not enough for a full-time worker to lift a family out of poverty. It is lower than it was in the 1960s, adjusted for inflation.

It's Time to Give America a Raise - Pass the Fair Minimum Wage Act
"...Most minimum-wage earners work for big corporations. These corporations keep giving their CEOs bigger bonuses every year, but then claim they can’t afford to pay their employees.

"Meanwhile, CEO pay is skyrocketing. We need Congress to act to raise the minimum wage closer to covering the cost of living.

"The current federal minimum wage – $7.25 per hour – is not enough for a full-time worker to lift a family out of poverty. It is lower than it was in the 1960s, adjusted for inflation.

It's Time to Give America a Raise - Pass the Fair Minimum Wage Act

People get paid about what they're worth.

Stupid people, like you, get paid the least.
You're not going to receive a 7 dollar per hour raise Summer's Eve. You should start your own Union: The United Burger Flipper's of Amerika. Thank you, drive through please.
What do you care if someone wants to work for $2 bucks an hour?

The OP makes his points in devisive ways but I do feel we need minimum wages set at a reasonable level. Then again, our legL system virtually allows an illegal work force so we do get to test out a system with minimal wage protections.

$7.50 an hour is not a liveable wage.

By getting rid of 8 million low wage jobs, Republicans didn't quite erase 8 million low wage workers as they thought it would.


many people on this board, including republicans, have worked minimum wage jobs until something better came along.

Likely all of us have considered that job a stop-gap or a start.
While I agree that a minimum wage job is not a "living wage" what realistically can be done about it? A job is better than no job.

Why would anyone with a minimum wage job have one child much less the four in your scenario? Wouldn't they qualify for assistance anyway? And........

It's not the working poor that receive assistance that chaps our ass, it's the asswipes that consider welfare an entitlement.

If the price of a burger goes too high, I'll eat at home. Then what?

Many of the low wage jobs outsourced have been call center or in the textile industry sent to the sub-continent.

Many of the landscaping and construction jobs have been taken by immigrants from latin america.

I'm sure it's a white guys fault somehow. Pick one. Damned white devils.
You're not going to receive a 7 dollar per hour raise Summer's Eve. You should start your own Union: The United Burger Flipper's of Amerika. Thank you, drive through please.

Know what's funny?

That communist website driveby gave us? Campaigning For America's Future as a communist slave camp

It's a 501(c)4
Bush outsourced 8 million jobs?




Pretty sure he's responsible for this, as well


dimocraps should have to pay an oxygen tax

That was the Jews that sank the Titanic...
Actually outsourcing jobs offshore did increase drastically during the Bush years but it wasn't 8 million jobs, it was much less and it wasn't "W" who was responsible, that would of been the companies who chose to ship the jobs to the sweat shops.
The trend has hurt America, there is no doubt about that. It has made America less competitive and has had a negative effect on wages for working Americans which has weakened our consumer driven economy. Less expendable income means less consumer purchases. Of course all this hurts the job market.


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Actually outsourcing jobs offshore did increase drastically during the Bush years but it wasn't 8 million jobs, it was much less and it wasn't "W" who was responsible, that would of been the companies who chose to ship the jobs to the sweat shops.
The trend has hurt America, there is no doubt about that. It has made America less competitive and has had a negative effect on wages for working Americans which has weakened our consumer driven economy. Less expendable income means less consumer purchases. Of course all this hurts the job market.

Big Companies, the Big Manufacturing Companies can take paying high wages.

They can NOT take work stoppages and government interference.

So they moved their operations overseas. So would I.

Places like Mickey D's, Burger King, etc provide jobs for a lot of kids that are new to the workforce.

My Boy worked at McDonalds as his first or second job. Maybe it was Blockbuster. Whatever.

But at $15 an hour? It ain't gonna happen with young kids anymore.

What WILL happen if that's the case is, they'll cut way back on the number of employees and work them half to death. They'll either do the job or be shown the door.

Something else... If you're a grown man or woman and your principal source of income is a McDonalds?

You need to be sterilized. Soon.

For the good of humanity.

I will tell you this.... I had a customer one time who started at a Burger King when he 16 and worked his way up (years later) to where he was managing Five of them for a wealthy investor.

In the mid-90s he was making $150k a year.
Yup. Those fast food jobs are geared toward high school kids.

They aren't geared toward someone living off what they make.

Of course we could pay em all $15 buck and hour like drivebydumbass wants but then your burger meal would cost you $100. Don't think many folks would be going out for burgers. Those burger flipping jobs would disappear.

Drivebydumbass is a fucking idiot.
These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


How do you outsource a burger flipping job to India?

maybe he was one of them? lol
Not to worry though, I read something yesterday this administration was boasting of the increase hiring in the burger flipping jobs..so you all with college degrees hope you can flip hamburgers...

that must the reason for the staged protesting and walk outs for higher wages in fast food...you all see your future?
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Not to worry though, I read something yesterday this administration was boasting of the increase hiring in the burger flipping jobs..so you all with college degrees hope you can flip hamburgers...

I read that too.

That we actually LOST 162,000 Full-Time jobs and that the entire increase was due to part-time hiring?

Found one source...

16-07-2013 The Untold Unemployment Story: A Loss Of 162,000 Full-Time Jobs In June Bus1nessN3wz | World Heritage Sites

dimocraps lie. It's what they do
It's July 2013, Bush hasn't been President for a real long time.

these Obama cult members have went all back to Reagan to keep from Obama be BLAMED for anything...Nuten his fault..but he did wack bin laden
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Show any bill that outsources jobs...

Show any 'Obama measure' that would create any private sector job in any way, shape, or form

Idiot troll

Republicans also support government subsidies for companies that send jobs overseas because they reap tax breaks and benefits written into the tax code for “expansion” regardless that it occurs in foreign countries.

The Republican focus on jobs since January 2009 has been killing them, not creating them. They voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus), opposed the auto industry bailout, payroll tax cut and extension, all of the President’s jobs bills, and have blocked any new revenue sources that would fund rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. All of the Republican job-killing measures have as their basis protection of the rich and keeping unemployment figures high, and they are not close to being finished if they win control of the White House and both houses of Congress. One of Romney and Republicans promises is to give corporations more tax cuts and leeway to outsource jobs and the only winners are the corporations and their wealthy investors like Willard Romney.

Rewarding companies that outsource American jobs is more than just enriching corporations, it is about ethics and moral responsibility to the American people who expect their representatives to look out for their interests.

Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home

See how that works? You give a company subsidies for "expansion" but don't care whether it's here or overseas.

You guys don't really believe the Republicans are for the middle class. Come on. You know who your representatives represent. Be honest. Get out of the closet. Let everyone know who and what you stand for. Honesty is a good thing.

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