When Did Liberalism Become Fascism?

Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.

Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.

If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.

Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.

If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.
Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.

Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.

If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Of the many types of socialism Marx only created one, scientific socialism. After the Russian Revolution to communism Russia dropped scientific socialism as unworkable then dropped communism for the same reason. Russia kept Marx's names, however, and who was the wiser, and who profited by the names socialism and communism, America's Republican party.

Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.

If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?
Distinctions without differences.

Today it's called socialism, another day it's communism, or fascism or Liberalism.

Same characteristics, same conclusive design for society.

If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL

2017....This week, in fact.
Link? Ibid my butt...

  1. in the same source (used to save space in textual references to a quoted work that has been mentioned in a previous reference).

Unbelievable how little you know.
What link are you referring to. Ibid refers to the last one, which was from 1920, dingbat.
If you can't understand it must sound like gibberish, or even some of your history, and worse, you may never understand.

Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
He was a socialist as we define it now, duh. He was a man of his time and you're FOS as always. lol.
You have soooooo much to learn.
Luckily for you, blanko, I'm here!

"What of the argument that well-intentioned policies were frustrated by corruption and poor implementation? The problem here is that this seems to happen every time socialism has been tried. The Bolsheviks began to implement Marxian socialism within a year of taking power and a decade later they had Stalinism. Cuba quickly turned to a dictatorship. China. North Korea. The list goes on. At what point are these not all coincidences?

Marx and other socialists thought that those in charge of the planning process, and for Marx that was the whole community, could rationally determine what to produce and how best to produce it in the absence of markets, exchange, and prices. Since Mises’s famous essay in 1920, however, we have known that doing so is not possible."
What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL


The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.


What's the difference between socialism and communism in the world of today, airhead?

"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL


The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.



The only people in the US who are brainwashed are those watching and listening to the pander to the rich bought off greedy idiot billionaire drivel on Fox, Rush, Savage, Heritage, the Moonie Times etc etc, dupe. See sig- more fact than you get in a year.
"...what's the difference between socialism and communism...."

You mean the two Leftwing political views that result in slavery and slaughter of the populace????
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL


The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.



The only people in the US who are brainwashed are those watching and listening to the pander to the rich bought off greedy idiot billionaire drivel on Fox, Rush, Savage, Heritage, the Moonie Times etc etc, dupe. See sig- more fact than you get in a year.


Yeah sure little rich boy. Tell us again how you had to wear hand me down clothes and all those arduous chores you pappy had you do when growing up... Oh wait you didn't. Probably attended an Ivy league college without having to worry about expenses too didn't you?


1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

The more power they got, the more they thought they could force people to do as they wanted. Enough people are dumbed down, thanks to the fringe element's infiltration of our schools, that they have more leverage than ever before.

Protesting was the American way until the protesters were against them.

Free speech was the American way until too many disagreed with them.

Government and all in the establishment were evil until they considered themselves the authorities.

Whistle blowers were heroes until it they were the ones being exposed.

The leftwing politicians and activists seem to believe that their way is the only acceptable way. And they seem to think that violence is an acceptable means to get their way. The 'peaceful hippies' of yesterday are the leaders of violent mobs today.

Michelle Obama is out there saying that if her lunch program goes away, kids will eat nothing but crap. This is so typical of how liberals think. If they aren't in control then no one else is capable of doing anything right. Schools and parents cannot be trusted to act on their own without being instructed by government bureaucrats.

It's the same with virtually every issue. No one other than themselves can possibly run the universe. What a horrible burden it must be for libs to actually think that only they can tell people how to live.
My 1960 World Book says socialism is always democratic, communism never. Do you realize what an anachronism you dupes are now? You're absolutely ridiculous anywhere but Dupeworld.

That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL


The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.



The only people in the US who are brainwashed are those watching and listening to the pander to the rich bought off greedy idiot billionaire drivel on Fox, Rush, Savage, Heritage, the Moonie Times etc etc, dupe. See sig- more fact than you get in a year.


Yeah sure little rich boy. Tell us again how you had to wear hand me down clothes and all those arduous chores you pappy had you do when growing up... Oh wait you didn't. Probably attended an Ivy league college without having to worry about expenses too didn't you?



And? And now you're a total dupe of greedy idiot billionaires and against cheap college and training, for tax cuts for the richest and want everyone to suffer like you?. Brilliant!
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

The more power they got, the more they thought they could force people to do as they wanted. Enough people are dumbed down, thanks to the fringe element's infiltration of our schools, that they have more leverage than ever before.

Protesting was the American way until the protesters were against them.

Free speech was the American way until too many disagreed with them.

Government and all in the establishment were evil until they considered themselves the authorities.

Whistle blowers were heroes until it they were the ones being exposed.

