When Did Liberalism Become Fascism?

1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

The more power they got, the more they thought they could force people to do as they wanted. Enough people are dumbed down, thanks to the fringe element's infiltration of our schools, that they have more leverage than ever before.

Protesting was the American way until the protesters were against them.

Free speech was the American way until too many disagreed with them.

Government and all in the establishment were evil until they considered themselves the authorities.

Whistle blowers were heroes until it they were the ones being exposed.

The leftwing politicians and activists seem to believe that their way is the only acceptable way. And they seem to think that violence is an acceptable means to get their way. The 'peaceful hippies' of yesterday are the leaders of violent mobs today.

Michelle Obama is out there saying that if her lunch program goes away, kids will eat nothing but crap. This is so typical of how liberals think. If they aren't in control then no one else is capable of doing anything right. Schools and parents cannot be trusted to act on their own without being instructed by government bureaucrats.

It's the same with virtually every issue. No one other than themselves can possibly run the universe. What a horrible burden it must be for libs to actually think that only they can tell people how to live.
Totally brainwashed- Millions of Dems protest peacefully every weekend but all you know is about 30 or 40 young idiot anarchists in Seattle and Berkeley who are violent and you think they're everywhere and represent Dems, functional idiot dupe.. Yes, food will get worse and less healthy in public schools when the GOP sells out to Big Food...and sugar is everywhere again. Your illogical hate of reason is noted.


Those less than peaceful demonstrations have happened in Ferguson, Baltimore, Oakland, Seattle, Dallas, Baton Rouge, and many more areas. If you peaceful progressive Democrats don't like rep you're receiving the you should have made citizen arrests so those evil progressive anarchists didn't give ya' all a bad name.


From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL


The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.



The only people in the US who are brainwashed are those watching and listening to the pander to the rich bought off greedy idiot billionaire drivel on Fox, Rush, Savage, Heritage, the Moonie Times etc etc, dupe. See sig- more fact than you get in a year.


Yeah sure little rich boy. Tell us again how you had to wear hand me down clothes and all those arduous chores you pappy had you do when growing up... Oh wait you didn't. Probably attended an Ivy league college without having to worry about expenses too didn't you?



And? And now you're a total dupe of greedy idiot billionaires and against cheap college and training, for tax cuts for the richest and want everyone to suffer like you?. Brilliant!

I'm not interested in paying higher taxes for more of your social justice programs. You want cheap college, training, health care, etc,..? Then join the military.



Of course NO ONE is talking about the nonrich paying more, dupe, actually less. But go on being conned by the New BS GOP...
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

The more power they got, the more they thought they could force people to do as they wanted. Enough people are dumbed down, thanks to the fringe element's infiltration of our schools, that they have more leverage than ever before.

Protesting was the American way until the protesters were against them.

Free speech was the American way until too many disagreed with them.

Government and all in the establishment were evil until they considered themselves the authorities.

Whistle blowers were heroes until it they were the ones being exposed.

The leftwing politicians and activists seem to believe that their way is the only acceptable way. And they seem to think that violence is an acceptable means to get their way. The 'peaceful hippies' of yesterday are the leaders of violent mobs today.

Michelle Obama is out there saying that if her lunch program goes away, kids will eat nothing but crap. This is so typical of how liberals think. If they aren't in control then no one else is capable of doing anything right. Schools and parents cannot be trusted to act on their own without being instructed by government bureaucrats.

It's the same with virtually every issue. No one other than themselves can possibly run the universe. What a horrible burden it must be for libs to actually think that only they can tell people how to live.
Totally brainwashed- Millions of Dems protest peacefully every weekend but all you know is about 30 or 40 young idiot anarchists in Seattle and Berkeley who are violent and you think they're everywhere and represent Dems, functional idiot dupe.. Yes, food will get worse and less healthy in public schools when the GOP sells out to Big Food...and sugar is everywhere again. Your illogical hate of reason is noted.


