When Bush outsourced 8 million low wage jobs - it put pressure on Food Stamps

Weird the way Republicans equate "trade" with "moving jobs to China". Trade is what Clinton and Obama do. Moving jobs to China is what Bush, Romney and the Republicans are so very fond of.

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case | Reuters

President Obama Wins Another WTO Case Against Cheating China

Obama, entertainment industry win China WTO case - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I can't remember Romney mentioning the WTO a single time during the last election. Anyone?
These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


How do you outsource a burger flipping job to India?

How do you outsource a burger flipping job to India?

That splains why I had to wait so long today getting my take out order...
Weird the way Republicans equate "trade" with "moving jobs to China". Trade is what Clinton and Obama do. Moving jobs to China is what Bush, Romney and the Republicans are so very fond of.

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case | Reuters

President Obama Wins Another WTO Case Against Cheating China

Obama, entertainment industry win China WTO case - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I can't remember Romney mentioning the WTO a single time during the last election. Anyone?

Again name one of Bush policies promoted outsourcing? Democrats high tax's / Union labor rates over the years caused a lot of the outsourcing so blame the Democrats.
That's why Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25 - because they appreciate hard work...

Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...
If this troll is representative of the voters in the Democrat party

they aren't making any of you all look real good...whooboy

If I were a Democrat on this board, I'd ...:lol:
Last edited:
Weird the way Republicans equate "trade" with "moving jobs to China". Trade is what Clinton and Obama do. Moving jobs to China is what Bush, Romney and the Republicans are so very fond of.

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case | Reuters

President Obama Wins Another WTO Case Against Cheating China

Obama, entertainment industry win China WTO case - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I can't remember Romney mentioning the WTO a single time during the last election. Anyone?

Again name one of Bush policies promoted outsourcing? Democrats high tax's / Union labor rates over the years caused a lot of the outsourcing so blame the Democrats.

Republicans Enacted Legislation to Provide $42 billion in Additional Tax Benefits for Offshore Operations of U.S. Corporations, Encouraging the Shipping of U.S. Jobs Overseas. The measure included 24 separate provisions that encourage shipping jobs overseas -- replacing tax incentives to export American goods with tax incentives to export Americans jobs. This came at a time when studies showed that U.S. companies shifting more of their profits to tax-haven countries, such as Bermuda, to avoid paying U.S. taxes costing the U.S. treasury as much as $20 billion each year. [PL 108-357]

All Republicans Voted For Tax Provisions that Promote Shipping American Jobs Overseas. All Republicans voted for provisions that promote shipping jobs overseas, against replacing them with tax relief for American manufacturing to create more American jobs, and against cracking down on tax shelters for corporations relocate overseas to avoid paying taxes. [HR 4520, American Jobs Creation Act - Motion to Recommit; H.R. 4520, Vote 258, 6/17/04]

Outsourcing Report: Republicans Rewarding Corporations that Ship U.S. Jobs Overseas


It's not just Bush, but Bush and the Republicans working hand in hand.

But this is an old story:

That's why Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25 - because they appreciate hard work...

Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...

Here’s a list of the ten states with the highest state minimum wages, according to the Labor Department:

1. Washington — $9.19
2. Oregon — $8.95
3. Vermont — $8.60
4. Nevada — $8.25
5. Connecticut — $8.25
6. District of Columbia — $8.25
7. Illinois — $8.25
8. California — $8.00
8. Massachusetts — $8.00
10. Ohio — $7.85

And the 10 states with lowest. (If a state has a minimum wage below the federal minimum of $7.25, the federal wage prevails.)
1. Alabama — no minimum wage
2. Louisiana — no minimum wage
3. South Carolina — no minimum wage
4. Mississippi — no minimum wage
5. Tennessee — no minimum wage
6. Wyoming — $5.15
7. Georgia — $5.15
8. Minnesota — $6.15
9. Arkansas — $6.25
10. 22 states tied at $7.25

High, low state minimum wages

Quite a "pattern" there.
Weird the way Republicans equate "trade" with "moving jobs to China". Trade is what Clinton and Obama do. Moving jobs to China is what Bush, Romney and the Republicans are so very fond of.

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case | Reuters

President Obama Wins Another WTO Case Against Cheating China

Obama, entertainment industry win China WTO case - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I can't remember Romney mentioning the WTO a single time during the last election. Anyone?

Again name one of Bush policies promoted outsourcing? Democrats high tax's / Union labor rates over the years caused a lot of the outsourcing so blame the Democrats.

Republicans Enacted Legislation to Provide $42 billion in Additional Tax Benefits for Offshore Operations of U.S. Corporations, Encouraging the Shipping of U.S. Jobs Overseas. The measure included 24 separate provisions that encourage shipping jobs overseas -- replacing tax incentives to export American goods with tax incentives to export Americans jobs. This came at a time when studies showed that U.S. companies shifting more of their profits to tax-haven countries, such as Bermuda, to avoid paying U.S. taxes costing the U.S. treasury as much as $20 billion each year. [PL 108-357]

All Republicans Voted For Tax Provisions that Promote Shipping American Jobs Overseas. All Republicans voted for provisions that promote shipping jobs overseas, against replacing them with tax relief for American manufacturing to create more American jobs, and against cracking down on tax shelters for corporations relocate overseas to avoid paying taxes. [HR 4520, American Jobs Creation Act - Motion to Recommit; H.R. 4520, Vote 258, 6/17/04]

Outsourcing Report: Republicans Rewarding Corporations that Ship U.S. Jobs Overseas


It's not just Bush, but Bush and the Republicans working hand in hand.

