When did lefties become government sheep and slaves to authoritarianism?

As I often point out, you can trace it back to LBJ. When he took over the Presidency, the Democratic Party veered Left, abandoned the working class and went for big government control.
Yes, exactly as I just posted
The left used to stick it to the man. Live free. If it feels good do it. Fuck the government. No war!

Now the left loves big government and loves war.

When did this happen?

Leftism is a slowly creeping disease. It's taken place over the past 50 years. Slow enough that they dont realize it. Frogs in slowly heating water.
The left used to stick it to the man. Live free. If it feels good do it. Fuck the government. No war!

Now the left loves big government and loves war.

When did this happen?

Leftism is a slowly creeping disease. It's taken place over the past 50 years. Slow enough that they dont realize it. Frogs in slowly heating water.
Great analogy!

What really fascinates me is that some are full blown communists and some are useful idiots. The idiots who dont see the Stalinism down the road are troubling. I understand the scumbag communists who want power.
lol..no one has more authoritarian tendencies than Trump. The question is why are Trumpers slaves to authoritarianism. The OP is projecting.
Yeah, wanting people to be able to earn a living and voice their own opinions without the fear of retribution is just SO authoritarian.

They have to say it over and over to brainwash the idiots. They are voices of instability
It all starts with an educational system that discourages inquiry and emphasizes obedience. The mere notion of asking " is something true?" is anametha to these people. Added to that is the lack of understanding of the very meaning of the word authoritarian, and you get idiots like this one.

If a person is too ignorant to know what authoritarianism even IS, and too incurious to ask if it is actually being applied correctly, then it is an easy matter to turn them into a compliant little warrior for the agenda.
The left used to stick it to the man. Live free. If it feels good do it. Fuck the government. No war!

Now the left loves big government and loves war.

When did this happen?

Leftism is a slowly creeping disease. It's taken place over the past 50 years. Slow enough that they dont realize it. Frogs in slowly heating water.
Great analogy!

What really fascinates me is that some are full blown communists and some are useful idiots. The idiots who dont see the Stalinism down the road are troubling. I understand the scumbag communists who want power.
The minions only need their money which streams in regularly
..they are like the hitlerites of the 1930s....sheeple that actually think what they are told by the MSM/leftist leaders/blacks/etc is true
The left used to stick it to the man. Live free. If it feels good do it. Fuck the government. No war!

Now the left loves big government and loves war.

When did this happen?

Started in 1983 when Ted Kennedy gave the KGB the keys to the democrat Party to assist them in defeating Reagan. Oopsies. The Communists never left and gradually replaced all vestiges of anything that was "democrat"
The pro war thing throws me.

When did that happen? When Obama started droning bombing brown people or before that?
The US had a democratic president in office when both WWI and WWII were entered, they started the civil war and their party put LBJ in the whitehouse to escalate Vietnam into the conflict it became. And oh yes I forgot, Truman was president for the Korean conflict. They are true masters of diplomacy in their own minds.

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