Those less than peaceful demonstrations have happened in Ferguson, Baltimore, Oakland, Seattle, Dallas, Baton Rouge, and many more areas. If you peaceful progressive Democrats don't like rep you're receiving the you should have made citizen arrests so those evil progressive anarchists didn't give ya' all a bad name.



Anarchist punks, and gangsta blacks, not Dems, dupe. Somebody should arrest them.

The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.



The only people in the US who are brainwashed are those watching and listening to the pander to the rich bought off greedy idiot billionaire drivel on Fox, Rush, Savage, Heritage, the Moonie Times etc etc, dupe. See sig- more fact than you get in a year.


Yeah sure little rich boy. Tell us again how you had to wear hand me down clothes and all those arduous chores you pappy had you do when growing up... Oh wait you didn't. Probably attended an Ivy league college without having to worry about expenses too didn't you?



And? And now you're a total dupe of greedy idiot billionaires and against cheap college and training, for tax cuts for the richest and want everyone to suffer like you?. Brilliant!

I'm not interested in paying higher taxes for more of your social justice programs. You want cheap college, training, health care, etc,..? Then join the military.



Of course NO ONE is talking about the nonrich paying more, dupe, actually less. But go on being conned by the New BS GOP...


What makes you think I'm part of the poor and/or uneducated there little rich boy?



1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

The more power they got, the more they thought they could force people to do as they wanted. Enough people are dumbed down, thanks to the fringe element's infiltration of our schools, that they have more leverage than ever before.

Protesting was the American way until the protesters were against them.

Free speech was the American way until too many disagreed with them.

Government and all in the establishment were evil until they considered themselves the authorities.

Whistle blowers were heroes until it they were the ones being exposed.

The leftwing politicians and activists seem to believe that their way is the only acceptable way. And they seem to think that violence is an acceptable means to get their way. The 'peaceful hippies' of yesterday are the leaders of violent mobs today.

Michelle Obama is out there saying that if her lunch program goes away, kids will eat nothing but crap. This is so typical of how liberals think. If they aren't in control then no one else is capable of doing anything right. Schools and parents cannot be trusted to act on their own without being instructed by government bureaucrats.

It's the same with virtually every issue. No one other than themselves can possibly run the universe. What a horrible burden it must be for libs to actually think that only they can tell people how to live.
Totally brainwashed- Millions of Dems protest peacefully every weekend but all you know is about 30 or 40 young idiot anarchists in Seattle and Berkeley who are violent and you think they're everywhere and represent Dems, functional idiot dupe.. Yes, food will get worse and less healthy in public schools when the GOP sells out to Big Food...and sugar is everywhere again. Your illogical hate of reason is noted.


Those less than peaceful demonstrations have happened in Ferguson, Baltimore, Oakland, Seattle, Dallas, Baton Rouge, and many more areas. If you peaceful progressive Democrats don't like rep you're receiving the you should have made citizen arrests so those evil progressive anarchists didn't give ya' all a bad name.



Anarchist punks, and gangsta blacks, not Dems, dupe. Somebody should arrest them.


They all support your progressive cause therefore they're all yours by default. Enjoy the bad rep they provide you until you and/or your progressive leaders decide to do something about it.


Last edited:
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”

It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

"...only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper."

Did you read "Liberal Fascism," blanko???

I did.

See if you can point out any mistakes in the book.......or, you're simply the windbag folks have always known you to be.

