When Did Liberalism Become Fascism?

Progressivism has ALWAYS been fascist. Liberalism isn't.
P and L have ALWAYS been lefty, Fascism always RW. Welcome to reality- Not bs GOP propaganda of the last 15 years....

Wrong again little hater dupe. There is no RW/LW. There is collectivist vs individualist. If you are for authoritarian government you are left wing. Period. The ultimate form of right wing government is NO GOVERNMENT. In other words anarchy. But hater dupes like you have no clue. You just parrot the crap your progressive asshats shove up your keester.
I have a Masters in History 1990- before all your new GOP BS was even made up. The true political spectrum also includes an economic part, LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism. You have a masters in RW GOP BS, dupes. Popularized by "Liberal Fascism" ("Absolute drivel"- the Economist) and the New BS GOP propaganda machine...a disgrace.

Did you post that chart because it's how you see the political spectrum or to show the narrative pushed by the 'New BS GOP propaganda machine'.

Either way, I do not see socialism as being more restricting on personal freedom. If anything socialism enhances personal freedom. I realize that for may years conservatives have pushed the narrative that socialism restricts personal freedom...so much so that all too many people believe it, but it just ain;t so.

For example:

1. The installation of the Federal highway system was a 'socialist' project, yet it enhances our personal freedom.
2. The installation of a robust public transportation system would enhance everyone's personal freedom.
3. A socialized medical system would greatly enhance our personal freedoms.

The only personal freedom that socialism restricts is the freedom to horde wealth and to not contribute to society.
I'm a socialist, which today is defined around the world as always democratic, fair capitalism. That's the respected, traditional political spectrum. Though it's often like a horse shoe, with anarchy outside- as fascism and communism can begin to resemble each other- to MORONS lol. Here's the New BS GOP "LF" version:

"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
"Historically, socialism has broadly been defined as the elimination of the private ownership of the means of production and the substitution of common or public ownership and economic planning for what Marx called the “anarchy of production” of the market."
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz

This is bad news for the government-schooled dopes who have been led to accept the fable "Communism is Leftwing....but Nazism is Rightwing."

Of course...both are Leftwing.
P and L have ALWAYS been lefty, Fascism always RW. Welcome to reality- Not bs GOP propaganda of the last 15 years....

Wrong again little hater dupe. There is no RW/LW. There is collectivist vs individualist. If you are for authoritarian government you are left wing. Period. The ultimate form of right wing government is NO GOVERNMENT. In other words anarchy. But hater dupes like you have no clue. You just parrot the crap your progressive asshats shove up your keester.
I have a Masters in History 1990- before all your new GOP BS was even made up. The true political spectrum also includes an economic part, LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism. You have a masters in RW GOP BS, dupes. Popularized by "Liberal Fascism" ("Absolute drivel"- the Economist) and the New BS GOP propaganda machine...a disgrace.

Did you post that chart because it's how you see the political spectrum or to show the narrative pushed by the 'New BS GOP propaganda machine'.

Either way, I do not see socialism as being more restricting on personal freedom. If anything socialism enhances personal freedom. I realize that for may years conservatives have pushed the narrative that socialism restricts personal freedom...so much so that all too many people believe it, but it just ain;t so.

For example:

1. The installation of the Federal highway system was a 'socialist' project, yet it enhances our personal freedom.
2. The installation of a robust public transportation system would enhance everyone's personal freedom.
3. A socialized medical system would greatly enhance our personal freedoms.

The only personal freedom that socialism restricts is the freedom to horde wealth and to not contribute to society.
I'm a socialist, which today is defined around the world as always democratic, fair capitalism. That's the respected, traditional political spectrum. Though it's often like a horse shoe, with anarchy outside- as fascism and communism can begin to resemble each other- to MORONS lol. Here's the New BS GOP "LF" version:

"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.
Wrong again little hater dupe. There is no RW/LW. There is collectivist vs individualist. If you are for authoritarian government you are left wing. Period. The ultimate form of right wing government is NO GOVERNMENT. In other words anarchy. But hater dupes like you have no clue. You just parrot the crap your progressive asshats shove up your keester.
I have a Masters in History 1990- before all your new GOP BS was even made up. The true political spectrum also includes an economic part, LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism. You have a masters in RW GOP BS, dupes. Popularized by "Liberal Fascism" ("Absolute drivel"- the Economist) and the New BS GOP propaganda machine...a disgrace.

Did you post that chart because it's how you see the political spectrum or to show the narrative pushed by the 'New BS GOP propaganda machine'.

Either way, I do not see socialism as being more restricting on personal freedom. If anything socialism enhances personal freedom. I realize that for may years conservatives have pushed the narrative that socialism restricts personal freedom...so much so that all too many people believe it, but it just ain;t so.

For example:

1. The installation of the Federal highway system was a 'socialist' project, yet it enhances our personal freedom.
2. The installation of a robust public transportation system would enhance everyone's personal freedom.
3. A socialized medical system would greatly enhance our personal freedoms.