The leftwing politicians and activists seem to believe that their way is the only acceptable way. And they seem to think that violence is an acceptable means to get their way. The 'peaceful hippies' of yesterday are the leaders of violent mobs today.

Michelle Obama is out there saying that if her lunch program goes away, kids will eat nothing but crap. This is so typical of how liberals think. If they aren't in control then no one else is capable of doing anything right. Schools and parents cannot be trusted to act on their own without being instructed by government bureaucrats.

It's the same with virtually every issue. No one other than themselves can possibly run the universe. What a horrible burden it must be for libs to actually think that only they can tell people how to live.
Totally brainwashed- Millions of Dems protest peacefully every weekend but all you know is about 30 or 40 young idiot anarchists in Seattle and Berkeley who are violent and you think they're everywhere and represent Dems, functional idiot dupe.. Yes, food will get worse and less healthy in public schools when the GOP sells out to Big Food...and sugar is everywhere again. Your illogical hate of reason is noted.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech
This began in the early eighties. Liberals began this kind of Stalinist indoctrination after the shock of losing the Vietnam war. It began to snowball, and people are so uncritical and gullible now they will buy just about anything. Gay rights, Illegal aliens, up to and including Obama and his Affordable Health Care program. Instead of looking at the root causes and being a little more introspective. Let's just glomm onto the a current popular belief system, it MUST be right.
That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL

2017....This week, in fact.
Link? Ibid my butt...

  1. in the same source (used to save space in textual references to a quoted work that has been mentioned in a previous reference).

Unbelievable how little you know.
What link are you referring to. Ibid refers to the last one, which was from 1920, dingbat.

You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz
Nothing that I post is refutable....

....as you've found.
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
He was a socialist as we define it now, duh. He was a man of his time and you're FOS as always. lol.

Socialist is a communist without a gun.

Now....let's see Rooseveltian boot-licker, reggie, admit that.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech
This began in the early eighties. Liberals began this kind of Stalinist indoctrination after the shock of losing the Vietnam war. It began to snowball, and people are so uncritical and gullible now they will buy just about anything. Gay rights, Illegal aliens, up to and including Obama and his Affordable Health Care program. Instead of looking at the root causes and being a little more introspective. Let's just glomm onto the a current popular belief system, it MUST be right.

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Lord Acton
I just refuted your definitions.

Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
He was a socialist as we define it now, duh. He was a man of his time and you're FOS as always. lol.

Socialist is a communist without a gun.

Now....let's see Rooseveltian boot-licker, reggie, admit that.
Well Republicans predicted in the Thirties that if Social Security were passed America would become a communist state. So are we a communist state?
Of course you did no such thing.

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
Your query on FDR was an either-or question; simpleness still reigns. Would America's best and noted historians have named FDR as America's greatest president if that were true?

As you do daily, you simply renewed your vows of undying affection and loyalty to the 32nd President.
This one:
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.
He was a socialist as we define it now, duh. He was a man of his time and you're FOS as always. lol.

Socialist is a communist without a gun.

Now....let's see Rooseveltian boot-licker, reggie, admit that.
Well Republicans predicted in the Thirties that if Social Security were passed America would become a communist state. So are we a communist state?

Funny you should mention that.....the Democrats/Liberals today stand for the same things as the Communist Party USA:
How about you take a look at the aims of the Communist Party, USA, and the aims of the modern Democrat Party.

Watch, and note the consubstantial basis of both the aims of the Communist Party and the Democrat Party:

......it is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.
10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

And this:

"Government control of private sector activity...is aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....
That's because you're a dunce.

"....as state control becomes more clearly ineffective, people start to work around it by establishing distorted forms of market exchange. Bribery of politicians and bureaucrats, threats to producers, cronyism, and nepotism all become the ways of getting things done. Scarce resources have to be allocated somehow, and markets are like weeds in that they will grow in the cracks left by the failures of planning."
From a 1920 essay, brainwashed twit? LOL


The only brainwashed twit here is the one that refuses to discuss a matter civilly and has to resort to abuse in a pathetic attempt to overcome his own inadequacies as he marches to the beat of his progressive masters.



The only people in the US who are brainwashed are those watching and listening to the pander to the rich bought off greedy idiot billionaire drivel on Fox, Rush, Savage, Heritage, the Moonie Times etc etc, dupe. See sig- more fact than you get in a year.


Yeah sure little rich boy. Tell us again how you had to wear hand me down clothes and all those arduous chores you pappy had you do when growing up... Oh wait you didn't. Probably attended an Ivy league college without having to worry about expenses too didn't you?



And? And now you're a total dupe of greedy idiot billionaires and against cheap college and training, for tax cuts for the richest and want everyone to suffer like you?. Brilliant!

I'm not interested in paying higher taxes for more of your social justice programs. You want cheap college, training, health care, etc,..? Then join the military.



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