-W.E.B DuBois: (the most important black leader in the first half of the 20th Century) "Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20thCentury approach his stature. The formation of the Nazi dictatorship was absolutely necessary to get the state in order." In 1937 he proclaimed: "there is today more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past." (page 10)

-Guy Tugwell: (FDR Brain Trust) said of fascism: "It's the cleanest, neatest piece...of social machinery I've ever seen." ( page 11)

-Walter Lippman: called on FDR to be a "dictator." (page 11)

-H.G. Wells: "progressives must become "liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis" ( page 21)

-Wallace Stevens: "I am pro-Mussolini." ( page 27)

-Isaac F. Marcosson: in the NY Times, 1923 "Mussolini is a Latin Teddy
Roosevelt." ( page 27)

-American Legion: "do not forget, Fascists are to Italy what the American Legion is to America." ( page 27)

-Will Rogers: "I'm pretty high on Mussolini 'Dictatorship' is the right form of gov't if you have the right dictator." ( page 27)

-Saturday Evening Post: gave Mussolini biggest advance ever on article he wrote about himself. (page 32)

-Winston Churchill: dubbed Mussolini the world's greatest lawgiver (page 27)

-Freud and Einstein: called Mussolini the hero of Culture (Page 29)

-Puccini and Toscanini: both were pioneering Fascists of Mussolini (page 32)

-Ida Tarbell: called Mussolini the "despot with a dimple." ( page 28)

-Lincoln Steffens: about Russia -"I have seen the future and it works"
(page 28)

-McClures magazine: "Fascism is a 'great step forward' and the first new idea in govt' since the founding of the American Republic" ( page 28)

-John Patrick Duggins: Columbia University is "Fascism's veritable home in America and a school house for budding fascists ideologues." ( page 32)

-Nicholas Butler: (President of Columbia University) received a signed photo from Mussolini thanking him for his, "most valuable contribution to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States" ( page 29)

-James Farrell: (head of US Steel) Mussolini is the "greatest living man"

-Lowell Thomas: "he (Mussolini) stands out like a Modern Caesar - the answer to America's needs" (page 30)

-Jonah Goldberg; "communists and Nazis tended to vote together in theReichstag" (page 77)

-Jonah Goldberg: "More dissidents were arrested under...Woodrow Wilson than Mussolini" ( page 80)

-Jonah Goldberg: "In Italy they were called Fascists; in Germany they were called Nazis; in America they were called progressives" (page 81)

-Woodrow Wilson: "The State does..whatever the times demand" (page 86)

-Jane Adams: "the individual must lose the sense of personal achievement" (page 87)

-Walter Rauschenbusch: "individualism means tyranny" (page 87)

-Woodrow Wilson: "our problem...to make kids as unlike their fathers as we can" (page 92)

-Woodrow Wilson: "Jefferson has passed...American is not a place for unrestricted individual enterprise" ( page 93).

-Woodrow Wilson: "Bismark's welfare state is the most perfected in the world" ( page 95)

-Charles Beard: "fascism is an amazing experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism" (page 100)

-Stuart Chase: "Communist Party officials...create a new heaven on earth" (page 102)

-W.E.B. Dubois: "I stand in wonder...I am a Bolshevik"

-Arthur Bullard: "Any citizen who did not put the state first is merely dead weight" ( page 110)

-Stuart Chase: "why should Russia have all the fun of remaking a world?" ( page 131)

-H.G. Wells : called for "a 'Phoenix Rebirth' of Liberalism under the banner of Liberal Fascism" ( page 134)

Last edited:
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

"...only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper."

Did you read "Liberal Fascism," blanko???

I did.

See if you can point out any mistakes in the book.......or, you're simply the windbag folks have always known you to be.

-W.E.B DuBois: (the most important black leader in the first half of the 20th Century) "Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20thCentury approach his stature. The formation of the Nazi dictatorship was absolutely necessary to get the state in order." In 1937 he proclaimed: "there is today more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past." (page 10)

-Guy Tugwell: (FDR Brain Trust) said of fascism: "It's the cleanest, neatest piece...of social machinery I've ever seen." ( page 11)

-Walter Lippman: called on FDR to be a "dictator." (page 11)

-H.G. Wells: "progressives must become "liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis" ( page 21)

-Wallace Stevens: "I am pro-Mussolini." ( page 27)

