Zone1 When did America turn black?

The woke shitheads at Disney are doing a live action movie of "The Little Mermaid".

The cast a Negro in the role of Ariel. She suppose to look like this:

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The story suppose to take place in the Caribbean. The Blacks in the Caribbean were brought over as slaves from Africa. Did the Mermaids also import Africans?

If Aliens are monitoring transmissions from the US they would think the whole country is Black.

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How mentally defective does one have to be to obsess over the "race" of a fictional creature that doesn't exist at all?
How mentally defective does one have to be to obsess over the "race" of a fictional creature that doesn't exist at all?

How fucking stupid does it take for someone to be a goddamn woke sicko? Talk about mental illness.

Disney made the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella and the fairy in the recent live action Pinocchio to be queer jive talking Negros. How sick in the mind do those Hollywood assholes have to be to do something as filthy as that?
How fucking stupid does it take for someone to be a goddamn woke sicko? Talk about mental illness.

Disney made the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella and the fairy in the recent live action Pinocchio to be queer jive talking Negros. How sick in the mind do those Hollywood assholes have to be to do something as filthy as that?
Who the fuck cares? Guess what? Fairies don't actually exist.

Even though I think we go way overboard with the PC/woke stuff, accommodating other cultures and people is one of the things that make the US the greatest country on the planet.

How many Spanish channels do we have on our TV now?!
I think we should have more commercials on why people hate the Boston Celtics, but that's just me.
Who the fuck cares? Guess what? Fairies don't actually exist.


I know you may not care about Disney doing their grooming and shoving filthy Black culture down our children's throat but some people do.

You can't explain what is wrong with this sicko wokeness to somebody that doesn't even care about the damage it does.

Like trying to explain to a Liberal how destructive Leftest Economic polices are to a country. They don't have the mental capacity to understand.

Like trying to explain to a Liberal how destructive Leftest Economic polices are to a country. ....
Go find a liberal and try to explain it. After you've done that you can get back to obsessing over the "race" of fairies, orcs, and hobbits.
Ninety percent (it seems) of tv advertising in directed at, or features, black people, with a smattering of other POC. What's going on?
1. The powers-that-be just want to show the America that they hope will one day emerge: a happy land of people of all backgrounds living harmoniously together.

2. To be fair, the number of Asians and Hispanics has increased dramatically in 2022 (and also gay people).

3. Here in the Los Angeles area, Caucasians still account for the majority of people in commercials, and often it is the Caucasians who get the key roles.

4. I am so old (85) that I remember when African Americans were introduced into TV shows. For example, if a scene occurred in a restaurant, there would be a nice well-dressed African American couple enjoying a meal. There were no speaking parts for them until later.

a. I am guessing that such scenes were not allowed in the South until later. Just as motion pictures would often cut certain scenes in the South. Today, Hollywood cuts scenes that offend Chinese movie authorities!!!
1. The powers-that-be just want to show the America that they hope will one day emerge: a happy land of people of all backgrounds living harmoniously together.

2. To be fair, the number of Asians and Hispanics has increased dramatically in 2022 (and also gay people).

3. Here in the Los Angeles area, Caucasians still account for the majority of people in commercials, and often it is the Caucasians who get the key roles.

4. I am so old (85) that I remember when African Americans were introduced into TV shows. For example, if a scene occurred in a restaurant, there would be a nice well-dressed African American couple enjoying a meal. There were no speaking parts for them until later.

a. I am guessing that such scenes were not allowed in the South until later. Just as motion pictures would often cut certain scenes in the South. Today, Hollywood cuts scenes that offend Chinese movie authorities!!!
Another old-timer heard from (I'm 82). God love ya! :)
Go find a liberal and try to explain it. After you've done that you can get back to obsessing over the "race" of fairies, orcs, and hobbits.

Apparently you are confused about this. Let me take a little bit of my valuable time to 'splain it to you.

There is nothing wrong with Negroes and other minorities being depicted in TV, ads and movie appropriate for their demographics. For instance, mostly as welfare queens, criminals and druggies with absentee fathers and weak families.