But this is an old story:


The one link you gave me was from a Nancy Pelosi web site? may as well linked a blues clues web site, and you book marked a 2010 usmb ? seriously... dude.
That's why Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25 - because they appreciate hard work...

Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...

Here’s a list of the ten states with the highest state minimum wages, according to the Labor Department:

1. Washington — $9.19
2. Oregon — $8.95
3. Vermont — $8.60
4. Nevada — $8.25
5. Connecticut — $8.25
6. District of Columbia — $8.25
7. Illinois — $8.25
8. California — $8.00
8. Massachusetts — $8.00
10. Ohio — $7.85

And the 10 states with lowest. (If a state has a minimum wage below the federal minimum of $7.25, the federal wage prevails.)
1. Alabama — no minimum wage
2. Louisiana — no minimum wage
3. South Carolina — no minimum wage
4. Mississippi — no minimum wage
5. Tennessee — no minimum wage
6. Wyoming — $5.15
7. Georgia — $5.15
8. Minnesota — $6.15
9. Arkansas — $6.25
10. 22 states tied at $7.25

High, low state minimum wages

Quite a "pattern" there.

Just off the top of my head I know Illinois has a UE of 9% and Alabama has a UE of 6.5%....
These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


If Bush and The Republicans outsourced jobs, and, Republicans are blocking Obama from creating jobs, how come the Democrats did nothing to block Bush and Republicans from outsourcing jobs?
That's why Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25 - because they appreciate hard work...

Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...

Here’s a list of the ten states with the highest state minimum wages, according to the Labor Department:

1. Washington — $9.19
2. Oregon — $8.95
3. Vermont — $8.60
4. Nevada — $8.25
5. Connecticut — $8.25
6. District of Columbia — $8.25
7. Illinois — $8.25
8. California — $8.00
8. Massachusetts — $8.00
10. Ohio — $7.85

And the 10 states with lowest. (If a state has a minimum wage below the federal minimum of $7.25, the federal wage prevails.)
1. Alabama — no minimum wage
2. Louisiana — no minimum wage
3. South Carolina — no minimum wage
4. Mississippi — no minimum wage
5. Tennessee — no minimum wage
6. Wyoming — $5.15
7. Georgia — $5.15
8. Minnesota — $6.15
9. Arkansas — $6.25
10. 22 states tied at $7.25

High, low state minimum wages

Quite a "pattern" there.

Okay, nothing I didn't already know.

I'm still waiting for the dullard douchebagmedia to back up his claim that Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25...
These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


This BS really angers me. It was Clinton who signed the BS free trade agreements and sent low skilled jobs out of the country. You can deny that TRUTH but it was predicted then and it has happened.

This President has gotten EVERYTHING he wanted. The minimum wage was raised and resulted in a loss of jobs just like predicted. He spent BILLIONS on a stimulas package that ended in a loss of jobs just like predicted.

Now the Democrats want to live the DREAM and give the rest of the low skill jobs to illegal immigrants.

Never mind that the DEMOCRATS have been in power since 2006. I really think you are just being a muck raker. I say that because to say such silliness has to be driven by a need to sound idiotic.
Last edited:
Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...

Here’s a list of the ten states with the highest state minimum wages, according to the Labor Department:

1. Washington — $9.19
2. Oregon — $8.95
3. Vermont — $8.60
4. Nevada — $8.25
5. Connecticut — $8.25
6. District of Columbia — $8.25
7. Illinois — $8.25
8. California — $8.00
8. Massachusetts — $8.00
10. Ohio — $7.85

And the 10 states with lowest. (If a state has a minimum wage below the federal minimum of $7.25, the federal wage prevails.)
1. Alabama — no minimum wage
2. Louisiana — no minimum wage
3. South Carolina — no minimum wage
4. Mississippi — no minimum wage
5. Tennessee — no minimum wage
6. Wyoming — $5.15
7. Georgia — $5.15
8. Minnesota — $6.15
9. Arkansas — $6.25
10. 22 states tied at $7.25

High, low state minimum wages

Quite a "pattern" there.

Okay, nothing I didn't already know.

I'm still waiting for the dullard douchebagmedia to back up his claim that Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25...

Please don't hold you breath waiting.
How are the Democrats going to bring back jobs? Put more mandates and regulations on employers? Pursue more policies that "necessarily increase energy prices"? How about keeping corporate taxes at the highest compared to other countries? Increase the minimum wage to arbitrary levels? How about penalize companies that outsource jobs?