-Isaac F. Marcosson: in the NY Times, 1923 "Mussolini is a Latin Teddy
Roosevelt." ( page 27)

-American Legion: "do not forget, Fascists are to Italy what the American Legion is to America." ( page 27)

-Will Rogers: "I'm pretty high on Mussolini 'Dictatorship' is the right form of gov't if you have the right dictator." ( page 27)

-Saturday Evening Post: gave Mussolini biggest advance ever on article he wrote about himself. (page 32)

-Winston Churchill: dubbed Mussolini the world's greatest lawgiver (page 27)

-Freud and Einstein: called Mussolini the hero of Culture (Page 29)

-Puccini and Toscanini: both were pioneering Fascists of Mussolini (page 32)

-Ida Tarbell: called Mussolini the "despot with a dimple." ( page 28)

-Lincoln Steffens: about Russia -"I have seen the future and it works"
(page 28)

-McClures magazine: "Fascism is a 'great step forward' and the first new idea in govt' since the founding of the American Republic" ( page 28)

-John Patrick Duggins: Columbia University is "Fascism's veritable home in America and a school house for budding fascists ideologues." ( page 32)

-Nicholas Butler: (President of Columbia University) received a signed photo from Mussolini thanking him for his, "most valuable contribution to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States" ( page 29)

-James Farrell: (head of US Steel) Mussolini is the "greatest living man"

-Lowell Thomas: "he (Mussolini) stands out like a Modern Caesar - the answer to America's needs" (page 30)

-Jonah Goldberg; "communists and Nazis tended to vote together in theReichstag" (page 77)

-Jonah Goldberg: "More dissidents were arrested under...Woodrow Wilson than Mussolini" ( page 80)

-Jonah Goldberg: "In Italy they were called Fascists; in Germany they were called Nazis; in America they were called progressives" (page 81)

-Woodrow Wilson: "The State does..whatever the times demand" (page 86)

-Jane Adams: "the individual must lose the sense of personal achievement" (page 87)

-Walter Rauschenbusch: "individualism means tyranny" (page 87)

-Woodrow Wilson: "our problem...to make kids as unlike their fathers as we can" (page 92)

-Woodrow Wilson: "Jefferson has passed...American is not a place for unrestricted individual enterprise" ( page 93).

-Woodrow Wilson: "Bismark's welfare state is the most perfected in the world" ( page 95)

-Charles Beard: "fascism is an amazing experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism" (page 100)

-Stuart Chase: "Communist Party officials...create a new heaven on earth" (page 102)

-W.E.B. Dubois: "I stand in wonder...I am a Bolshevik"

-Arthur Bullard: "Any citizen who did not put the state first is merely dead weight" ( page 110)

-Stuart Chase: "why should Russia have all the fun of remaking a world?" ( page 131)

-H.G. Wells : called for "a 'Phoenix Rebirth' of Liberalism under the banner of Liberal Fascism" ( page 134)

Yes I read it and it is pure crap. Like the propaganda machine you got these stupid out of context quotes from.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

"...only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper."

Did you read "Liberal Fascism," blanko???

I did.

See if you can point out any mistakes in the book.......or, you're simply the windbag folks have always known you to be.

-W.E.B DuBois: (the most important black leader in the first half of the 20th Century) "Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20thCentury approach his stature. The formation of the Nazi dictatorship was absolutely necessary to get the state in order." In 1937 he proclaimed: "there is today more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past." (page 10)

-Guy Tugwell: (FDR Brain Trust) said of fascism: "It's the cleanest, neatest piece...of social machinery I've ever seen." ( page 11)

-Walter Lippman: called on FDR to be a "dictator." (page 11)

-H.G. Wells: "progressives must become "liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis" ( page 21)

-Wallace Stevens: "I am pro-Mussolini." ( page 27)

-Isaac F. Marcosson: in the NY Times, 1923 "Mussolini is a Latin Teddy
Roosevelt." ( page 27)

