When did “pro middle class” become extreme far left?

'When did “pro middle class” become extreme far left?'

After Trump and the GOP lost the Midterms.
So Republicans want people depending on them? And they do that by taking away their healthcare and denying them living wage and abolishing laws that protect the environment like cleaner and clean water? Republicans are getting people to depend on them by telling them that education is bad for America? Republicans make people depend on them by threatening to take away their Medicare cutting it by $1 trillion and giving tax breaks to billionaires?

I don’t understand how leaving people with nothing makes the them depend on the Republican Party.
How does that make sense?
You got at least one thing correct. You don't understand. But that is nothing new. Every day there are multiple posts by you full of bullshit and cluelessness on a wide range of subjects. There are a number of forums and threads here that you might do better in like "what are you listening to" and "cheese making".
It’s OK I’m used to being attacked by your kind for telling the truth.

If there weren’t republican policies for me to post, I wouldn’t have anything to talk about. You wouldn’t see me at all.

So how did those tax cuts for billionaires work out?

How did those tariffs work out?

How well has making enemies of all our friends worked out?

How well has that draining the swamp worked out?

How well do you think cutting to Medicare by $1 trillion is going to work out?

Yeah I think Trump should run and all those.

Do you not pay any attention at all to what's going on around you in the world? The tax cuts stimulated the economy and lowered unemployment to record levels for ALL Americans! The tariffs got us better trade deals with Canada, Mexico & Europe. What friends have we made enemies of? Our NATO "allies" that weren't even close to living up to what they'd agreed to spend on defense? Arab nations that take our money and then aid those who want to destroy us? As for Medicare? Do you not grasp that Medicare will be bankrupt shortly unless we address that situation?

People with an unjaundiced view of what Trump has accomplished since becoming President realize that he's one of the few Presidents we've had in a long, long time that is willing to address issues like immigration, bad trade deals and healthcare. Barack Obama never did any of those things. He didn't fix immigration like he promised repeatedly to do. He signed some of the worst agreements the US has ever gotten into. He gave us the Affordable Care Act which was designed by those who wrote the law...to fail!

Trump hasn't fixed anything with immigration though. There is still no comprehensive immigration reform one way or the other. He isn't doing anything but arbitrarily going the other way from Obama using the naked powers of the presidency. I think both parties are jerking immigrants around. They should settle some of these issues once and for all, one way or the other, in Congress. Strip away the POTUS's power to decide enforcement. Stop kicking the can down the road.
I'm going to have to disagree with you here on immigration. What Trump is attempting to do is to get the pussies in Congress to grow a set and do their job for a change. For the past 30 years or more, administrations and Conresses led by both sides have done zero for immigration reform. They talk the talk, but its designed to demonize the other side and throw a little red meat to their base to get votes. There is no intention whatsoever on either side to resolve the issue. By introducing an elephant in the room, Trump is making them do one of two things. Show their true colors or forcing them to stand up and do their job.

You disagree by restating everything substantive I said? Showing their true colors isn't getting anything done. It is theatrics.
When did “pro middle class” become extreme far left?

We know what Republicans believe. Remember when mitt Romney said corporations are people my friend? Republicans see corporations as the only people. To me, that’s extreme far right.

Look at what Democrats are for. Healthcare, narrowing the wage gap, higher wages, jobs and education. And of course the environment.

What are Republicans for? We’ll let some of these people in the USMB explain that.

I want somebody younger who has kids. Because they want this world to be a better place for their kids.

Republicans seem to want the country to be a better place for billionaires and they don’t really care about anybody else. At least that’s what their policies show us.

Both parties want you to be dependent upon them. No more, no less.
So Republicans want people depending on them? And they do that by taking away their healthcare and denying them living wage and abolishing laws that protect the environment like cleaner and clean water? Republicans are getting people to depend on them by telling them that education is bad for America? Republicans make people depend on them by threatening to take away their Medicare cutting it by $1 trillion and giving tax breaks to billionaires?