However, that is not what those sicko Limousine Liberals do in Hollywood. They pretend these groups are the same as Whites and that is being dishonest. White families don't have Negroes as their best friends and their children don't associate with Negroes anything like the dishonest presentations show.

It is Liberal brainwashing and it is despicable.

The only thing we ask is for Hollywood to be honest when it comes to demographics and they are not about to do it. Affirmative action and racial quota are just as despicable in entertainment as it is in employment.

Making Disney characters Black when they have been depicted for the last 80 years or so as White is simply disgusting. As the OP indicated having almost every damn TV commercial Black is disgusting. Having so many movies with the main character or main supporting being Black is disgusting.

Those Hollywood turkeys are sick in the mind. They are sick when it comes to their politics and they are sick with trying to ram wokeness down our throat.

I suspect this silly ass Disney idea to make Ariel Black will be just as much of a flop as other Disney failures lately.
Ninety percent (it seems) of tv advertising in directed at, or features, black people, with a smattering of other POC. What's going on?
White owned companies doing commercials thar reflect the Anerican population. Whites are in those commercials so stop crying. This never was a white country and it will not ever be one.
Ninety percent (it seems) of tv advertising in directed at, or features, black people, with a smattering of other POC. What's going on?
Cooperate brainwashing. More queers too in these insipid commercials.
Apparently you are confused about this. Let me take a little bit of my valuable time to 'splain it to you.

There is nothing wrong with Negroes and other minorities being depicted in TV, ads and movie appropriate for their demographics. For instance, mostly as welfare queens, criminals and druggies with absentee fathers and weak families.

However, that is not what those sicko Limousine Liberals do in Hollywood. They pretend these groups are the same as Whites and that is being dishonest. White families don't have Negroes as their best friends and their children don't associate with Negroes anything like the dishonest presentations show.

It is Liberal brainwashing and it is despicable.

The only thing we ask is for Hollywood to be honest when it comes to demographics and they are not about to do it. Affirmative action and racial quota are just as despicable in entertainment as it is in employment.

Making Disney characters Black when they have been depicted for the last 80 years or so as White is simply disgusting. As the OP indicated having almost every damn TV commercial Black is disgusting. Having so many movies with the main character or main supporting being Black is disgusting.

Those Hollywood turkeys are sick in the mind. They are sick when it comes to their politics and they are sick with trying to ram wokeness down our throat.

I suspect this silly ass Disney idea to make Ariel Black will be just as much of a flop as other Disney failures lately.
Stp crying about white owned companies doing commercials on TV that targets the people who watch the most TV.

Stop crying about the color of fictional Disney characters.
It's called "pandering". The advertising industry wants us all to believe that they are progressive and cool because people think they're smart when they believe they're spending their money in progressive, cool ways.

Or some such bullshit.

The advertising industry are whores. Anything for a buck. As it is with the entire parasite class.
No, it's called blacks spend more time watching TV.
Look at all this whining. Woodnutz, you're 82, it's best you change the way you think before you die.
Who the hell cares what actors are in a commercial for a washing machine or breakfast cereal or vinyl siding for your house? It’s beyond stupid agonize over such non-issues.
Inter-racial marriages and gay marriages just not prevalent in the U.S. What is the need for corporations to push it in commercials? However, instead of crying about it, folks who disagree should just boycott those corporations' products.
Inter-racial marriages and gay marriages just not prevalent in the U.S. What is the need for corporations to push it in commercials? However, instead of crying about it, folks who disagree should just boycott those corporations' products.
Actually, they are and they exist whether you like it or not. So bigots can boycott but you will find that a bigot boycott isn't going to dent company profits.

Ask Luther Campbell. He became a millionaire because bigots talked about banning his music.
No wonder you have a problem. This ain't 1940.
So now you’re bigoted against elderly people, too?

i was just about to address both octogenarians telling them how impressed I am with their clarity of thought, ability to present an argument, observe the ridiculousness of the overrepresentation of blacks when they are a slim minority, and generally write in such a way that they could be mistaken for a 40-year-old

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