When do white males become men?

Lochte is 32. At what age do whites become men?


trashing a bathroom versus strong arm robbery? why would anyone even begin to make comparisons to Michael brown?

Age and action both start with "a" so I'll let you slide...I'm talking about his age. Go!

I know that, I am talking about what they actually did. In any event so what? calling a young black boy a man instead of a boy should be a compliment, only in todays world is it racism

Not defending Lochte, but I fail to see the parallel
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.

Boo Hoo...blacks get killed and this fag escapes and leaves his boys with the bag. Such unfair :crybaby:
I hope the dipshit gets barred from competing. But that doesn't mean you should jump on the race bandwagon. But you are a racist, so its expected I guess.. :dunno:

Why not. My folks are being gunned down behind it. I think thats a good reason to bring it up since I like having a heartbeat
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.

Boo Hoo...blacks get killed and this fag escapes and leaves his boys with the bag. Such unfair :crybaby:

exactly, the situations are not comparable, so why are you doing it?

AGE not SITUATIONS. Got it this time or do you need me to type it in your next reply again?
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.
They're young, brimming with undeserved, heaven endowed talent, coddled, showered with praise, and even have their own agents and press coordinators. Lots of very young athletes in professional sports let it all get to their heads and do stupid stuff.

And most of them aren't white.
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.

Boo Hoo...blacks get killed and this fag escapes and leaves his boys with the bag. Such unfair :crybaby:

exactly, the situations are not comparable, so why are you doing it?

AGE not SITUATIONS. Got it this time or do you need me to type it in your next reply again?

I said I get it, jeez, the situation matters, that is my point. Lots of old people do immature things but we let it go because it doesn't involve real robbery or killing. Your comparison is not justified
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.

Boo Hoo...blacks get killed and this fag escapes and leaves his boys with the bag. Such unfair :crybaby:
I hope the dipshit gets barred from competing. But that doesn't mean you should jump on the race bandwagon. But you are a racist, so its expected I guess.. :dunno:

Why not. My folks are being gunned down behind it. I think thats a good reason to bring it up since I like having a heartbeat
Your folks are being gunned down in Rio? Wow! Did you call obummer?
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.

Boo Hoo...blacks get killed and this fag escapes and leaves his boys with the bag. Such unfair :crybaby:

exactly, the situations are not comparable, so why are you doing it?

AGE not SITUATIONS. Got it this time or do you need me to type it in your next reply again?

I said I get it, jeez, the situation matters, that is my point. Lots of old people do immature things but we let it go because it doesn't involve real robbery or killing. Your comparison is not justified

Yes, the comparison is justified. No one is saying hes a kid because he vandalized the place they are calling him a fucking kid because they're downplaying his responsibility because how could a 32 year old man ever ever ever be described as a kid unless he wears a helmet all day?
"boys will be boys" is bullshit. Those entitled little pricks are just irresponsible assholes.
But thanks for being a race baiter, asswipe.

Boo Hoo...blacks get killed and this fag escapes and leaves his boys with the bag. Such unfair :crybaby:
I hope the dipshit gets barred from competing. But that doesn't mean you should jump on the race bandwagon. But you are a racist, so its expected I guess.. :dunno:

Why not. My folks are being gunned down behind it. I think thats a good reason to bring it up since I like having a heartbeat
Your folks are being gunned down in Rio? Wow! Did you call obummer?

Who said in Rio? Are you lost again?
Lochte is 32. At what age do whites become men?
Why does everything have to be about race to you?

Sorry, its on my skin and you dont care about the unfair comparisons at all because you have the luxury of not being confronted by it. Must be nice.

You dont think that there are spoilt rich black kids out there too?

You are such a fucking racist it just defies description.

Waaaaa! Just imagine if you're tired of hearing about it....How tired would you be if you had to experience it?

You're typing like hell just from me bringing it up. If you had to deal with racism you'd post threads all day lol
Race card alert.

Speechless alarm

It must suck to be black, you cry about it every day. Waaaaaaaaa!

McCarthyism alert!

Turns out McCarthy was right about a lot of things. Don't let that get in your way.

Of course he was...he wore his shoes on the right feet! If "was right on a lot" is the sum total of your contribution...you can leave now

So you are a straight up idiot. Thanks for letting me know.

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