The only personal freedom that socialism restricts is the freedom to horde wealth and to not contribute to society.
I'm a socialist, which today is defined around the world as always democratic, fair capitalism. That's the respected, traditional political spectrum. Though it's often like a horse shoe, with anarchy outside- as fascism and communism can begin to resemble each other- to MORONS lol. Here's the New BS GOP "LF" version:

"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.

You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
"Historically, socialism has broadly been defined as the elimination of the private ownership of the means of production and the substitution of common or public ownership and economic planning for what Marx called the “anarchy of production” of the market."
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz

This is bad news for the government-schooled dopes who have been led to accept the fable "Communism is Leftwing....but Nazism is Rightwing."

Of course...both are Leftwing.
Communism has no private ownership and is LW, Naziism has plenty of private ownership if you go along and is RW, stupid dupe. Socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism.
I have a Masters in History 1990- before all your new GOP BS was even made up. The true political spectrum also includes an economic part, LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism. You have a masters in RW GOP BS, dupes. Popularized by "Liberal Fascism" ("Absolute drivel"- the Economist) and the New BS GOP propaganda machine...a disgrace.

Did you post that chart because it's how you see the political spectrum or to show the narrative pushed by the 'New BS GOP propaganda machine'.

Either way, I do not see socialism as being more restricting on personal freedom. If anything socialism enhances personal freedom. I realize that for may years conservatives have pushed the narrative that socialism restricts personal freedom...so much so that all too many people believe it, but it just ain;t so.

For example:

1. The installation of the Federal highway system was a 'socialist' project, yet it enhances our personal freedom.
2. The installation of a robust public transportation system would enhance everyone's personal freedom.
3. A socialized medical system would greatly enhance our personal freedoms.

The only personal freedom that socialism restricts is the freedom to horde wealth and to not contribute to society.
I'm a socialist, which today is defined around the world as always democratic, fair capitalism. That's the respected, traditional political spectrum. Though it's often like a horse shoe, with anarchy outside- as fascism and communism can begin to resemble each other- to MORONS lol. Here's the New BS GOP "LF" version:

"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.

You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?
"Historically, socialism has broadly been defined as the elimination of the private ownership of the means of production and the substitution of common or public ownership and economic planning for what Marx called the “anarchy of production” of the market."
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz

This is bad news for the government-schooled dopes who have been led to accept the fable "Communism is Leftwing....but Nazism is Rightwing."

Of course...both are Leftwing.
Communism has no private ownership and is LW, Naziism has plenty of private ownership if you go along and is RW, stupid dupe. Socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism.

" Naziism has plenty of private ownership"


See what I mean about you being dunce?

Don't worry....I'm here to save the day!!

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.

4. . What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.
Did you post that chart because it's how you see the political spectrum or to show the narrative pushed by the 'New BS GOP propaganda machine'.

Either way, I do not see socialism as being more restricting on personal freedom. If anything socialism enhances personal freedom. I realize that for may years conservatives have pushed the narrative that socialism restricts personal freedom...so much so that all too many people believe it, but it just ain;t so.

For example:

1. The installation of the Federal highway system was a 'socialist' project, yet it enhances our personal freedom.
2. The installation of a robust public transportation system would enhance everyone's personal freedom.
3. A socialized medical system would greatly enhance our personal freedoms.

The only personal freedom that socialism restricts is the freedom to horde wealth and to not contribute to society.
I'm a socialist, which today is defined around the world as always democratic, fair capitalism. That's the respected, traditional political spectrum. Though it's often like a horse shoe, with anarchy outside- as fascism and communism can begin to resemble each other- to MORONS lol. Here's the New BS GOP "LF" version:

"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.

You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
I'm a socialist, which today is defined around the world as always democratic, fair capitalism. That's the respected, traditional political spectrum. Though it's often like a horse shoe, with anarchy outside- as fascism and communism can begin to resemble each other- to MORONS lol. Here's the New BS GOP "LF" version:

"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.

You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.
"I'm a socialist,...."

You mean you're a loser, don't you?

"As Venezuela descends into a nightmare of starvation and violence, the long-standing debate over the feasibility of socialism takes on new relevance. Years of explicitly socialist policies from the Chavez and Maduro regimes have taken their toll, as nationalization and a variety of other attempts to abolish or subvert market processes have destroyed what was once one of South America’s richest countries.

....one can easily find lots of examples (from Michael Moore to Bernie Sanders) of people on the left praising or endorsing Chavez’s economic policies. So what can people who took that position say in the face of this disaster? "
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.

You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
It's a 3rd world mess- and the socialists would STILL win reelection. The corrupt GOP world depression of 2008 killed them. Socialism is better represented by every modern country- even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich New BS GOP mess.

You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL

So we're supposed to take the continuous explosion big bang creation mythology on faith and that a whole universe can magically appear out of some infinitesimal point that may or may not existed prior to the time time began and will possibly disappear again when time ends.



Unfortunately no matter what one does it will continually affect one's life until the end of time.
Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.
You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL

2017....This week, in fact.
Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.

Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL

2017....This week, in fact.
Link? Ibid my butt...
Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.

Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.

If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.
"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL

2017....This week, in fact.
Link? Ibid my butt...

  1. in the same source (used to save space in textual references to a quoted work that has been mentioned in a previous reference).

Unbelievable how little you know.

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