When Did This Become "Trump's America?"


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
It's funny as I read daily news and read here the odd trends I see.
  • When the economy was doing very well, and Cons celebrated the great job Trump was doing, Progs reminded us it really wasn't Trump's economy at all but merely a continuation of Obama's!
  • This Spring when the whole Covid thing started, Trump tried to lead and institute a national plan for reopening the economy around Easter Sunday but all the Democrat governors all had a conniption saying these were STATE decisions, not within the purview of Trump or the Fed. They would oversee localized plans.
  • When States called for longer and deeper shutdowns, Trump warned that this was not just a health issue but an economic and social one as well, and health or not, remaining shutdown too long too hard would have serious backlash and repercussions but the governors and democrats just laughed. "It's not your decision!" they told him.
  • Protests began to follow, escalating into riots and violence with many dead, yet the Democrats pulled back in support, bashing Trump for getting involved to stop them, arresting people for taking down BLM signs, even painting it in giant 14 foot letters promoting it as a good and necessary social event.
  • But now that the election is upon us, the rioting has grown way out of control, many people have been harmed, crime is way up, the economy is way down, and public opinion has turned very sour, somehow now the Democrats have swung back full circle to this being "Trump's America" all over again! They are repeating it everywhere how this is TRUMP'S America despite Covid not going well anywhere, and the economy and riots being largely a thing of THEIR creation!


It's funny as I read daily news and read here the odd trends I see.
  • When the economy was doing very well, and Cons celebrated the great job Trump was doing, Progs reminded us it really wasn't Trump's economy at all but merely a continuation of Obama's!
^ I had to stop right there, because Donald Trump is the 2nd President without 3% annual GDP growth. And also he lowered unemployment about 1% while Obama did by 6%.

It’s trump’s America when creepy democrats make bad things happen. Like extended shutdowns for the purpose of undermining the economy and Marxist riots rooted in protests against non-existent grievances.
When the economy thrives as a result of cheap oil in spite of Obama’s objections to fracking, democrats called that ‘Obama’s economy‘.
It’s all about the sleazy democrat narrative.
It's funny as I read daily news and read here the odd trends I see.
  • When the economy was doing very well, and Cons celebrated the great job Trump was doing, Progs reminded us it really wasn't Trump's economy at all but merely a continuation of Obama's!
^ I had to stop right there, because Donald Trump is the 2nd President without 3% annual GDP growth. And also he lowered unemployment about 1% while Obama did by 6%.

We believe what we want. The government has slowly gotten rid of charts and mechanisms that detail the real growth and the real inflation and the real money supply over the years. That is because we would know that something is wrong. The real amount of this false fiat currency should be just a little bit more then our GNP. It is massively more now. And has been. Just that alone harbors are decline.
THE NEW FALSE DNC NARRATIVE: That Trump is escalating / encouraging / feeding the violence because it benefits him.

BASIS FOR CLAIM: Some Republicans say that the violence and rioting is helping Trump's campaign.

That is true, but because it has been supported by and rationalized by the Democrats, first as a social justice movement, facilitating CHAZ/CHAD, tearing down statues, graffiti, BLM, etc., except now, it has gone so far and gotten so far out of hand that even initial supporters are backing off.

But Democrats are now painted in a corner: if they condemn the riots and start clamping down on the protesting, they are in effect admitting Trump was right and supporting his position.

Sucks to be progressive.
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It's funny as I read daily news and read here the odd trends I see.
  • When the economy was doing very well, and Cons celebrated the great job Trump was doing, Progs reminded us it really wasn't Trump's economy at all but merely a continuation of Obama's!
  • This Spring when the whole Covid thing started, Trump tried to lead and institute a national plan for reopening the economy around Easter Sunday but all the Democrat governors all had a conniption saying these were STATE decisions, not within the purview of Trump or the Fed. They would oversee localized plans.
  • When States called for longer and deeper shutdowns, Trump warned that this was not just a health issue but an economic and social one as well, and health or not, remaining shutdown too long too hard would have serious backlash and repercussions but the governors and democrats just laughed. "It's not your decision!" they told him.
  • Protests began to follow, escalating into riots and violence with many dead, yet the Democrats pulled back in support, bashing Trump for getting involved to stop them, arresting people for taking down BLM signs, even painting it in giant 14 foot letters promoting it as a good and necessary social event.
  • But now that the election is upon us, the rioting has grown way out of control, many people have been harmed, crime is way up, the economy is way down, and public opinion has turned very sour, somehow now the Democrats have swung back full circle to this being "Trump's America" all over again! They are repeating it everywhere how this is TRUMP'S America despite Covid not going well anywhere, and the economy and riots being largely a thing of THEIR creation!

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First it was Covid and now it's the rioters. Democrat Mayors and Governors have tied the hands of their own Police forces and emboldened rioters. Now that the rioting is affecting their poll numbers, their strategy is to claim that the President trying to STOP the violence is to blame FOR the violence. :umno: .
That strategy too will fail.
It's Trump' s America because he is president, and instead of acting presidential by putting out fires, he fuels the fire with his forked tongue rhetoric, or complete silence when it benefits him, personally.

He is an instigator of even more trouble.... not a nano drop of leadership in him.... :(
It's Trump' s America because he is president
So in 5 months when Joe is in office and unemployment is 20%, there 250,000 dead of Covid and there are riots and burning in every city with police marching in every street, it'll be Biden's America.

and instead of acting presidential by putting out fires, he fuels the fire
You must mean like when Obama fueled the fires attacking the police, inciting city-wide riots in two cities and promoting racial tension and hatred. Not an ounce of leadership in him.

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