-American Legion: "do not forget, Fascists are to Italy what the American Legion is to America." ( page 27)

-Will Rogers: "I'm pretty high on Mussolini 'Dictatorship' is the right form of gov't if you have the right dictator." ( page 27)

-Saturday Evening Post: gave Mussolini biggest advance ever on article he wrote about himself. (page 32)

-Winston Churchill: dubbed Mussolini the world's greatest lawgiver (page 27)

-Freud and Einstein: called Mussolini the hero of Culture (Page 29)

-Puccini and Toscanini: both were pioneering Fascists of Mussolini (page 32)

-Ida Tarbell: called Mussolini the "despot with a dimple." ( page 28)

-Lincoln Steffens: about Russia -"I have seen the future and it works"
(page 28)

-McClures magazine: "Fascism is a 'great step forward' and the first new idea in govt' since the founding of the American Republic" ( page 28)

-John Patrick Duggins: Columbia University is "Fascism's veritable home in America and a school house for budding fascists ideologues." ( page 32)

-Nicholas Butler: (President of Columbia University) received a signed photo from Mussolini thanking him for his, "most valuable contribution to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States" ( page 29)

-James Farrell: (head of US Steel) Mussolini is the "greatest living man"

-Lowell Thomas: "he (Mussolini) stands out like a Modern Caesar - the answer to America's needs" (page 30)

-Jonah Goldberg; "communists and Nazis tended to vote together in theReichstag" (page 77)

-Jonah Goldberg: "More dissidents were arrested under...Woodrow Wilson than Mussolini" ( page 80)

-Jonah Goldberg: "In Italy they were called Fascists; in Germany they were called Nazis; in America they were called progressives" (page 81)

-Woodrow Wilson: "The State does..whatever the times demand" (page 86)

-Jane Adams: "the individual must lose the sense of personal achievement" (page 87)

-Walter Rauschenbusch: "individualism means tyranny" (page 87)

-Woodrow Wilson: "our problem...to make kids as unlike their fathers as we can" (page 92)

-Woodrow Wilson: "Jefferson has passed...American is not a place for unrestricted individual enterprise" ( page 93).

-Woodrow Wilson: "Bismark's welfare state is the most perfected in the world" ( page 95)

-Charles Beard: "fascism is an amazing experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism" (page 100)

-Stuart Chase: "Communist Party officials...create a new heaven on earth" (page 102)

-W.E.B. Dubois: "I stand in wonder...I am a Bolshevik"

-Arthur Bullard: "Any citizen who did not put the state first is merely dead weight" ( page 110)

-Stuart Chase: "why should Russia have all the fun of remaking a world?" ( page 131)

-H.G. Wells : called for "a 'Phoenix Rebirth' of Liberalism under the banner of Liberal Fascism" ( page 134)

Yes I read it and it is pure crap. Like the propaganda machine you got these stupid quotes from.

Clearly you were unable to find a single error in the well documented scholarly tome.

Sooooo......when will you be changing your avi to 'WindBag'?????

Will there be an after-the-event party?

I love parties.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

Well I can't disagree, the authors stated reason for writing the book tells it all.

"The sticky question for Goldberg and his fans, particularly since the book came out, is whether this romanticism really is just a province of the left. Or is it possible to imagine a grassroots revolutionary movement from the right that dreams of patriotic renewal, resents Wall Street for trashing the economy, hates the lazy liberalism of the latté-drinking middle class, bashes homosexuals and immigrants, mistrusts intellectuals and “cosmopolitans,” loathes dissent, resorts to vicious name-calling and has been known to call for war when no war is needed?

Most Germans can’t figure out what some Americans mean when they compare Obama to Hitler. Goldberg bears a lot of responsibility for this lunacy. He’s also begged people not to go quite so far, though the plea may sound disingenuous from the author of Liberal Fascism.