These are the policies that are going to bring the economy back? The Liberals promoting these policies have never had PROFIT and LOSS responsibility.
Why the hell would president Bush take the time to "outsource low wage jobs"? It's a democrat invention.
These were predominantly unskilled jobs that Bush and Republicans outsourced.

And most have gone on food stamps, while Republicans have blocked every Obama measure to create what Republicans call "burger flipping" jobs

... while Republicans have blocked an increase to the minimum wage.

But the President will get past this road block and create jobs for these folks.


Can you give us the name of the bill Bush signed that outsourced American jobs?
Apparently, to Republicans, any job below Ass't VP and $100k is "burger flipping" and not worth even thinking about!

And when the job numbers say Obama created 200,000 jobs in a month, Republicans say "so what? ... these are burger flipping jobs"


republicans are the ones that believe there is dignity in work and shame in taking hand-outs

wrong again Dingbatmedia

That's why Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25 - because they appreciate hard work ...

They have $2 in their sights ? ....


When was the minimum wage ever $10?
Weird the way Republicans equate "trade" with "moving jobs to China". Trade is what Clinton and Obama do. Moving jobs to China is what Bush, Romney and the Republicans are so very fond of.

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case | Reuters

President Obama Wins Another WTO Case Against Cheating China

Obama, entertainment industry win China WTO case - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

I can't remember Romney mentioning the WTO a single time during the last election. Anyone?

Again name one of Bush policies promoted outsourcing? Democrats high tax's / Union labor rates over the years caused a lot of the outsourcing so blame the Democrats.

Republicans Enacted Legislation to Provide $42 billion in Additional Tax Benefits for Offshore Operations of U.S. Corporations, Encouraging the Shipping of U.S. Jobs Overseas. The measure included 24 separate provisions that encourage shipping jobs overseas -- replacing tax incentives to export American goods with tax incentives to export Americans jobs. This came at a time when studies showed that U.S. companies shifting more of their profits to tax-haven countries, such as Bermuda, to avoid paying U.S. taxes costing the U.S. treasury as much as $20 billion each year. [PL 108-357]

All Republicans Voted For Tax Provisions that Promote Shipping American Jobs Overseas. All Republicans voted for provisions that promote shipping jobs overseas, against replacing them with tax relief for American manufacturing to create more American jobs, and against cracking down on tax shelters for corporations relocate overseas to avoid paying taxes. [HR 4520, American Jobs Creation Act - Motion to Recommit; H.R. 4520, Vote 258, 6/17/04]

Outsourcing Report: Republicans Rewarding Corporations that Ship U.S. Jobs Overseas


It's not just Bush, but Bush and the Republicans working hand in hand.

But this is an old story:


Of course, you can't name the bills that contained these alleged provisions nor can you quote the line items in the bills. Neither does the Democrat propaganda you referred us to.
That's why Republicans have forced the minimum wage from over $10 down to $7.25 - because they appreciate hard work...

Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...

Here’s a list of the ten states with the highest state minimum wages, according to the Labor Department:

1. Washington — $9.19
2. Oregon — $8.95
3. Vermont — $8.60
4. Nevada — $8.25
5. Connecticut — $8.25
6. District of Columbia — $8.25
7. Illinois — $8.25
8. California — $8.00
8. Massachusetts — $8.00
10. Ohio — $7.85

And the 10 states with lowest. (If a state has a minimum wage below the federal minimum of $7.25, the federal wage prevails.)
1. Alabama — no minimum wage
2. Louisiana — no minimum wage
3. South Carolina — no minimum wage
4. Mississippi — no minimum wage
5. Tennessee — no minimum wage
6. Wyoming — $5.15
7. Georgia — $5.15
8. Minnesota — $6.15
9. Arkansas — $6.25
10. 22 states tied at $7.25

High, low state minimum wages

Quite a "pattern" there.

Yes, there is a pattern: All the states with high minimum wage rates also have high rates of unemployment.
Okay shit stain, you made the claim, now back it up...

I asked you once, I ask you again:

When was the minimum wage ever over $10.00 an hour?

Come on you fucking dullard, you can do it...

Here’s a list of the ten states with the highest state minimum wages, according to the Labor Department:

1. Washington — $9.19
2. Oregon — $8.95
3. Vermont — $8.60
4. Nevada — $8.25
5. Connecticut — $8.25
6. District of Columbia — $8.25
7. Illinois — $8.25
8. California — $8.00
8. Massachusetts — $8.00
10. Ohio — $7.85

And the 10 states with lowest. (If a state has a minimum wage below the federal minimum of $7.25, the federal wage prevails.)
1. Alabama — no minimum wage
2. Louisiana — no minimum wage
3. South Carolina — no minimum wage
4. Mississippi — no minimum wage
5. Tennessee — no minimum wage
6. Wyoming — $5.15
7. Georgia — $5.15
8. Minnesota — $6.15
9. Arkansas — $6.25
10. 22 states tied at $7.25

High, low state minimum wages

Quite a "pattern" there.

Yes, there is a pattern: All the states with high minimum wage rates also have high rates of unemployment.

No kidding.............

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