When does Biden accept responsibility for COVID

CNN, which has the ability to be viewed all over the world, is not my source. Open your eyes and get off Fox News, whose journalists are quitting because of Fox's phony ism.
I don't have cable, hardly watch TV. I'm more informed than you.
The question that should be asked, aside from the politics of vaccination, how long would natural immunity take, and if so how many would die in the process? Then one should ask what are the actual fatality numbers of those with preexisting conditions versus healthy. Then why is it that children, young adults, healthy, and those with type O blood type seem to escape the harmful effects of Wuhan? Then the final question, what are the actual long term health consequences of jabbing everyone in an attempt to eradicate a virus which man has yet too ever accomplish, we can control outbreaks to a degree but never truly eradicate viruses.
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Which mess was that?
The many times trump denied the seriousness of COVID. Just look at the Doctors' embarrassment as he lied his Fat Ass off..


False pretense displayed in chronological order by a PROG who thinks like a PROG.

Get vaccinated. WTF for?

My freedom to choose not to, and we're still on first base, WTF for? Freedom comes in handy to recognize what the left has tapped into.

Fascism. I mentioned the cartoon was written by a PROG who thinks in PROG. It's PROGS who throw the pitch fascism so loosly and often. You know, Trump was fascist because? Shots are fascist? I suppose a person can make a case for it, but from here it's these actions are by the one-world order quasi-communist elite. Put that in a cartoon with strings on Biden's head for something worth while. Probably closer to authoritarian and/or totalitarian.

My base hates it? Completely written in PROG, what awesome projection. It's PROGS who are so dependent & want to be popular, that's a small part of the point.

Govt. overreach. Fuck yeah since day one. The reality is Biden is bungling everything short of special interests. That cartoon is an elephant laughing at leftists because they blame(d) Trump for COVID deaths demonstrating how absurd left thinking is, because now there's more blood on Biden's hands.

"Can't fix the ecomoney until you fix the COVID", and wear a mask Biden. Biden must be a genius.

Authoritarian: favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. What's interesting is Biden has often tried to pull off authoritarian when the courts told him to fuck off, read the constitution for starts.

Totalitarian: form of government that permits no individual freedom and seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state. As Demonicrats they have to practice authoritarian before they can pull off complete totalitarian.
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False pretense displayed in chronological order by a PROG who thinks like a PROG.

Get vaccinated. WTF for?

My freedom to choose not to, and we're still on first base, WTF for? Freedom comes in handy to recognize what the left has tapped into.

Fascism. I mentioned the cartoon was written by a PROG who thinks in PROG. It's PROGS who throw the pitch fascism so loosly and often. You know, Trump was fascist because? Shots are fascist? I suppose a person can make a case for it, but from here it's these actions are by the one-world order quasi-communist elite. Put that in a cartoon with strings on Biden's head for something worth while. Probably closer to authoritarian and/or totalitarian.

My base hates it? Completely written in PROG, what awesome projection. It's PROGS who are so dependent & want to be popular, that's a small part of the point.

Govt. overreach. Fuck yeah since day one. The reality is Biden is bungling everything short of special interests. That cartoon is an elephant laughing at leftists because they blame(d) Trump for COVID deaths demonstrating how absurd left thinking is, because now there's more blood on Biden's hands.

"Can't fix the ecomoney until you fix the COVID", and wear a mask Biden. Biden must be a genius.

Authoritarian: favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. What's interesting is Biden has often tried to pull off authoritarian when the courts told him to fuck off, read the constitution for starts.

Totalitarian: form of government that permits no individual freedom and seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state. As Demonicrats they have to practice authoritarian before they can pull off complete totalitarian.
get vaccinated for what reason?
maybe to keep out of the hospital and-or dying.

The Party of Personal Responsibility just loves to blame others for the consequences of their own actions.
Remember how it was a big deal to Democrats that Trump wouldn't take responsibility for COVID :auiqs.jpg:

Well, more cases and deaths have occurred on Biden's watch. If not now very soon. So I'm wondering, when does their guy take responsibility?

DOW dropped over 900 points so far today

Neither Trump nor Biden create covid. What exactly are they supposed to take responsibility for? I don’t follow.
It's not Biden's fault that you anti science jerkoffs won't take "the jab" as you idiots like to call it.
Neither Trump nor Biden create covid. What exactly are they supposed to take responsibility for? I don’t follow.
Xiden should take responsibly for completely screwing up the policies in place that were combating the spread

It’s xiden’s pandemic
it was Trump who did that

Nah, we were still holding Trump responsible for world events when he was President...not passing the buck like we are now....with a President that has also been held in contempt of the United Kingdom

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