“Some have taken to calling liberals fascists,” he laments in a new afterword to his book from 2009. “That isn’t what I wanted.”

Oh, dang."

The Insult ‘Fascist’ No Longer Means ‘Fascist’

The Russians only piggy backed on the GOP Hate Hillary obsession and gave them everything they ever wanted to hear bad about their Nemesis, Horrible Hillary.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

Well I can't disagree, the authors stated reason for writing the book tells it all.

"The sticky question for Goldberg and his fans, particularly since the book came out, is whether this romanticism really is just a province of the left. Or is it possible to imagine a grassroots revolutionary movement from the right that dreams of patriotic renewal, resents Wall Street for trashing the economy, hates the lazy liberalism of the latté-drinking middle class, bashes homosexuals and immigrants, mistrusts intellectuals and “cosmopolitans,” loathes dissent, resorts to vicious name-calling and has been known to call for war when no war is needed?

Most Germans can’t figure out what some Americans mean when they compare Obama to Hitler. Goldberg bears a lot of responsibility for this lunacy. He’s also begged people not to go quite so far, though the plea may sound disingenuous from the author of Liberal Fascism.

“Some have taken to calling liberals fascists,” he laments in a new afterword to his book from 2009. “That isn’t what I wanted.”

Oh, dang."

The Insult ‘Fascist’ No Longer Means ‘Fascist’

The Russians only piggy backed on the GOP Hate Hillary obsession and gave them everything they ever wanted to hear bad about their Nemesis, Horrible Hillary.

Did you read the book?

Or are you a Liberal....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

Well I can't disagree, the authors stated reason for writing the book tells it all.

"The sticky question for Goldberg and his fans, particularly since the book came out, is whether this romanticism really is just a province of the left. Or is it possible to imagine a grassroots revolutionary movement from the right that dreams of patriotic renewal, resents Wall Street for trashing the economy, hates the lazy liberalism of the latté-drinking middle class, bashes homosexuals and immigrants, mistrusts intellectuals and “cosmopolitans,” loathes dissent, resorts to vicious name-calling and has been known to call for war when no war is needed?

Most Germans can’t figure out what some Americans mean when they compare Obama to Hitler. Goldberg bears a lot of responsibility for this lunacy. He’s also begged people not to go quite so far, though the plea may sound disingenuous from the author of Liberal Fascism.

“Some have taken to calling liberals fascists,” he laments in a new afterword to his book from 2009. “That isn’t what I wanted.”

Oh, dang."

The Insult ‘Fascist’ No Longer Means ‘Fascist’

The Russians only piggy backed on the GOP Hate Hillary obsession and gave them everything they ever wanted to hear bad about their Nemesis, Horrible Hillary.

Did you read the book?

Or are you a Liberal....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
So she believes in accusing opponents of what your supporters do LOL
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

Well I can't disagree, the authors stated reason for writing the book tells it all.

"The sticky question for Goldberg and his fans, particularly since the book came out, is whether this romanticism really is just a province of the left. Or is it possible to imagine a grassroots revolutionary movement from the right that dreams of patriotic renewal, resents Wall Street for trashing the economy, hates the lazy liberalism of the latté-drinking middle class, bashes homosexuals and immigrants, mistrusts intellectuals and “cosmopolitans,” loathes dissent, resorts to vicious name-calling and has been known to call for war when no war is needed?

Most Germans can’t figure out what some Americans mean when they compare Obama to Hitler. Goldberg bears a lot of responsibility for this lunacy. He’s also begged people not to go quite so far, though the plea may sound disingenuous from the author of Liberal Fascism.

“Some have taken to calling liberals fascists,” he laments in a new afterword to his book from 2009. “That isn’t what I wanted.”

Oh, dang."

The Insult ‘Fascist’ No Longer Means ‘Fascist’

The Russians only piggy backed on the GOP Hate Hillary obsession and gave them everything they ever wanted to hear bad about their Nemesis, Horrible Hillary.