I don’t understand how leaving people with nothing makes the them depend on the Republican Party.
How does that make sense?
You got at least one thing correct. You don't understand. But that is nothing new. Every day there are multiple posts by you full of bullshit and cluelessness on a wide range of subjects. There are a number of forums and threads here that you might do better in like "what are you listening to" and "cheese making".
It’s OK I’m used to being attacked by your kind for telling the truth.

If there weren’t republican policies for me to post, I wouldn’t have anything to talk about. You wouldn’t see me at all.

So how did those tax cuts for billionaires work out?

How did those tariffs work out?

How well has making enemies of all our friends worked out?

How well has that draining the swamp worked out?

How well do you think cutting to Medicare by $1 trillion is going to work out?

Yeah I think Trump should run and all those.

Do you not pay any attention at all to what's going on around you in the world? The tax cuts stimulated the economy and lowered unemployment to record levels for ALL Americans! The tariffs got us better trade deals with Canada, Mexico & Europe. What friends have we made enemies of? Our NATO "allies" that weren't even close to living up to what they'd agreed to spend on defense? Arab nations that take our money and then aid those who want to destroy us? As for Medicare? Do you not grasp that Medicare will be bankrupt shortly unless we address that situation?

People with an unjaundiced view of what Trump has accomplished since becoming President realize that he's one of the few Presidents we've had in a long, long time that is willing to address issues like immigration, bad trade deals and healthcare. Barack Obama never did any of those things. He didn't fix immigration like he promised repeatedly to do. He signed some of the worst agreements the US has ever gotten into. He gave us the Affordable Care Act which was designed by those who wrote the law...to fail!
Of course Medicare is going to be bankrupt when you take $1 trillion out of it. Duh!
Both parties want you to be dependent upon them. No more, no less.
So Republicans want people depending on them? And they do that by taking away their healthcare and denying them living wage and abolishing laws that protect the environment like cleaner and clean water? Republicans are getting people to depend on them by telling them that education is bad for America? Republicans make people depend on them by threatening to take away their Medicare cutting it by $1 trillion and giving tax breaks to billionaires?

I don’t understand how leaving people with nothing makes the them depend on the Republican Party.
How does that make sense?
You got at least one thing correct. You don't understand. But that is nothing new. Every day there are multiple posts by you full of bullshit and cluelessness on a wide range of subjects. There are a number of forums and threads here that you might do better in like "what are you listening to" and "cheese making".
It’s OK I’m used to being attacked by your kind for telling the truth.

If there weren’t republican policies for me to post, I wouldn’t have anything to talk about. You wouldn’t see me at all.

So how did those tax cuts for billionaires work out?

How did those tariffs work out?

How well has making enemies of all our friends worked out?

How well has that draining the swamp worked out?

How well do you think cutting to Medicare by $1 trillion is going to work out?

Yeah I think Trump should run and all those.

Do you not pay any attention at all to what's going on around you in the world? The tax cuts stimulated the economy and lowered unemployment to record levels for ALL Americans! The tariffs got us better trade deals with Canada, Mexico & Europe. What friends have we made enemies of? Our NATO "allies" that weren't even close to living up to what they'd agreed to spend on defense? Arab nations that take our money and then aid those who want to destroy us? As for Medicare? Do you not grasp that Medicare will be bankrupt shortly unless we address that situation?

People with an unjaundiced view of what Trump has accomplished since becoming President realize that he's one of the few Presidents we've had in a long, long time that is willing to address issues like immigration, bad trade deals and healthcare. Barack Obama never did any of those things. He didn't fix immigration like he promised repeatedly to do. He signed some of the worst agreements the US has ever gotten into. He gave us the Affordable Care Act which was designed by those who wrote the law...to fail!
Of course Medicare is going to be bankrupt when you take $1 trillion out of it. Duh!

didnt the democrats do that???

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