When does Biden accept responsibility for COVID

The Xiden pandemic is much more then just his complete mishandling of the Chinese virus…the pandemic that he refuses to take responsibly for is his entire admin

Covid had spread like wildfire BEFORE Biden ever took office.. 500,000 dead.. Obama/Biden used the 2005 Pandemic Handbook to stop the Zika and Ebola virus in its tracks.. Trump threw out the handbook.

How could you let Trump make such a fool of you?
Remember how it was a big deal to Democrats that Trump wouldn't take responsibility for COVID :auiqs.jpg:

Well, more cases and deaths have occurred on Biden's watch. If not now very soon. So I'm wondering, when does their guy take responsibility?

DOW dropped over 900 points so far today
Yes, more deaths thanks to the unvaccinated Trump Cult members. President Biden asked them to get vaccinated, but they said "No, our loyalty is to Trump, and we are ready to die for him and his Covid 19 disease."
Covid had spread like wildfire BEFORE Biden ever took office.. 500,000 dead.. Obama/Biden used the 2005 Pandemic Handbook to stop the Zika and Ebola virus in its tracks.. Trump threw out the handbook.

How could you let Trump make such a fool of you?
hahaha he didn’t stop zika and ebola! hahaha
Yes, more deaths thanks to the unvaccinated Trump Cult members. President Biden asked them to get vaccinated, but they said "No, our loyalty is to Trump, and we are ready to die for him and his Covid 19 disease."

Damn fools..

Trump claimed they had covid tests three years erlier when Obama was president.

Covid had spread like wildfire BEFORE Biden ever took office.. 500,000 dead.. Obama/Biden used the 2005 Pandemic Handbook to stop the Zika and Ebola virus in its tracks.. Trump threw out the handbook.

How could you let Trump make such a fool of you?

Say surada, it's very clear you're a simple-minded person, perhaps 3rd grade level, so it's easy to see why you think all diseases are the same.

Since Trump was supposed to do something you cannot describe of which Biden is ill-prepared to do, can you explain to everyone how Trump fucked this up so badly that COVID impacted all countries the same? You do know Trump was U.S. President right, does he run Peru too?

Since we're talking apples and apples now, why did ALL countries use the 2005 pandemic handbook to stop Zika & Ebola, but all countries threw out said handbook for COVID?
Damn fools..

Trump claimed they had covid tests three years erlier when Obama was president.

i don’t see where he said they stopped covid testing

he was referring to how the obama/xiden admin stopped testing during the swine flu outbreak…which they did, as soon as the WHO declared it a pandemic
Damn fools..

Trump claimed they had covid tests three years erlier when Obama was president.

You wrote that Trump blamed Obummer because they stopped covid19 testing three years earlier, when in fact he said they stopped testing, period. Truth is Trump was exaggerating the truth.
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Conservatives are doing everything they can to prolong the pandemic for some perceived partisan gain – the right’s unwarranted opposition to vaccinations and wearing masks being two prime examples.
When does a democrat accept responsibility for anything?
Never. But in this case, I can't blame Biden. He's a truly awful president, but the virus is all over the world killing millions, so it's just not the fault of any human. It's airborne and we have to breathe, so that's that. A doom.

Not the first time.

Or the umteenth. I've studied epidemics a lot of years, but somehow I never thought I'd actually have to live through one! A failure of imagination, obviously.
Trump's wisdom didn't stop you from buying a year's supply of TP did it?
It wasn't a whole YEAR!!

Well, not of the Ultra-Soft, anyway --- we already had some of the Strong. Those big-box warehouse stores are great in an epidemic, at least till they run out.

Now we bought another year worth ---- here it comes again.
It wasn't a whole YEAR!!

Well, not of the Ultra-Soft, anyway --- we already had some of the Strong. Those big-box warehouse stores are great in an epidemic, at least till they run out.

Now we bought another year worth ---- here it comes again.

I know what you mean, though I have three rolls of two ply pampering left and look forward to back to basics, which is a two year supply of Scotts
Conservatives are doing everything they can to prolong the pandemic for some perceived partisan gain – the right’s unwarranted opposition to vaccinations and wearing masks being two prime examples.
Hey, moron! Opposition to the vaccine and wearing masks will do away with the virus? Are you aware that the vaccine does not prevent infection nor spread? If you are aware, please explain the logic of how not masking or vaccinating prolongs the pandemic. Vaccinated people are infected and spread the virus the same as unvaccinated people. Do you not see the fallacy of your logic? OTOH, Fauci funded and researched a bio weapon in China during the Obama administration that was unleashed on the world to promote a globalist agenda that the democrats hope to have a leadership role. The timing coincided with a national election. Here we are, two years later, same time line leading up to the mid terms and the DNC figures that after two years of dismantling the US, the populace is going to fall for the bullshit DNC pandemic garbage again. I think not.

The answer is clear.
Another lie from Moonie. Trump was NOT responsible for Covid. That was your pals Fauci and the Chinese. Xiden has done nothing but lie (there were no vaccines and no plan) and blame Trump for HIS fuckup. More deaths on Xiden’s watch that he doesn’t take responsibility for,
The stock market is oversold to begin with, a drop was in the cards, and any excuse will do.
Biden can certainly take responsibility when the tump kumquats complete the vaccination process, because they are responsible for the clog of covid cases permeating our country. Tump, of course,
never took responsibility for his role, and that didn't seem to annoy you.
Go tell the inner city blacks and other minorities that moron. They’re the ones who don’t want the jab. But they vote Dem so that doesn’t bother you.
Well, Trump tried to blame Covid on Obama whining that Obama hadn't left him any covid tests... Moron didn't think that there was no covid until 3 years after he took office. How can you overlook such idiocy?
The Obama admin and Fauci were funding the virus in 2014 moron. Please keep up. The whole scamdemic was planned by the democrats with a globalist agenda. That organisation - the US-based EcoHealth Alliance - was awarded a grant in 2014 to look into possible coronaviruses from bats. Coronavirus: Was US money used to fund risky research in China?
Go tell the inner city blacks and other minorities that moron. They’re the ones who don’t want the jab. But they vote Dem so that doesn’t bother you.
Yo kumquat. It is your ilk on this post who say that the vaccine is a hoax, and they are typical of the righties who are avoiding the shots.
Look at the countries that almost the entire population is vaccinated. Then get back to me and look at a source other than cnn.
CNN, which has the ability to be viewed all over the world, is not my source. Open your eyes and get off Fox News, whose journalists are quitting because of Fox's phony ism.
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