Did you read the book?

Or are you a Liberal....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
So she believes in accusing opponents of what your supporters do LOL


A "so are you" post!!!!

blanko......no one will ever use your name and the word 'clever' in the same sentence.

Just for snickers, blanko.....could you name two or three tomes that you feel informed and inspired your political perspective....such as it is.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

Well I can't disagree, the authors stated reason for writing the book tells it all.

"The sticky question for Goldberg and his fans, particularly since the book came out, is whether this romanticism really is just a province of the left. Or is it possible to imagine a grassroots revolutionary movement from the right that dreams of patriotic renewal, resents Wall Street for trashing the economy, hates the lazy liberalism of the latté-drinking middle class, bashes homosexuals and immigrants, mistrusts intellectuals and “cosmopolitans,” loathes dissent, resorts to vicious name-calling and has been known to call for war when no war is needed?

Most Germans can’t figure out what some Americans mean when they compare Obama to Hitler. Goldberg bears a lot of responsibility for this lunacy. He’s also begged people not to go quite so far, though the plea may sound disingenuous from the author of Liberal Fascism.

“Some have taken to calling liberals fascists,” he laments in a new afterword to his book from 2009. “That isn’t what I wanted.”

Oh, dang."

The Insult ‘Fascist’ No Longer Means ‘Fascist’

The Russians only piggy backed on the GOP Hate Hillary obsession and gave them everything they ever wanted to hear bad about their Nemesis, Horrible Hillary.

Did you read the book?

Or are you a Liberal....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
Yes I read it, absolute Balderdash.
"It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

Getting the picture?

It’s a free speech killer.

This is what the Democratic Party has become — intolerant fascists.

It all goes back to what actor James Woods said months ago.
“Scratch a liberal, find a fascist.”
It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content
Only on right wing propaganda machine, and only since the book, liberal fascism, absolute drivel, super duper. Fake news won the last election. Basically all on the right/GOP side. Which you are full of...

Well I can't disagree, the authors stated reason for writing the book tells it all.

"The sticky question for Goldberg and his fans, particularly since the book came out, is whether this romanticism really is just a province of the left. Or is it possible to imagine a grassroots revolutionary movement from the right that dreams of patriotic renewal, resents Wall Street for trashing the economy, hates the lazy liberalism of the latté-drinking middle class, bashes homosexuals and immigrants, mistrusts intellectuals and “cosmopolitans,” loathes dissent, resorts to vicious name-calling and has been known to call for war when no war is needed?

Most Germans can’t figure out what some Americans mean when they compare Obama to Hitler. Goldberg bears a lot of responsibility for this lunacy. He’s also begged people not to go quite so far, though the plea may sound disingenuous from the author of Liberal Fascism.

“Some have taken to calling liberals fascists,” he laments in a new afterword to his book from 2009. “That isn’t what I wanted.”

Oh, dang."

The Insult ‘Fascist’ No Longer Means ‘Fascist’

The Russians only piggy backed on the GOP Hate Hillary obsession and gave them everything they ever wanted to hear bad about their Nemesis, Horrible Hillary.

Did you read the book?

Or are you a Liberal....

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
So she believes in accusing opponents of what your supporters do LOL


A "so are you" post!!!!

blanko......no one will ever use your name and the word 'clever' in the same sentence.

Just for snickers, blanko.....could you name two or three tomes that you feel inspired your political perspective....such as it is.
Laugh all you want, but GOP Dupes are rural and urban and Suburban Rubes who believe all kinds of BS they get from Fox Rush heritage etc etc, all paid for by 5 for 6 or so greedy idiot GOP billionaires. Now dying off thank God.

A lot of history books and a lot of newspapers. And all media. And the right-wing stuff the last 25 30 years is garbage. No Bill and Hillary are not evil, ditto Obama the foundation, stupid emails, and no the rich do not pay too much in taxes d u h.

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